Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Dyrstad, Karin"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
A quantitative study on the moderating role of ethnic group change in the refugee population for refugee-hosting communities' social trust in Uganda, Tanzania, and, Zambia
Schjølberg, Nyheim, Patrick (Master thesis, 2023)Sammendrag Effekten flyktninger har på sosial tillit i afrikanske vertssamfunn er understudert. Mekanismene for forholdet beror hovedsakelig på studier av europeiske land (Dinesen & Sønderskov, 2015; Jeannet, 2020; McLaren, ... -
Between punishment and impunity: Public support for reactions against perpetrators in Guatemala, Nepal and Northern Ireland
Dyrstad, Karin; Binningsbø, Helga Malmin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)A recent development within the study of transitional justice (TJ) has been a move from formal institutions and their effectiveness to an emerging victim-centred approach to TJ mechanisms. This shift makes it more salient ... -
Big data meets open political science: an empirical assessment of transparency standards 2008–2019
Dyrstad, Karin; Moses, Jonathon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Over the last decade, the field of political science has been exposed to two concomitant developments: a surge of Big Data (BD) and a growing demand for transparency. To date, however, we do not know the extent to which ... -
Civil War and the Transformation of Values
Dyrstad, Karin (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2012:132, Doctoral thesis, 2012)Democracy has proved to be especially hard to achieve and consolidate in divided societies in general, and in post-conflict societies in particular. Many countries that have recently experience intrastate war decay into ... -
Combining survey data, GIS and qualitative interviews in the analysis of health service access for persons with disabilities
Eide, Arne H.; Dyrstad, Karin; Munthali, Alister; Van Rooy, Gert; Braathen, Stine Hellum; Halvorsen, Thomas; Persendt, Frans; Mvula, Peter; Rød, Jan Ketil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background Equitable access to health services is a key ingredient in reaching health for persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups. So far, research on access to health services in low- and middle-income ... -
Evaluering av Oslo kommnes kriteriesystem
Halvorsen, Thomas; Nyhus, Ole Henning; Haraldsvik, Marianne; Dyrstad, Karin; Mandal, Roland; Borge, Lars-Erik (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2015) -
Explaining Support for Political Violence: Grievance and Perceived Opportunity
Dyrstad, Karin; Hillesund, Solveig (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)What explains support for violence against the state? The surge in survey-based studies in (former) conflict areas has improved our understanding of the determinants of armed conflict. Yet, the potential interaction between ... -
Female Political Empowerment in Post-Conflict Societies
Hasfjord, Maren Aagård (Master thesis, 2022)Borgerkrig skaper store fysisk og psykiske påkjenninger for innbyggerne. Likevel kan en borgerkrig åpne nye muligheter for de kvinnelige innbyggerne til å mobilisere seg til nye roller de i utgangspunktet ikke hadde før ... -
Forebygging av radikalisering og voldelig ekstremisme i norsk videregående skole
Kvistad, Synne Wekre (Master thesis, 2021)Forebygging av terrorisme og voldelig ekstremisme har tradisjonelt vært et arbeid forbeholdt politiet og Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste. De senere årene har norske myndigheter i økende grad kommunisert at dette også er et ... -
In the Aftermath of Terrorism: Individual trauma, sociopolitical reactions and institutional response
Nilsen, Lisa Govasli (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:142, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Norsk sammedrag Når terror rammer kan dette få helsemessige og politiske konsekvenser, på både individ- og samfunnsnivå. Vi mangler imidlertid fremdeles kunnskap både om hvordan befolkningen reagerer når terroren rammer ... -
Insights into the quantification and reporting of model-related uncertainty across different disciplines
