Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Amini, Shahriar"
1-D phenomenological modelling of gas-solid fluidized bed reactors for chemical looping reforming
Morgado, Joana Francisco (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:9, Doctoral thesis, 2018)This PhD thesis is a part of the EU FP7 Project called NanoSim. The main objective of this work is to develop a 1-D phenomenological model for fluidized bed reactors to simulate the performance of second-generation CO2 ... -
1D modelling of membrane-assisted chemical looping reforming
Francisco Morgado, Joana; Cloete, Schalk Willem Petrus; Morud, John; Gurker, Thomas; Quinta-Ferreira, Rosa; Amini, Shahriar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Membrane-assisted chemical looping reforming (MA-CLR) has been proposed as an alternative to the conventional CLR technology. In this work, a non-isothermal 1D model is used to simulate the MA-CLR fuel reactor. The effect ... -
An advancement in CO2 utilization through novel gas switching dry reforming
Ugwu, Ambrose; Zaabout, Abdelghafour; Amini, Shahriar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This study is the first experimental demonstration of CO2 capture and utilization for dry methane reforming using a novel chemical looping concept, “Gas Switching Dry Reforming” (GSDR) to produce syngas. The new reactor ... -
An assessment of the ability of computational fluid dynamic models to predict reactive gas-solid flows in a fluidized bed
Cloete, Schalk; Johansen, Stein Tore; Amini, Shahriar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Fine grid, two dimensional simulations of reactive gas–solid flows occurring in a fluidized bed reactor were carried out using the Eulerian multi-fluid kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF) approach in the commercial flow ... -
Analysis of Combined Cycle Power Plants with Chemical Looping Reforming of Natural Gas and Pre-Combustion CO2 Capture
Nazir, Shareq Mohd; Bolland, Olav; Amini, Shahriar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In this paper, a gas-fired combined cycle power plant subjected to a pre-combustion CO2 capture method has been analysed under different design conditions and different heat integration options. The power plant configuration ... -
Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage in Methanol Production Using a Dry Reforming-Based Chemical Looping Technology
Ugwu, Ambrose; Osman, Mogahid; Zaabout, Abdelghafour; Amini, Shahriar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This further investigates the concept of gas switching dry reforming (GSDR) that efficiently converts the two major greenhouse gases (CO2 and CH4) into a valuable product (syngas) for gas-to-liquid (GTL) syntheses. The ... -
Combined Syngas and Hydrogen Production using Gas Switching Technology
Ugwu, Ambrose; Zaabout, Abdelghafour; Donat, Felix; van Diest, Geert; Albertsen, Knuth; Müller, Christoph; Amini, Shahriar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This paper focuses on the experimental demonstration of a three-stage GST (gas switching technology) process (fuel, steam/CO2, and air stages) for syngas production from methane in the fuel stage and H2/CO production in ... -
Comparison of particle-resolved direct numerical simulation and 1d modelling of catalytic reactions in a packed bed
Singhal, Arpit; Cloete, Schalk Willem Petrus; Radl, Stefan; Quinta-Ferreira, Roas; Amini, Shahriar (Chapter, 2017)The work presents a comparison of catalytic gas-solid reactions in a packed bed as simulated on two widely different scales: direct numerical simulation (capable of accurately predicting transfer phenomena in and around a ... -
Comparison of phenomenological and fundamental modelling approaches for predicting fluidized bed reactor performance
Cloete, Schalk; Zaabout, Abdelghafour; Johansen, Stein Tore; Amini, Shahriar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Two approaches to modelling fluidized bed reactors were evaluated and compared in this work: a phenomenological 1D approach based on empirical closures and a more fundamental 2D approach based on computational fluid dynamics ... -
Cost-effective clean ammonia production using membrane-assisted autothermal reforming
Cloete, Schalk Willem Petrus; Kahn, Mohammed Nazeer; Nazir, Shareq Mohd; Amini, Shahriar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Ammonia is a widely produced industrial chemical, primarily for use in the fertilizer industry. Recently, interest has also grown in ammonia as a carbon-free energy carrier because it is easier to store and transport than ... -
