Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Costas, Miguel"
Axial crushing of aluminum extrusions filled with PET foam and GFRP. An experimental investigation
Costas, Miguel; Morin, David; Langseth, Magnus; Romera, Luis Esteban; Díaz, Jacobo M. (Journal article, 2016)This research work investigated the axial crushing behavior of a circular aluminum extrusion in alloy AA6063-T5 internally reinforced with a glass–fiber structure and filled with polymeric foam. The components were ... -
Ballistic impact resistance of additive manufactured high-strength maraging steel: An experimental study
Costas, Miguel; Edwards-Mowforth, Maisie; Kristoffersen, Martin; Teixeira-Dias, Filipe; Brøtan, Vegard; Paulsen, Christian Oen; Børvik, Tore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Maraging steel is a low carbon steel known for its ultra high-strength after heat treatment. In combination with Additive Manufacturing (AM), the properties of maraging steel indicate potential to enable complex geometries ... -
Behaviour and failure of aluminium extrusions under bending and stretching
Lund, Tobias (Master thesis, 2018)Current and future strategic challenges in the construction industry require safe and lightweight structures to achieve a good strength to weight ratio. Authentic material combinations together with numerical simulations ... -
Energy Absorption of Aluminium Extrusions Filled with Cellular Materials Under Axial Crushing: Study of the Interaction Effect
Paz, Javier; Costas, Miguel; Delgado, Jordi; Romera, Luis Esteban; Diaz, Jacobo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This investigation focuses on the interaction effect during the quasi-static axial crushing of circular and square thin-walled aluminium extrusions filled with polymeric foam or cork. The increment in the absorbed energy ... -
Experimental and numerical study of notched SHS made of different S355 steels
Johannessen, Håkon; Hestetræet Johannessen, Oddvar; Costas, Miguel; Clausen, Arild Holm; Sønstabø, Johan Kolstø (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This study compares the mechanical behaviour of square hollow sections (SHS) made of three different types of S355: cold-formed, hot-rolled and offshore steel. A material model and failure criterion for each steel type ... -
Experimental and numerical study on the static and dynamic behaviour of notched square hollow sections made of three different types of S355
Johannessen, Håkon; Johannessen, Oddvar Hestetræet (Master thesis, 2020)Denne studien sammenligner den mekaniske oppførselen til kvadratiske hulprofiler, produsert av tre ulike S355-kvaliteter: kaldformet, varmvalset og offshore stål. Basert på kvasistatiske enaksielle strekktester, ble en ... -
Experimental and numerical study on the static and dynamic behaviour of notched square hollow sections made of three different types of S355
Johannessen, Håkon; Johannessen, Oddvar Hestetræet (Master thesis, 2020)Denne studien sammenligner den mekaniske oppførselen til kvadratiske hulprofiler, produsert av tre ulike S355-kvaliteter: kaldformet, varmvalset og offshore stål. Basert på kvasistatiske enaksielle strekktester, ble en ... -
Modelling of heat-affected zones in aluminium structures
Tangen, Alexander (Master thesis, 2020)Introduksjon Forstå oppførselen til varmepåvirkede områder i en konstruksjon er viktig for strukturingeniører. Målet med denne masteroppgaven er å evalurere ulike metoder for å modellere disse varmepåvirkede sonene i ... -
On the ballistic impact resistance of additive manufactured maraging steel targets compared to that of cast targets
Edwards-Mowforth, Maisie; Costas, Miguel; Kristoffersen, Martin; Teixeira-Dias, Filipe; Børvik, Tore (Chapter, 2023)The advent of additive manufacturing (AM) in the defence industry has introduced possibilities for customisable and optimised light-weight armour. Maraging steel is well suited to AM and takes on ultra high-strength post ... -
On the ballistic perforation resistance of additive manufactured AlSi10Mg aluminium plates
Kristoffersen, Martin; Costas, Miguel; Koenis, Tim; Brøtan, Vegard; Paulsen, Christian Oen; Børvik, Tore (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Materials and structures made through additive manufacturing (AM) have received a lot of attention lately due to their flexibility and ability to customize structural components of complex geometry. One range of application ... -
On the effect of pilot holes on the mechanical behaviour of flow-drill screw joints. Experimental tests and mesoscale numerical simulations
Costas, Miguel; Morin, David; Sønstabø, Johan Kolstø; Langseth, Magnus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This research work investigated in detail the mechanical performance of a flow-drill screw connection of two aluminium plates with and without pilot holes. An extensive experimental campaign involving material and joint ... -
Optimization of Extruded Aluminium Profiles for Battery Tray Protection in Electrical Cars
Pathan, Tameem Karim (Master thesis, 2022)Abstract will be available on 2025-06-20 -
Pure Mode I Fracture Toughness Determination in Rocks Using a Pseudo‑Compact Tension (pCT) Test Approach
Muñoz-Ibáñez, Andrea; Delgado-Martín, Jordi; Costas, Miguel; Rabuñal-Dopico, Juan; Alvarellos-Iglesias, Jose; Canal-Vila, Jacobo (Journal article, 2020)Mode I fracture toughness (KIC) quantifies the ability of a material to withstand crack initiation and propagation due to tensile loads. The International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) has proposed four suggested methods ... -
Quasi-static and dynamic behaviour of additive manufactured gyroid cellular structures made of Ti6Al4V
Misund, Oskar Homme; Zabłocka, Kamila (Master thesis, 2021) -
Static crushing of aluminium tubes filled with PET foam and a GFRP skeleton. Numerical modelling and multiobjective optimization.
Costas, Miguel; Morin, David; Langseth, Magnus; Díaz, Jacobo M.; Romera, Luis Esteban (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This investigation focuses on the multiobjective optimization of a crash box subjected to static loading by using a validated numerical model and an analytical approach. The crash box is made with a unique combination of ... -
Surrogate modeling of aluminium extrusion under large deformations
Hansen, Benjamin Aas; Øyhovden, Magnus Øyhovden (Master thesis, 2024)Elementmetodeanalyser (FEA) er et veletablert verktøy for å designe energiabsorberende strukturer under påkjenning. Imidlertid krever gjennomføring av en robusthetsstudie omfattende FEA-simuleringer, som ofte ikke er ... -
Surrogate modelling of aluminium extrusion under large deformations
Hansen, Benjamin Aas; Øyhovden, Magnus Fladby (Master thesis, 2024)Elementmetodeanalyser (FEA) er et veletablert verktøy for å designe energiabsorberende strukturer under påkjenning. Imidlertid krever gjennomføring av en robusthetsstudie omfattende FEA-simuleringer, som ofte ikke er ... -
Testing and simulation of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg components under quasi-static loading
Costas, Miguel; Morin, David; de Lucio, Mario; Langseth, Magnus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)An experimental and numerical study on the quasi-static loading of AlSi10Mg square boxes produced by selective laser melting (SLM) was carried out. The goal was to evaluate the applicability of common finite element modelling ... -
A Virtual Calibration Strategy and Its Validation for Large-Scale Models of Multi-Sheet Self-Piercing Rivet Connections
André, Victor; Costas, Miguel; Langseth, Magnus; Morin, David Didier (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)