• Comparative retention and effectiveness of migraine preventive treatments: A nationwide registry-based cohort study 

      Bjørk, Marte-Helene; Borkenhagen, Solveig; Oteiza, Francisco; Dueland, Aud N.; Sørgaard, Frank E.; Sæther, Erik Magnus; Bugge, Christoffer (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Background and purpose Little is known about the comparative effects of migraine preventive drugs. We aimed to estimate treatment retention and effectiveness of migraine preventive drugs in a nationwide registry-based ...
    • Continuous positive airway pressure in cluster headache: A randomized, placebo-controlled, triple-blind, crossover study 

      Gravdahl, Gøril Bruvik; Aakerøy, Lars; Stovner, Lars Jacob; Engstrøm, Morten; Müller, Kai Ivar; Bjørk, Marte-Helene; Tronvik, Erling Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Abstract Background Oxygen inhalation aborts cluster headache attacks, and case reports show the effect of continuous positive airway pressure. The aim of this study was to investigate the prophylactic effect of continuous ...
    • Do Brain Rhythms Change beforethe Migraine Attack?: A Longitudinal Controlled EEG Study 

      Bjørk, Marte-Helene (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2011:24, Doctoral thesis, 2011)
      Background The pathophysiological mechanisms that initiate a migraine attack at a particular time or in response to headache triggers are chiefly unknown. It is possible that a fluctuating change in cortical excitability ...
    • Effects of insufficient sleep on sensorimotor processing in migraine. A randomised, blinded crossover study of event related beta oscillations 

      Mykland, Martin Syvertsen; Uglem, Martin; Bjørk, Marte-Helene; Matre, Dagfinn; Sand, Trond Halfdan; Omland, Petter Moe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background Migraine has a largely unexplained connection with sleep and is possibly related to a dysfunction of thalamocortical systems and cortical inhibition. In this study we investigate the effect of insufficient sleep ...
    • Fluctuations of sensorimotor processing in migraine: A controlled longitudinal study of beta event related desynchronization 

      Mykland, Martin Syvertsen; Bjørk, Marte-Helene; Stjern, Marit; Omland, Petter Moe; Uglem, Martin; Sand, Trond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Background The migraine brain seems to undergo cyclic fluctuations of sensory processing. For instance, during the preictal phase, migraineurs experience symptoms and signs of altered pain perception as well as other ...
    • Gir ACE-hemmere og angiotensinreseptorantagonister økt risiko for alvorlig covid-19? 

      Aamodt, Anne Hege; Bjørk, Marte-Helene; Tronvik, Erling Andreas; Buanes, Eirik Alnes; Stovner, Lars Jacob; Atar, Dan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Hypertensjon og diabetes mellitus er risikofaktorer for alvorlig covid-19. Det er blitt reist spørsmål om hvorvidt denne assosiasjonen er relatert til bruk av ACE-hemmere og angiotensin II-reseptorblokkere.
    • Language impairment in children aged 5 and 8 years after antiepileptic drug exposure in utero – the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study 

      Husebye, Elisabeth Synnøve Nilsen; Gilhus, Nils Erik; Spigset, Olav; Daltveit, Anne Kjersti; Bjørk, Marte-Helene (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Background and purpose The purpose was to examine the consequences of antiepileptic drug (AED) exposure during pregnancy on language abilities in children aged 5 and 8 years of mothers with epilepsy. Methods The study ...
    • M.H. Bjørk og medarbeidere svarer 

      Bjørk, Marte-Helene; Gerstner, Thorsten Alfons; Taubøll, Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
    • Management of cluster headache and other trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias in pregnancy and breastfeeding 

      Bjørk, Marte-Helene; Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug; Tronvik, Erling Andreas; Nordeng, Hedvig Marie Egeland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Many clinicians lack experience in managing trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (TACs) in pregnancy and lactation. In addition to cluster headache, TACs include hemicrania continua, paroxysmal hemicrania, and short-lasting ...
    • Perinatal Depression and Anxiety in Women with Multiple Sclerosis: A Population-Based Cohort Study 

      Eid, Karine; Torkildsen, Øivind Fredvik Grytten; Aarseth, Jan Harald; Flemmen, Heidi Øyen; Holmøy, Trygve; Lorentzen, Åslaug Rudjord; Myhr, Kjell-Morten; Riise, Trond; Simonsen, Cecilia Smith; Torkildsen, Cecilie Fredvik; Wergeland, Stig; Willumsen, Johannes Sverre; Øksendal, Nina; Gilhus, Nils Erik; Bjørk, Marte-Helene (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Objective: To assess the occurrence of perinatal depression and anxiety in women before and after diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Methods: 114,629 pregnant women were included in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child ...
    • Praktisk håndtering av hodepine 

      Aamodt, Anne Hege; Bjørk, Marte-Helene; Alstadhaug, Karl Bjørnar; Eldøen, Guttorm; Dueland, Aud Nome; Poole, Tine; Hagen, Knut; Vetvik, Kjersti; Ofte, Hilde Karen; Sønnervik, Julie; Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug; Winsvold, Bendik K S; Lundqvist, Christofer; Sagabråten, Ståle Onsgår (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Korrekt diagnostikk av ulike hodepinetyper kan være utfordrende, men det er den viktigste forutsetningen for optimal behandling. Det anbefales kontrollert bruk av anfallsmedisin og forebyggende tiltak. Hodepinesykdommer ...
    • Verbal abilities in children of mothers with epilepsy: Association to maternal folate status 

      Husebye, Elisabeth Synnøve Nilsen; Gilhus, Nils Erik; Riedel, Bettina; Spigset, Olav; Daltveit, Anne Kjersti; Bjørk, Marte-Helene (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Objective To examine the effect of maternal folic acid supplementation and maternal plasma folate and antiepileptic drug (AED) concentrations on language delay in AED-exposed children of mothers with epilepsy. Methods ...
    • Vitamin B status and association with antiseizure medication in pregnant women with epilepsy 

      Husebye, Elisabeth Synnøve Nilsen; Riedel, Bettina Maria Ingeborg; Monsen, Anne-Lise Bjørke; Spigset, Olav; Daltveit, Anne Kjersti Nesje; Gilhus, Nils Erik; Bjørk, Marte-Helene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Objective Antiseizure medication (ASM) use interacts with vitamin B status in nonpregnant epilepsy populations. We aimed to examine the association between ASM and vitamin B status in pregnant women with epilepsy. Methods ...
    • What predicts citation counts and translational impact in headache research? A machine learning analysis 

      Danelakis, Antonios; Langseth, Helge; Nachev, Parashkev; Nelson, Amy; Bjørk, Marte-Helene; Matharu, Manjit Singh; Tronvik, Erling Andreas; May, Arne; Stubberud, Anker (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Background We aimed to develop the first machine learning models to predict citation counts and the translational impact, defined as inclusion in guidelines or policy documents, of headache research, and assess which ...