Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Bergin, Are"
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Alternating Current Corrosion of Steel in Seawater
Bergin, Are (Master thesis, 2015)A challenge regarding the transportation of oil and gas in pipelines subsea is to keep the temperature high enough to avoid formation of wax and hydrates, which eventually will stop the flow. In 2000, Nexans introduced a ... -
Ceramic Foam Filters (CFFs) for Aluminium Melt Filtration - Stability, Compression, and Performance
Bergin, Are (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:260, Doctoral thesis, 2022)During aluminium production, the molten aluminium will necessarily include a certain amount of impurities, including non-metallic inclusions, i.e., solid objects immersed in the melt. These inclusions are known to be ... -
Compression Testing of Ceramic Foam Filters (CFFs) Submerged in Aluminium at Operating Temperature
Bergin, Are; Fritzsch, Robert; Akhtar, Shahid; Arnberg, Lars; Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Particles and inclusions are commonly removed from molten aluminium with the use of Ceramic Foam Filters (CFF). The mechanical properties of CFFs are of great importance not only during transportation, storage, and mounting, ... -
Experimental Assessment of the Compression Strength of Conventional Ceramic Foam Filters, at Room Temperature and 730°C
Olsen, Kristoffer Smedal; Grayston, Sara Linnea Larsson (Bachelor thesis, 2020)Keramiske filtre (CFF) spiller en viktig rolle når aluminium resirkuleres på grunn av at sekundært aluminium ofte inneholder en stor mengde ikke-metalliske partikler som vil redusere de mekaniske egenskapene til produktet. ... -
Experimental Study on the Chemical Stability of Phosphate Bonded Al2O3-based Ceramic Foam Filters (CFFs)
Bergin, Are; Voigt, Claudia; Fritzsch, Robert; Akhtar, Shahid; Arnberg, Lars; Aneziris, Christos G; Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Production of high-quality aluminum products requires an extensive melt treatment process, even more so with the increasing focus on recycling and sustainability. Filtration is a commonly used process segment for removal ... -
Grain Refiner Analysis a Metalurgical and Computational approach
Odland, Magnus; Stensby, Ole (Bachelor thesis, 2024)Kornforfinande meisterlegeringar blir brukt i metallproduksjon for å oppnå mindre korn i det produserte metallet. Ein slik kornstruktur er ofte ønskeleg for dei forbetra mekaniske eigenska- pane. Desse meisterlegeringane ... -
Overview of the Possibilities and Limitations of the Characterization of Ceramic Foam Filters for Metal Melt Filtration
Voigt, Claudia; Hubálková, Jana; Bergin, Are; Fritzsch, Robert; Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth; Aneziris, Christos G. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The filtration of molten metal using ceramic foam filters (CFF) is a purification method often used by the aluminum industry to meet the increasing demands the melt quality. CFFs are in most cases produced by the replica ... -
Performance of Regular and Modified Ceramic Foam Filters (CFFs) during Aluminium Melt Filtration in a Pilot-Scale Setup
Bergin, Are; Voigt, Claudia; Fritzsch, Robert; Akhtar, Shahid; Arnberg, Lars; Aneziris, Christos G; Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Liquid metal filtration through a ceramic medium has proven to be an efficient way to secure the removal of inclusions and bifilms from molten aluminium. With an increasing focus on recycling of metal values throughout the ... -
Short- and Long-Term Aluminum Filtration Trials with Carbon-Bonded Alumina Filters
Voigt, Claudia; Hubálková, Jana; Bergin, Are; Fritzsch, Robert; Akhtar, Shahid; Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth; Aneziris, Christos G (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In the present study, carbon-bonded alumina filters, normally used for the filtration of steel melts, have been investigated as a potential filter material for the filtration of aluminum. Short- and long-term pilot-scale ... -
Silicon Depletion and Filtration Conditions of Ceramic Foam Filters (CFFs) during Aluminium Melt Filtration
Bergin, Are; Fritzsch, Robert; Akhtar, Shahid; Arnberg, Lars Erik; Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Filtration is a widely used method for removing non-metallic inclusions/bifilms from molten aluminium, where Ceramic Foam Filters (CFFs) dominate due to their cost-effectiveness and easy use. While many CFFs are phosphate-bonded ...