Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Ekroll, Ingvild Kinn"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Combined 2-D Vector imaging and Tracking Doppler for improved vascular blood velocity quantification
Avdal, Jørgen; Løvstakken, Lasse; Torp, Hans; Ekroll, Ingvild Kinn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Measurement of the maximum blood flow velocity is the primary means for determining the degree of carotid stenosis using ultrasound. The current standard for estimating the maximum velocity is Pulsed Wave (PW) Doppler with ... -
Data Adaptive 2-D Tracking Doppler for High-Resolution Spectral Estimation
Karabiyik, Yücel; Avdal, Jørgen; Ekroll, Ingvild Kinn; Fiorentini, Stefano; Torp, Hans; Løvstakken, Lasse (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Spectral broadening in pulsed-wave Doppler caused by the transit-time effect deteriorates the frequency resolution and may cause overestimation of maximum velocities in high-velocity blood flow regions and for large ... -
Effect of Ultrafast Imaging on Shear Wave Visualization and Characterization: An Experimental and Computational Study in a Pediatric Ventricular Model
Caenen, Annette; Pernot, Mathieu; Ekroll, Ingvild Kinn; Shcherbakova, Darya; Mertens, Luc; Swillens, Abigail Emily; Segers, Patrick (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Plane wave imaging in Shear Wave Elastography (SWE) captures shear wave propagation in real-time at ultrafast frame rates. To assess the capability of this technique in accurately visualizing the underlying shear wave ... -
FLUST: A fast, open source framework for ultrasound blood flow simulations
Ekroll, Ingvild Kinn; Saris, Anne E.C.M; Avdal, Jørgen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background and objective:Ultrasound based blood velocity estimation is a continuously developing frontier, where the vast number of possible acquisition setups and velocity estimators makes it challenging to assess which ... -
Light induced cell death in the cancer cell line AY-27:Modes of cell death after red light hexaminolevulinate photodynamic therapy and effects of fractionated light delivery
Ekroll, Ingvild Kinn (Master thesis, 2009) -
Quantitative Doppler analysis using color flow imaging and adaptive signal processing
Karabiyik, Yücel (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:227, Doctoral thesis, 2017)Kvantitative Doppler-m˚alinger fra farge-Doppler ved bruk av adaptiv signalprosessering Medisinsk ultralyd er et viktig verktøy i obstetrikk for ˚a vurdere mors helse og fosterets utvikling gjennom svangerskapet. ... -
Retrospective Transmit beamforming and Coherent Plane-Wave Compounding for Microvascular Doppler Imaging: A Comparison Study
Golfetto, Cristiana; Ekroll, Ingvild Kinn; Torp, Hans; Løvstakken, Lasse; Avdal, Jørgen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Imaging blood flow in small vessels is of great clinical value for evaluating increased vascularization, potentially related to angiogenesis in cancer or inflammation processes in musculoskeletal disease. Using a traditional ... -
Tapered Vector Doppler for Improved Quantification of Low Velocity Blood Flow
Ekroll, Ingvild Kinn; Perrot, Vincent; Liebgott, Herve; Avdal, Jørgen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)A new vector velocity estimation scheme is developed, termed Tapered Vector Doppler (TVD), aiming to improve the accuracy of low velocity flow estimation. This is done by assessing the effects of Singular Value Decompostion ... -
Ultrasound imaging of blood flow based on high frame rate acquisition and adaptive signal processing
Ekroll, Ingvild Kinn (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:54, Doctoral thesis, 2013)Ultrasound imaging of blood flow is in widespread use for assessment of atherosclerotic disease. Imaging of the carotid arteries is of special interest, as blood clots from atherosclerotic plaques may follow the blood ...