Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Cao, Guangyu"
Air quality in an indoor swimming pool facility
Grande, Morten Sæther (Master thesis, 2019)Svømmebasseng benyttes i dag til både sport, rekreasjon, terapi og svømmeopplæring for brukere i alle aldre. I Norge er klimaet slik at utendørs svømmebasseng kun kan brukes noen få måneder i året. Derfor er det bygd flere ... -
Airflow distribution for minimizing human exposure to airborne contaminants in healthcare facilities
Aganovic, Amar (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:41, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) have been a persistent problem in hospitals for over a century and are associated with significant mortality, morbidities and increasing healthcare cost. There is strong evidence that ... -
Airflow distribution in an operating room – data collection and experimental study
Heggebø, Frida Josefine (Master thesis, 2021)Abstract will be available on 2024-09-11 -
Analysis of electricity use and economic impacts for buildings with electric heating under lockdown conditions: examples for educational buildings and residential buildings in Norway
Ding, Yiyu; Ivanko, Dmytro; Cao, Guangyu; Brattebø, Helge; Nord, Natasa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant impacts on energy demand in Norway and many countries. It is important to improve the existing knowledge of building operation under unforeseeable disturbances. This study aimed ... -
Analysis of the effect of indoor environment on pupils’ health in one Norwegian school during COVID-19 pandemic
Ulvestad, Anita; Cao, Guangyu; Gustavsen, Kai; Vogt, Matthias; Rismyhr, Tore; Yang, Zhirong (Chapter, 2021)The aim of this project is to investigate and predict the quantified effect of indoor environment on pupils’ health in schools in Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results are based on field measurements of the ... -
BIM Integrated LCA for Promoting Circular Economy towards Sustainable Construction: An Analytical Review
Xue, Kai; Hossain, Uzzal; Liu, Meng; Ma, Mingjun; Zhang, Yizhi; Hu, Mengqiang; Chen, Xiaoyi; Cao, Guangyu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Sustainable construction is widely regarded as one of the best decisions to reduce the environmental impact of the buildings. Numerous scientific efforts have been devoted to promoting sustainability by adopting different ... -
Can clothing systems and human activities in operating rooms with mixing ventilation systems help achieve 10 CFU/m3 level during orthopaedic surgeries?
Cao, Guangyu; Pedersen, Christoffer; Zhang, Yixian; Drangsholt, Finn; Radtke, Andreas; Langvatn, Håkon; Stenstad, Liv-Inger; Mathisen, Hans Martin; Skogås, Jan Gunnar (Journal article, 2021)The level of airborne microbial contamination in operating rooms (ORs) is an important indicator of indoor air quality and ensures a clean surgical environment. It is necessary to research how different factors affect the ... -
Can CO2 sensors in the ventilation system of a pool facility help reduce the variability in the trihalomethane concentration observed in indoor air?
Nitter, Therese Bergh; Grande, Morten S.; Svendsen, Kristin V Hirsch; Jørgensen, Rikke Bramming; Carlucci, Salvatore; Cao, Guangyu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Volatile and hazardous compounds are formed during the chlorination of pool water. Monitoring components in the air, such as the four trihalomethanes; chloroform, dichlorobromomethane, dibromochloromethane and bromoform ... -
Can we meet the requirement for ultra-clean operation room (10CFU/m3) with dilution ventilation?
Pedersen, Christoffer; Cao, Guangyu; Drangsholt, Finn; Stenstad, Liv-Inger; Skogås, Jan Gunnar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The objective of this study is to analyse what conditions may, and may not take place during surgery in a dilution ventilated operating room (OR), to fulfil an ultra-clean requirement (10 CFU/m3). To achieve the objective, ... -
CFD Simulation of Thermal Comfort Level of Patients and Surgical Staff in an Operating Room With Mixing Ventilation
Hatten, Thea Amalie Solberg (Master thesis, 2020) -
Characterization of a combined downward jet for protected zone ventilation reducing exposure risk of occupants to indoor pollutants
Fuglseth, Jonas Stokkeland (Master thesis, 2017)The objective of the dissertation is to characterize the air distribution of a combined downward jet and to obtain a model of the velocity distribution. The objective is achieved through analyzing the initial outlet ... -
Characterization of a combined downward jet for protected zone ventilation reducing exposure risk of occupants to indoor pollutants
Fuglseth, Jonas Stokkeland (Master thesis, 2017)The objective of the dissertation is to characterize the air distribution of a combined downward jet and to obtain a model of the velocity distribution. The objective is achieved through analyzing the initial outlet ... -
Characterization of the airflow distribution in close proximity to a patient in operating rooms with laminar airflow at St. Olavs Hospital
Storås, Madeleine Charlotte Aviles (Master thesis, 2017)This master's thesis has investigated the airflow distribution in close proximity to a patient in a laminar airflow ventilated operating theatre. The assignment was divided into three different scenarios, that each consider ... -
Characterization of the airflow distribution in close proximity to the patient in an operating room
Nilssen, Anders Mostrøm (Master thesis, 2018)In modern hospitals, among surgical patients surgical-site infections (SSIs) are the most common hospital-aquired infections accounting for 36% of nosocomial infections. Tremendous efforts have been made to understand the ... -
Characterization of the density-driven counter-flow through a doorway using Large Eddy Simulation
Larkermani, Elyas; Cao, Guangyu; Georges, Laurent (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The density-driven bidirectional flow through an open doorway is of prime importance for ventilation and heat distribution between rooms in buildings. Although this flow has been extensively studied in the past, some ... -
Development of a New Ventilation Solution for Surgical Microenvironment in Operating Rooms
Kvammen, Ingeborg (Master thesis, 2020)Abstract will be available on 2023-09-10 -
Distribution of droplet aerosols generated by mouth coughing and nosebreathing in an air-conditioned room
Zhang, Yixian; Feng, Guohui; Bi, Yang; Cai, Yilin; Zhang, Zheng; Cao, Guangyu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The objective of this study is to understand the distribution of droplet aerosols in an air-conditioned room, which is very important to comprehend how infectious bacteria and viruses transmit from person to person through ... -
Effective ventilation solutions preventing sickbuilding syndrome in Norwegian schools
Svinvik, Sigbjørn (Master thesis, 2019)Skolebarn bruker en betydelig del av sin tid (20\%) i skolebygget. Dårlig inneklima i skolebygningene kan påvirke barns utvikling, helse og akademiske prestasjoner. Det er mange gamle skolebygninger i Norge i dag som er ... -
Eksperimentell studie på en ny luftstrømfordelingsmetode for menneskelig nærmiljø i operasjonsstue
Flatsetø, Catharina (Master thesis, 2019)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker effekten av luftstrømfordelingsmetode på det menneskelige nærmiljøet i operasjonssalene. Det overordnede målet for den nye metoden er å redusere antall pasienter som får infeksjon etter ... -
Energy cost models for air supported sports hall in cold climates considering energy efficiency
Nord, Natasa; Mathisen, Hans Martin; Cao, Guangyu (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The aim of the study was to develop models for energy planning for an air supported sports hall by analyzing different energy efficiency possibilities. This is a very specific building type suitable for sport activities ...