Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Burheim, Odne Stokke"
Now showing items 1-20 of 124
2D simulation of temperature distribution within large-scale PEM electrolysis stack based on thermal conductivity measurements
Eichner, Benedikt J.; Amiri, Mahshid N.; Burheim, Odne Stokke; Lamb, Jacob Joseph (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyser cells (PEMEC) are recognized as highly suitable for large-scale green hydrogen production from variable renewable sources. To enhance production rates in PEMECs, current densities ... -
A review of the curious case of heat transport in polymer electrolyte fuel cells and the need for more characterisation
Burheim, Odne Stokke; Pharoah, JG (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)As the polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) matures performance keeps increasing—mainly in terms of conversion rate rather than efficiency. Increased conversion results in increased heat release. Fuel cell ... -
Aging and Second Life Performance of Lithium-Ion Batteries: Effects of Temperature and Cycling Conditions
Erichsen, Lene Therese Backus (Master thesis, 2023)Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg aldring og second life for litium-ion-batterier. Hovedmålet er å forstå hvordan forholdene i first life påvirker cellens evne til en trygg og lang second life. Dette gjøres ved å bruke XALT ... -
Analysis of the Li-ion battery industry in light of the global transition to electric passenger light duty vehicles until 2050
Usai, Lorenzo; Lamb, Jacob Joseph; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Burheim, Odne Stokke; Strømman, Anders Hammer (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The decarbonization of the transport sector requires a rapid expansion of global battery production and an adequate supply with raw materials currently produced in small volumes. We investigate whether battery production ... -
Analyzing the temperature dynamics of Li-ion batteries
Antonsen, Sindre; Grande, Brage; Lindstad, Simen (Bachelor thesis, 2024)Bilindustrien vokser kontinuerlig i størrelse og kompleksitet. NTNU sitt «formelbilteam, Revolve», konkurrerer med elektriske kjøretøy i både statiske og dynamiske tester. Et viktig aspekt av den dynamiske testen er ... -
Application of Deep Learning to Optimize Gradient Porosity Profile for Improved Energy Density of Lithium-Ion Batteries
Amiri, Mahshid N.; Burheim, Odne Stokke; Lamb, Jacob Joseph (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Lithium-ion batteries with high active material loading can yield a high energy density at low C-rates. However, the sluggish ion transport caused by longer and more tortuous pathways hinders high energy delivery when ... -
Battery Value Chains
Helland, Helene Lid; Sjåstad, Mette Helen (Bachelor thesis, 2021)Etterspørselen av elbiler er høyere enn noensinne. Ytelsen, kostnadene og sikkerheten til elektriske kjøretøyer avhenger sterkt av kjøretøyets energilagringssystem. Avanserte batterier som litiumionbatterier er et godt ... -
Bruk av overskuddsvarme til hydrogenproduksjon
Luu, Iris; Schiong, Marie (Bachelor thesis, 2021)I dag blir det produsert store mengder overskuddsvarme i industrielle prosesser, og denne varmen går ofte til spille. Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å gjøre rede for hvordan overskuddsvarmen fra svovelsyrefabrikken ved ... -
Cation Exchange Membranes and Process Optimizations in Electrodialysis for Selective Metal Separation: A Review
Tekinalp, Önder; Zimmermann, Pauline; Holdcroft, Steven; Burheim, Odne Stokke; Deng, Liyuan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The selective separation of metal species from various sources is highly desirable in applications such as hydrometallurgy, water treatment, and energy production but also challenging. Monovalent cation exchange membranes ... -
Combining building automation control systems with envelope retrofitting to improve the energy performance of cold climate housing
Felius, Laurina Cornelia (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:167, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Improving the energy efficiency of buildings by combining envelope and energy systems retrofitting with smart technologies is recommended by the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. The largest share of the existing ... -