Demonstration of Swing adsorption cluster concept (SARC) for CO2 capture
Dhoke, Chaitanya (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:148, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Adsorption-based post-combustion CO2 capture is enjoying significant research attention due to its wide applicability within the power and industrial sectors and its ability to retrofit existing infrastructure. Important ... -
Development of Anisotropic Filtered Two Fluid Model Closures
Cloete, Jan Hendrik (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:148, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Filtered modelling of dynamic gas-particle flows has been actively studied by various groups around the world for more than a decade. Even so, the great complexity of this field of study means that several important knowledge ... -
Economic assessment of membrane-assisted autothermal reforming for cost effective hydrogen production with CO 2 capture
Cloete, Schalk Willem Petrus; Khan, Mohammed Nazeer Ul Hasan; Amini, Shahriar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)A recent techno-economic study (Spallina et al., Energy Conversion and Management 120: p. 257–273) showed that the membrane assisted chemical looping reforming (MA-CLR) technology can produce H2 with integrated CO2 capture ... -
Efficiency Improvement of Chemical Looping Combustion Combined Cycle Power Plants
Khan, Mohammed Nazeer Ul Hasan; Cloete, Schalk Willem Petrus; Amini, Shahriar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Chemical-looping combustion (CLC) is an innovative technology for power production with inherent carbon dioxide (CO2) capture. Even though CLC imposes no direct energy penalty for CO2 capture, previous works have shown ... -
Efficient hydrogen production with CO2 capture using gas switching reforming
Nazir, Shareq Mohd; Cloete, Jan Hendrik; Cloete, Schalk Willem Petrus; Amini, Shahriar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Hydrogen is a promising carbon-neutral energy carrier for a future decarbonized energy sector. This work presents process simulation studies of the gas switching reforming (GSR) process for hydrogen production with integrated ... -
Efficient Production of Clean Power and Hydrogen Through Synergistic Integration of Chemical Looping Combustion and Reforming
Khan, Mohammed Nazeer Ul Hasan; Cloete, Schalk Willem Petrus; Amini, Shahriar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Chemical looping combustion (CLC) technology generates power while capturing CO2 inherently with no direct energy penalty. However, previous studies have shown significant energy penalties due to low turbine inlet temperature ... -
Evaluation of a filtered model for the simulation of large scale bubbling and turbulent fluidized beds
Cloete, Schalk; Johansen, Stein Tore; Amini, Shahriar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Full 3D flow simulations of lab and industrial scale dense fluidized beds were carried out using a filtered Eulerian-Eulerian approach. Filtered closures for interphase momentum exchange, solids stresses and additional ... -
Experimental Demonstration of a Novel Gas Switching Combustion Reactor for Power Production with Integrated CO2 Capture
Zaabout, Abdelghafour; Cloete, Schalk Willem Petrus; Johansen, Stein Tore; Annaland, MV; Gallucci, F; Amini, Shahriar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)This paper experimentally demonstrates the feasibility of a novel gas switching combustion (GSC) reactor as an alternative to the traditional chemical looping combustion (CLC) process for power production with integrated ... -
Experimental demonstration of pressurized chemical looping combustion inan internally circulating reactor for power production with integrated CO2capture
Osman, Mogahid; Zaabout, Abdelghafour; Cloete, Schalk Willem Petrus; Amini, Shahriar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This study presents an experimental demonstration of pressurized chemical looping combustion (CLC) in an internally circulating reactor (ICR). The ICR concept is a novel alternative to the conventional interconnected ... -
Full Plant Scale Analysis of Natural Gas Fired Power Plants with Pre-Combustion CO2 Capture and Chemical Looping Reforming (CLR)
Nazir, Shareq Mohd; Bolland, Olav; Amini, Shahriar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)In this study, first of its kind complete plant scale integration of pre-combustion CO2 capture method with Chemical Looping Reforming (CLR) of Natural Gas (NG), Water Gas Shift (WGS) process, CO2 capture and CO2 compression ...