• Anomalous diffusion in systems with concentration-dependent diffusivity: exact solutions and particle simulations 

      Hansen, Alex; Flekkøy, Eirik Grude; Baldelli, Beatrice (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      We explore the anomalous diffusion that may arise as a result of a concentration dependent diffusivity. The diffusivity is taken to be a power law in the concentration, and from exact analytical solutions we show that the ...
    • Burst Dynamics, Upscaling and Dissipation of Slow Drainage in Porous Media 

      Måløy, Knut Jørgen; Moura, Marcel; Hansen, Alex; Flekkøy, Eirik Grude; Toussaint, Renaud (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      We present a theoretical and experimental investigation of drainage in porous media. The study is limited to stabilized fluid fronts at moderate injection rates, but it takes into account capillary, viscous, and gravitational ...
    • Capillary washboarding during slow drainage of a frictional fluid 

      Thorens, Louison; Måløy, Knut Jørgen; Flekkøy, Eirik Grude; Sandnes, Bjørnar; Bourgoin, Mickaël; Santucci, Stephane F A (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Numerous natural and industrial processes involve the mixed displacement of liquids, gases and granular materials through confining structures. However, understanding such three-phase flows remains a formidable challenge, ...
    • Clay alignment in electric fields 

      Castberg, Rene; Rozynek, Zbigniew; Fossum, Jon Otto; Måløy, Knut Jørgen; Dommersnes, Paul; Flekkøy, Eirik Grude (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      The response of rotational alignment of lithium fluorohectorite (Li-Fh) to an external electric field has been studied by employing image analysis. Large aggregates consisting of many single clay particles were prepared ...
    • Color-gradient-based phase-field equation for multiphase flow 

      Haghanihasanabadi, Reza; Gahrooei, Hamidreza Erfani; McClure, James E.; Flekkøy, Eirik Grude; Berg, Carl Fredrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      In this paper, the underlying problem with the color-gradient (CG) method in handling density-contrast fluids is explored. It is shown that the CG method is not fluid invariant. Based on nondimensionalizing the CG method, ...
    • Film flow dominated simultaneous flow of two viscous incompressible fluids through a porous medium 

      Aursjø, Olav; Erpelding, Marion; Tallakstad, Ken Tore; Flekkøy, Eirik Grude; Hansen, Alex; Måløy, Knut Jørgen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-11-19)
      We present an experimental study of two-phase flow in a quasi-two-dimensional porous medium. The two phases, a water-glycerol solution and a commercial food grade rapeseed/canola oil, having an oil to water-glycerol viscosity ...
    • Frictional fluid instabilities shaped by viscous forces 

      Zhang, Dawang; Campbell, James; Eriksen, Jon Alm; Flekkøy, Eirik Grude; Måløy, Knut Jørgen; MacMinn, Christopher W.; Sandnes, Bjørnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Multiphase flows involving granular materials are complex and prone to pattern formation caused by competing mechanical and hydrodynamic interactions. Here we study the interplay between granular bulldozing and the stabilising ...
    • Hyperballistic Superdiffusion and Explosive Solutions to the Non-Linear Diffusion Equation 

      Flekkøy, Eirik Grude; Hansen, Alex; Baldelli, Beatrice (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      By means of a particle model that includes interactions only via the local particle concentration, we show that hyperballistic diffusion may result. This is done by finding the exact solution of the corresponding non-linear ...
    • The nasal cavity of the bearded seal: An effective and robust organ for retaining body heat and water 

      Cheon, Hyejeong Lee; Kizilova, Nataliya; Flekkøy, Eirik Grude; Mason, Matthew J.; Folkow, Lars; Kjelstrup, Signe (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      We report the effects of varying physiological and other properties on the heat and water exchange in the maxilloturbinate structure (MT) of the bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus or Eb) in realistic environments, using a ...
    • The nasal cavity of the bearded seal: An effective and robust organ for retaining body heat and water 

      Cheon, Hyejeong; Kizilova, Nataliya; Flekkøy, Eirik Grude; Mason, Matthew J.; Folkow, Lars; Kjelstrup, Signe (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      We report the effects of varying physiological and other properties on the heat and water exchange in the maxilloturbinate structure (MT) of the bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus or Eb) in realistic environments, using a ...
    • Rheology of high-capillary number two-phase flow in porous media 

      Sinha, Santanu; Gjennestad, Magnus Aashammer; Vassvik, Morten; Winkler, Mathias; Hansen, Alex; Flekkøy, Eirik Grude (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Flow of immiscible fluids in porous media at high capillary numbers may be characterized by an effective viscosity. We demonstrate that the effective viscosity is well-described by the Lichtenecker-Rother equation. Depending ...
    • Seeking minimum entropy production for a tree-like flow-field in a fuel cell 

      Sauermoser, Marco; Kjelstrup, Signe; Kizilova, Nataliya; Pollet, Bruno; Flekkøy, Eirik Grude (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Common for tree-shaped, space-filling flow-field plates in polymer electrolyte fuel cells is their ability to distribute reactants uniformly across the membrane area, thereby avoiding excess concentration polarization or ...
    • Shape of a frictional fluid finger 

      Flekkøy, Eirik Grude; Sandnes, Bjørnar; Måløy, Knut Jørgen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Frictional fluid dynamics describes the displacement patterns that arise when a confined mixture of liquid and grains are displaced by an immiscible fluid under pressures that are too small to cause drainage into single ...
    • A simplified pore-scale model for slow drainage including film-flow effects 

      Kozlowski Pitombeira Reis, Paula; Moura, Marcel; Linga, Gaute; Rikvold, Per Arne; Toussaint, Renaud; Flekkøy, Eirik Grude; Måløy, Knut Jørgen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Liquid-filled corners and capillary bridges can establish networks connecting seemingly isolated clusters during drainage in porous media. Coupled with drainage through the bulk of pores and throats, the flow through these ...
    • A statistical mechanics framework for immiscible and incompressible two-phase flow in porous media 

      Hansen, Alex; Flekkøy, Eirik Grude; Sinha, Santanu; Slotte, Per Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      We construct a statistical mechanics for immiscible and incompressible two-phase flow in porous media under local steady-state conditions based on the Jaynes maximum entropy principle. A cluster entropy is assigned to our ...
    • Structure-function relationships in the nasal cavity of Arctic and subtropical seals 

      Cheon, Hyejeong; Kjelstrup, Signe; Kizilova, Nataliya; Flekkøy, Eirik Grude; Mason, Matthew J.; Folkow, Lars (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The heating and moistening of inhaled air, and the cooling and moisture removal from exhaled air, are crucial for the survival of animals under severe environmental conditions. Arctic mammals have evolved specific adaptive ...
    • Thermal modeling of the respiratory turbinates in arctic and subtropical seals 

      Flekkøy, Eirik Grude; Folkow, Lars; Kjelstrup, Signe; Mason, Matthew J.; Wilhelmsen, Øivind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Mammals possess complex structures in their nasal cavities known as respiratory turbinate bones, which help the animal to conserve body heat and water during respiratory gas exchange. We considered the function of the ...