A comparative assessment of value chain criticality of lithium-ion battery cells
Manjong, Nelson Bunyui; Bach, Vanessa; Usai, Lorenzo; Marinova, Sylvia; Burheim, Odne Stokke; Finkbeiner, Matthias; Strømman, Anders Hammer (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)As the global transport sector ramps up the transition towards electromobility, the value chain of raw materials for lithium-ion battery (LIB) development is becoming crucial. Assessing the criticality of material value ... -
Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of the Resistivity and Power Density in Reverse Electrodialysis: A Parametric Study
Jalili, Zohreh; Burheim, Odne Stokke; Einarsrud, Kristian Etienne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Electrodialysis (ED) and reverse electrodialysis (RED) are enabling technologies which can facilitate renewable energy generation, dynamic energy storage, and hydrogen production from low-grade waste heat. This paper ... -
Current Trends for State-of-Charge (SoC) Estimation in Lithium-Ion Battery Electric Vehicles
Espedal, Ingvild Brekke; Jinasena, Asanthi; Burheim, Odne Stokke; Lamb, Jacob Joseph (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Energy storage systems (ESSs) are critically important for the future of electric vehicles. Despite this, the safety and management of ESSs require improvement. Battery management systems (BMSs) are vital components in ESS ... -
Depotlading av elektriske busser i Oslo og Akershus
Bratlie, Frida; Haaskjold, Kristina; Nesje, Andreas Tveita (Bachelor thesis, 2019)Som en del av elektrifiseringen av den norske transportsektoren er elektriske busser et viktig bidrag for å redusere klimagassutslippet. Oslo ønsker å være i toppen av elektrifiseringen og ble tildelt tittelen Europeisk ... -
Designing monovalent selective anion exchange membranes for the simultaneous separation of chloride and fluoride from sulfate in an equimolar ternary mixture
Tekinalp, Önder; Zimmermann, Pauline; Burheim, Odne Stokke; Deng, Liyuan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Selective removal of multiple counter-ions in a single mixture is highly desirable for many industrial applications but also very challenging. This study focuses on designing monovalent selective anion exchange membranes ... -
Development of ion exchange membranes for resource recovery and impurity removal in electrodialysis
Tekinalp, Önder (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:416, Doctoral thesis, 2023)In metal production and processing, large amounts of aqueous streams containing both metallic and non-metallic species are generated when extracting the desired bulk metals. While some of the remaining diluted compounds, ... -
The Effects of Power Ultrasound (24 kHz) on the Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 on Polycrystalline Copper Electrodes
Islam, Md Hujjatul; Mehradi, Hamed; Coridan, Robert H.; Burheim, Odne Stokke; Hihn, Jean-Yves; Pollet, Bruno (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) on polycrystalline copper (Cu) electrode was performed in a CO2-saturated 0.10 M Na2CO3 aqueous solution at 278 K in the absence and presence of low-frequency high-power ... -
Electrifying AtB’s metro bus line 1 with implementation of megawatt charging system
Servold, Vidar; Dalseg, Martin Mziray; Styve, Martin Abeler (Bachelor thesis, 2023)På grunn av politiske avtaler og et felles mål om bærekraftig utvikling har AtB som mål å elektrifisere hele bussparken i Trondheim. Denne oppgaven har som mål å gjennomføre et mulighetsstudie vedrørende utvikling av en ... -
Electrodialysis and Lithium Extraction from Brines
Hvamstad, Marte Hoff (Master thesis, 2024)Ettersom etterspørselen etter fornybar energi øker på grunn av globale utfordringer som klimaendringer, øker også behovet for energilagringsløsninger, deriblant batterier. Litium spiller en viktig rolle i disse batteriene. ... -
Electrodialysis for Resource Recovery and Removal of Impurities in Hydrometallurgical Processes
Zimmermann, Pauline (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:257, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The metal-processing industry faces the challenge of depleting raw materials, forcing companies to accept ores of declining quality. Consequently, energy and chemical demands for extracting the metals of interest are ...