Simmonds, Emily Grace; Dunn-Sigouin, Etienne; Adjei, Kwaku Peprah; Andersen, Christoffer Wold; Aspheim, Janne Cathrin Hetle; Battistin, Claudia; Bulso, Nicola; Christensen, Hannah M.; Cretois, Benjamin; Cubero, Ryan John Abat; Davidovich, Ivan Andres; Dickel, Lisa; Dunn, Benjamin Adric; Dyrstad, Karin; Einum, Sigurd; Giglio, Donata; Gjerløw, Haakon; Godefroidt, Amélie; González-Gil, Ricardo; Gonzalo Cogno, Soledad; Große, Fabian; Halloran, Paul; Jensen, Mari Fjalstad; Kennedy, John James; Langsæther, Peter Egge; Laverick, Jack H; Lederberger, Debora; Li, Camille; Mandeville, Elizabeth G; Mandeville, Caitlin; Moe, Espen; Schröder, Tobias Navarro; Nunan, David; Sicacha-Parada, Jorge; Simpson, Melanie Rae; Skarstein, Emma Sofie; Spensberger, Clemens; Stevens, Richard; Subramanian, Aneesh C.; Svendsen, Lea; Theisen, Ole Magnus; Watret, Connor; O'Hara, Robert B. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Quantifying uncertainty associated with our models is the only way we can express how much we know about any phenomenon. Incomplete consideration of model-based uncertainties can lead to overstated conclusions with real-world ... -
Institutional Trust in the Yugoslav Successor States: A Comparative Approach
Dyrstad, Karin; Listhaug, Ola (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)Successfully building new democracies depends on the development of a viable political culture that brings citizens together regardless of their location within the cleavages and divides of society. This has been a critical ... -
Justice in the Aftermath of Civil War – Exploring the Impacts of Transitional Justice on Inequality, Corruption, and Investment
Nenningsland, Dilan (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:66, Doctoral thesis, 2024)In many countries transitioning from conflict to peace or autocracy to democracy, transitional justice (TJ) plays a crucial role. These mechanisms—ranging from trials to truth commissions, from reparations to purges—are ... -
The past, Brexit, and the future in Northern Ireland: a quasi-experiment
Godefroidt, Amélie; Dyrstad, Karin; Bakke, Kristin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The UK’s decision to leave the European Union has raised questions about whether Brexit might bring “the Troubles” back to Northern Ireland. We exploit the timing of a unique survey to examine how the EU referendum campaign ... -
Perceptions of Peace Agreements and Political Trust in Post-War Guatemala, Nepal, and Northern Ireland
Dyrstad, Karin; Bakke, Kristin; Binningsbø, Helga Malmin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)(Re)gaining citizens’ trust is a challenge for post-war governments. Political trust is crucial for understanding both the risk of civil war in the first place and the state-society relationships that emerge afterwards. ... -
Politisk maktdeling i Afrika: En studie av marginaliserte samfunnsgruppers politiske tillit i post-konfliktland
Eikemo, Kristoffer (Master thesis, 2021)Maktdelingslitteraturen har i stor grad vært rettet mot hvilke forhold på landnivå som påvirker statlig utvikling, men vi vet lite om hvordan ulike samfunnsgruppers holdninger skiller seg fra land uten maktdelingsavtaler ... -
PTSD as a consequence of past conflict experience, recent exposure to violence and economic marginalization in post-conflict contexts: A study from Nepal, Guatemala and Northern Ireland
Eide, Arne Henning; Dyrstad, Karin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background: Exposure to war and conflict increases the risk of mental health problems. Poor living conditions are known to negatively impact mental health. Hypothesis: It is hypothesized that exposure to negative events ... -
Refugee Camps' Impact on Institutional Trust in the Global South
Utmo, Ida (Master thesis, 2021)Denne masteroppgåva ser på korleis flyktningeleirar påverkar institusjonell tillit i Kenya og Tanzania. Forsking på verknadane av flyktningar er i hovudsak konsentrert rundt vestlege land. Ved å gjennomføre ein fleirnivåanalyse ... -
Sykefravær, helseforsikring og ventetider i spesialisthelsetjenesten - Kan sykefraværet reduseres ved å tilby raskere behandling i spesialisthelsetjenesten?
Rohde, Tarald; Dyrstad, Karin; Hem, Karl-Gerhard; Halvorsen, Thomas (Research report, 2015)SINTEF har arbeidet parallelt med to prosjekt som begge har undersøkt om raskere tilgang til sykehustjenester er med på å redusere sykefraværet. Det ene prosjektet så på effekten av ventetid for behandling. Det andre så ... -
Trust in Modern and Traditional Political Institutions in Africa: Determinants, Winners and Losers
Karim, Abdulai Abdul (Master thesis, 2012)Political trust in modern and traditional political institutions has been established to move in the same direction that is it rises and falls together. Countries that have high trust in its modern political institutions ...