Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Buhaug, Halvard"
Now showing items 1-20 of 32
Ambiguous legalization: Assessing legalization and compliance in the European Union conventional arms export control regime
Hansen, Susanne Therese (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2016:28, Doctoral thesis, 2016) -
Befolkning og intern konflikt
Mortvedt, Mathilde Elisabeth (Master thesis, 2020)Denne studiens hovedformål har vært å skape en dypere forståelse av hvorfor befolkningsrike land oftere opplever utbrudd av intern konflikt enn andre. Temaet er lite forsket på, selv om sammenhengen mellom konflikt og ... -
Civil war and female empowerment
Bakken, Ingrid Vik; Buhaug, Halvard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Recent research has directed attention to the transformative potential of war for female empowerment. As a disruptive shock, armed conflict can create a window of opportunity for advancing the societal role of women. We ... -
Climate as a risk factor for armed conflict
Mach, Katharine J.; Kraan, Caroline M.; Adger, W. Neil; Buhaug, Halvard; Burke, Marshall; Fearon, James D.; Field, Christopher B.; Hendrix, Cullen S.; Maystadt, Jean-Francois; O'Loughlin, John; Roessler, Philip; Scheffran, Jürgen; Schultz, Kenneth A.; von Uexkull, Nina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Research findings on the relationship between climate and conflict are diverse and contested. Here we assess the current understanding of the relationship between climate and conflict, based on the structured judgments of ... -
Climate variability and conflict
Seter, Hanne (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:100, Doctoral thesis, 2017)While there is an overall consensus on many aspects of the natural science of climate change, the understanding of the potential effects that climate change and climate variability have on human societies is limited. Among ... -
Climate variability, food production shocks, and violent conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa
Buhaug, Halvard; Benjaminsen, Tor A; Sjaastad, Espen Olav; Theisen, Ole Magnus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Earlier research that reports a correlational pattern between climate anomalies and violent conflict routinely refers to drought-induced agricultural shocks and adverse economic spillover effects as a key causal mechanism ... -
Climatic conditions are weak predictors of asylum migration
Schutte, Sebastian; Nordkvelle, Jonas; Carling, Jørgen; Buhaug, Halvard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
A conditional model of local income shock and civil conflict
Buhaug, Halvard; Croicu, Mihai; Fjelde, Hanne; von Uexkull, Nina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Common political economy models point to rationalist motives for engaging in conflict but say little about how income shocks translate into collective violence in some cases but not in others. Grievance models, in contrast, ... -
Coping with calamity: Natural disasters, armed conflict and development aid
Rosvold, Elisabeth Lio (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:302, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Naturkatastrofer, væpnet konflikt og bistand: Klimaendringene gjør at vi kan forvente både mer intenst og til dels hyppigere forekomst av ekstremvær i fremtiden. Mange av landene som kommer til å bli hardest rammet av ... -
Democratization - for better og worse? : Does regime change increase the risk of violent or nonviolent campaigns?
Bakketun, Ylva (Master thesis, 2015)In the last decades, several corrupt, authoritarian, and autocratic regimes have fallen. New states and democracies have emerged by a variety of means. How a transition occurs have significant impact on the success or ... -
Demokratiske ansvarliggjøringsmekanismer og deres påvirkning på tilstedeværelse av Pro-Government Militias
Bringedal, Ingvild Lindaas (Master thesis, 2019)Pro-Government Militias (PGMs) er bevæpnede grupperinger med en viss form for organisering, som støtter eller er sponset av lokale eller nasjonale myndigheter, men de er ikke en del av statens ordinære sikkerhetsstyrker. ... -
Development Aid, Drought, and Coping Capacity
Rustad, Siri Camilla Aas; Rosvold, Elisabeth Lio; Buhaug, Halvard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Climate change is a major threat to sustained economic growth and wellbeing in the Global South. To what extent does official development assistance (ODA) strengthen recipient communities’ capacity to cope with climatic ... -
Directions for Research on Climate and Conflict
Mach, Katharine J.; Adger, W. Neil; Buhaug, Halvard; Burke, Marshall; Fearon, James D.; Field, Christopher B.; Henrdrix, Cullen S.; Kraan, Caroline M.; Maystadt, Jean-Francois; O'Loughlin, John; Roessler, Phillip; Scheffran, Jürgen; Schultz, Kenneth A.; von Uexkull, Nina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The potential links between climate and conflict are well studied, yet disagreement about the specific mechanisms and their significance for societies persists. Here, we build on assessment of the relationship between ... -
Elections, regime types, and social disorder in the developing world - A quantitative study, 1960-2012
Brynestad, Finn Henriksen (Master thesis, 2018)Hvorfor er er noen valg gang på gang preget av vold og demonstrasjoner, mens andre går helt fredelig for seg? Denne oppgaven tar for seg forholdet mellom valg og sosial uro, og hvordan dette forholdet påvirkes av styresett ... -
Forecasting civil conflict along the shared socioeconomic pathways
Hegre, Håvard; Buhaug, Halvard; Calvin, Katherine V.; Nordkvelle, Jonas; Waldhoff, Stephanie T.; Gilmore, Elisabeth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Climate change and armed civil conflict are both linked to socioeconomic development, although conditions that facilitate peace may not necessarily facilitate mitigation and adaptation to climate change. While economic ... -
GDIS, a global dataset of geocoded disaster locations
Rosvold, Elisabeth Lio; Buhaug, Halvard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This article presents a new open source extension to the Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) that allows researchers, for the first time, to explore and make use of subnational, geocoded data on major disasters triggered ... -
Horizontal inequalites and conflict : using nightlight as a proxy for local wealth
Pedersen, Maja Solem (Master thesis, 2016)Utallige årsaksmekanismer har blitt foreslått for den etablerte sammenhengen mellom fattigdom og konflikt og disse har primært skilt mellom mulighet- og motivasjonsbaserte forklaringer. Disaggregerte studier av disse ... -
Horizontal Inequalities and Domestic Terrorism: A Disaggregated Study of Ethno-Nationalist Terrorism
Sørensen, Line Hjort (Master thesis, 2013) -
In the Aftermath of Terrorism: Individual trauma, sociopolitical reactions and institutional response
Nilsen, Lisa Govasli (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:142, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Norsk sammedrag Når terror rammer kan dette få helsemessige og politiske konsekvenser, på både individ- og samfunnsnivå. Vi mangler imidlertid fremdeles kunnskap både om hvordan befolkningen reagerer når terroren rammer ... -
Kvinner, likestilling og terrorisme
Vasseljen, Aurora Gravanes (Master thesis, 2023)Terrorisme er ikke et nytt fenomen i den moderne verden, men i løpet av de siste 15 årene har vi observert en betydelig økning i terrortrusselen, særlig fra høyreekstreme og islamistiske terrorgrupper. Årsakssammenhenger ...