Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Cantero, Daniel"
Akseldeteksjon ved bruk av wavelets for Bridge Weigh-in-Motion system ved jernbanebroer
Mevik, Anders (Master thesis, 2016)Bridge Weigh-in-Motion er et system for å veie kjøretøy som passerer over en bro. Det er gjort store fremskritt i bruk av dette de siste tiårene, men det meste av forskningen har vært gjort for bilveier. Betydningen av å ... -
Analyse og dimensjonering av etteroppspent betongbru
Magnussen, Truls (Master thesis, 2018)Denne rapporten omhandler analyse og dimensjonering av en etteroppspent betongbru etter gjeldene regelverk, samt fordyping av kabelforankringens armering. Fordypingen skal se på forbedringsmuligheter for komprimering av ... -
Assessment of an existing bridge suffering from Alkali-Silica reaction
Myklebust, Eirik Olov (Master thesis, 2018)The first parts of the thesis contain a general literature review about damage mechanisms in concrete and how they affect the structural behavior, extended with a more in-depth review of damage due to alkali-silica reactions ... -
Bridge damage detection using weigh-in-motion technology
Cantero, Daniel; Gonzalez, Arturo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)This paper proposes a novel Level I damage-detection technique for short- to medium-span road bridges using weigh-in-motion (WIM) technology. The technique is based on the input provided by two WIM systems: (1) a pavement-based ... -
Bridge Weigh-in-Motion System for Steel Railway Bridges - Implementation, development and analysis
Slettebak, Tor Holm (Master thesis, 2016)This master thesis seeks to develop a BWIM system by using the programming environment Matlab, based on existing Bridge Weigh-in-Motion systems and the founding theories behind it. The developement uses a beam model to ... -
The calibration challenge when inferring longitudinal track profile from the inertial response of an in-service train
Quirke, Paraic; OBrien, Eugene J; Bowe, Cathal; Cantero, Daniel; Malekjafarian, A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)An Irish Rail intercity train was instrumented for a period of one month with inertial sensors. In this paper, a novel calibration algorithm is proposed to determine, with reasonable accuracy, vehicle model parameters from ... -
Capacity Analysis of Herøysund Bridge with a Damaged Post-Tensioned System
Gonilovic, Amna; Løken, Simen Steinkjer (Master thesis, 2023)Norge står for øyeblikket overfor en betydelig utfordring når det gjelder sin aldrende infrastruktur, spesielt med tanke på de omtrent 17 000 broene på riks- og fylkesvegnettet. Blant disse broene er de eldre etteroppspente ... -
Computationally-Efficient Structural Health Monitoring using Graph Signal Processing
Cheema, Muhammad Asaad; Sarwar, Muhammad Zohaib; Gogineni, Vinay Chakravarthi; Cantero, Daniel; Salvo Rossi, Pierluigi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Structural health monitoring (SHM) of bridges is crucial for ensuring safety and long-term durability, however, standard damage-detection algorithms are computationally intensive. This article proposes a computationally ... -
Concrete delamination detection using the impulse response method
Arriaza i Bosch, Marc (Bachelor thesis, 2019)Betongdelaminering er en type indre defekter som påvirker betongkonstruksjoner og forårsaker en separasjon i lagene i betongen som forårsaker et indre tomrom. Hvis det ikke oppdages, kan delaminering føre til at strukturen ... -
Concrete drying model
Sarwar, Muhammad Zohaib; Cantero, Daniel; Hendriks, Max; Geiker, Mette Rica (Research report, 2023) -
Convoluted reciprocity and other methods for vehicle speed estimation in Bridge Weigh-in-Motion Systems
Cantero, Daniel; Kim, Chul-Woo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)In bridge weigh-in-motion systems, the vehicle speed is a fundamental input parameter for the weighing algorithm. The speed is generally obtained by processing structural responses measured at different locations along the ... -
Corrosion induced failures of post-tensioned bridges
Menga, Antonia; Kanstad, Terje; Cantero, Daniel (Research report, 2022) -
Corrosion-induced damages and failures of posttensioned bridges: A literature review
Menga, Antonia; Kanstad, Terje; Cantero, Daniel; Bathen, Lise; Hornbostel, Karla; Klausen, Anja Birgitta Estensen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Corrosion of posttensioned bridges raises great concern, since the only way to safely assess the condition of the tendons is through destructive evaluation. In this scenario, this paper presents the results of an extensive ... -
Critical Speed for the Dynamics of Truck Events on Bridges with a Smooth Road
Gonzalez, Arturo; OBrien, Eugene J; Cantero, Daniel; Yingyan, Li; Dowling, Jason; Žnidarič, Ales (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Simple numerical models of point loads are used to represent single and multiple vehicle events on two-lane bridges with a good road profile. While such models are insufficiently complex to calculate dynamic amplification ... -
Deep autoencoder architecture for bridge damage assessment using responses from several vehicles
Sarwar, Muhammad Zohaib; Cantero, Daniel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Vehicle-assisted monitoring is a promising alternative for rapid and low-cost bridge health monitoring compared to direct instrumentation of bridges. In recent years, centralized management systems for fleets of heavy ... -
Determination of longitudinal profile of railway track using vehicle-based inertial readings
OBrien, Eugene J; Bowe, C.; Quirke, Paraic; Cantero, Daniel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The longitudinal profile of a railway track excites a dynamic response in a train which can potentially be used to determine that profile. A method is proposed in this paper for the determination of the longitudinal profile ... -
Determination of railway track longitudinal profile using measured inertial response of an in-service railway vehicle
OBrien, Eugene J; Quirke, Paraic; Bowe, Cathal; Cantero, Daniel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The use of sensors fixed to in-service trains has the potential to provide real-time track condition monitoring to inform maintenance planning. An Irish Rail intercity train was instrumented for a period of 1 month so that ... -
Developing a Python program to design concrete elements using the strut and tie model
Berget, Kevin; Grahl-Nielsen, Martine (Master thesis, 2022)Stavmodellen er en metode for å designe betongkonstruksjoner, og er et verdifullt redskap i områder hvor det ikke er mulig å benytte vanlig bjelketeori. Metoden bruker fordelingen av krefter gjennom konstruksjonen for å ... -
Developing a Python program to design concrete elements using the strut and tie model
Berget, Kevin; Grahl-Nielsen, Martine (Master thesis, 2022)Stavmodellen er en metode for å designe betongkonstruksjoner, og er et verdifullt redskap i områder hvor det ikke er mulig å benytte vanlig bjelketeori. Metoden bruker fordelingen av krefter gjennom konstruksjonen for å ... -
Drive-by detection of railway track stiffness variation using in-service vehicles
Quirke, Paraic; Cantero, Daniel; OBrien, Eugene J; Bowe, Cathal (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Railway track stiffness is an important track property which can help with the identification of maintenance related problems. Railway track stiffness can currently be measured using stationary equipment or specialised ...