Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Alexis, Konstantinos"
Now showing items 1-20 of 45
Attitude Control and Implementation of a 'Flying' Quadruped Robot
Westre, Andreas (Master thesis, 2023)Vi viser arbeidet med en firbeint robot designet for utforskning i Mars- og Månehuler, som kan regulere sin orientering ved utelukkende å kontrollere bevegelsen av bena. Kontrollerens ytelse ble evaluert i et 3D-simuleri ... -
Audio-Visual Based Contact Force Estimation and Terrain Classification for a Robotic Paw
Vangen, Aleksander Blekken (Master thesis, 2023)Utviklingen innenfor robotikk har eksplodert de siste ti-årene, fra stillestående roboter begrenset til egne celler og gjentakende oppgaver, til å ha roboter som vandrer rundt i omverdenen. Dette åpner for muligheten til ... -
Autonomous Cave Exploration using Aerial Robots
Dharmadhikari, Mihir; Nguyen, Dinh Huan; Mascarich, Frank; Khedekar, Nikhil Vijay; Alexis, Konstantinos (Chapter, 2021)In this paper we present the complete system design for an aerial robot capable of autonomous exploration inside natural cave environments. Cave networks involve diverse and complicated topologies, complex geometries and ... -
Autonomous Distributed 3D Radiation Field Estimation for Nuclear Environment Characterization
Mascarich, Frank; De Petris, Paolo; Nguyen, Dinh Huan; Khedekar, Nikhil Vijay; Alexis, Konstantinos (Chapter, 2021)This paper contributes a method designed to enable autonomous distributed 3D nuclear radiation field mapping. The algorithm uses a single radiation sensor and a sequence of spatially distributed and robotically acquired ... -
Autonomous Exploration and General Visual Inspection of Ship Ballast Water Tanks using Aerial Robots
Dharmadhikari, Mihir; De Petris, Paolo; Kulkarni, Mihir; Khedekar, Nikhil Vijay; Nguyen, Dinh Huan; Stene, Arnt Erik; Sjøvold, Eivind; Solheim, Kristian; Gussiaas, Bente; Alexis, Konstantinos (Chapter, 2023)This paper presents a solution for the autonomous exploration and inspection of Ballast Water Tanks (BWTs) of marine vessels using aerial robots. Ballast tank compartments are critical for a vessel's safety and correspond ... -
Autonomous Mapping and Spectroscopic Analysis of Distributed Radiation Fields using Aerial Robots
Mascarich, Frank; Kulkarni, Mihir; Wilson, Taylor; Alexis, Konstantinos (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This paper presents a strategy for field estimation and informative path planning towards autonomous mapping and radiological characterization of distributed gamma radiation fields within confined GPS-denied environments ... -
Autonomous teamed exploration of subterranean environments using legged and aerial robots
Kulkarni, Mihir; Dharmadhikari, Mihir; Tranzatto, Marco; Zimmermann, Samuel; Reijgwart, Victor; De Petris, Paolo; Nguyen, Dinh Huan; Khedekar, Nikhil Vijay; Papachristos, Christos; Ott, Lionel; Siegwart, Roland; Hutter, Marco; Alexis, Konstantinos (Chapter, 2022)This paper presents a novel strategy for autonomous teamed exploration of subterranean environments using legged and aerial robots. Tailored to the fact that subterranean settings, such as cave networks and underground ... -
CERBERUS in the DARPA Subterranean Challenge
Tranzatto, Marco; Miki, Takahiro; Dharmadhikari, Mihir; Bernreiter, Lukas; Kulkarni, Mihir; Mascarich, Frank; Andersson, Olov; Khattak, Shehryar; Hutter, Marco; Siegwart, Roland; Alexis, Konstantinos (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article presents the core technologies and deployment strategies of Team CERBERUS that enabled our winning run in the DARPA Subterranean Challenge finals. CERBERUS is a robotic system-of-systems involving walking and ... -
CERBERUS: Autonomous Legged and Aerial Robotic Exploration in the Tunnel and Urban Circuits of the DARPA Subterranean Challenge
Tranzatto, Marco; Mascarich, Frank; Bernreiter, Lukas; Godinho, Carolina; Camurri, Marco; Khattak, Shehryar; Dang, Tung; Reijgwart, Victor; Loeje, Johannes; Wisth, David; Zimmermann, Samuel; Nguyen, Dinh Huan; Fehr, Marius; Solanka, Lukas; Buchanan, Russell; Bjelonic, Marko; Khedekar, Nikhil Vijay; Valceschini, Mathieu; Jenelten, Fabian; Dharmadhikari, Mihir; Homberger, Timon; De Petris, Paolo; Wellhausen, Lorenz; Kulkarni, Mihir; Miki, Takahiro; Hirsch, Satchel; Montenegro, Markus; Papachristos, Christos; Tresoldi, Fabian; Carius, Jan; Valsecchi, Giorgio; Lee, Joonho; Meyer, Konrad; Wu, Xiangyu; Nieto, Juan; Smith, Andy; Hutter, Marco; Siegwart, Roland; Mueller, Mark; Fallon, Maurice; Alexis, Konstantinos (Journal article, 2021)Autonomous exploration of subterranean environments constitutes a major frontier for robotic systems as underground settings present key challenges that can render robot autonomy hard to achieve. This has motivated the ... -
Design and Control of a Torque Controllable Quadrupedal Robot - A study on the development of ASTRo
Ghansah, Adrian Bødtker; Thorseth, Paal Arthur Schjelderup (Master thesis, 2021)Interessen for gående roboter har de siste årene blitt betydelig mer fremtredende. Med flere bransjer som ønsker å benytte seg av robotikkteknologi, blir behovet for robuste, trygge og effektive robotplattformer større og ... -
Design and Control of a Torque Controllable Quadrupedal Robot - A study on the development of ASTRo
Ghansah, Adrian Bødtker; Thorseth, Paal Arthur Schjelderup (Master thesis, 2021)Interessen for gående roboter har de siste årene blitt betydelig mer fremtredende. Med flere bransjer som ønsker å benytte seg av robotikkteknologi, blir behovet for robuste, trygge og effektive robotplattformer større og ... -
Design and Experimental Verification of a Jumping Legged Robot for Martian Lava Tube Exploration
Olsen, Jørgen Anker; Alexis, Konstantinos (Chapter, 2023)The potential of Martian lava tubes for resource extraction and habitat sheltering highlights the need for robots capable to undertake the grueling task of their exploration. Driven by this motivation, in this work we ... -
Forceful Aerial Manipulation Based on an Aerial Robotic Chain: Hybrid Modeling and Control
Nguyen, Dinh Huan; Alexis, Konstantinos (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This letter presents the system design, modeling, and control of the Aerial Robotic Chain Manipulator. This new robot design offers the potential to exert strong forces and moments on the environment, carry and lift ... -
Hypergame-based Adaptive Behavior Path Planning for Combined Exploration and Visual Search
Dharmadhikari, Mihir; Deshpande, Harshal; Dang, Tung; Alexis, Konstantinos (Chapter, 2021)In this work, we present an adaptive behavior path planning method for autonomous exploration and visual search of unknown environments. As volumetric exploration and visual coverage of unknown environments, with possibly ... -
Learning-based Collision-free Navigation for Aerial Robots
Dyre-Moe, Magnus (Master thesis, 2022)Læringsbaserte tilnærminger i UAV-er har fått økt oppmerksomhet de siste årene. Motivasjonen for den økende populariteten stammer fra tradisjonelle metoder, som SLAM, hvor dataassosiasjon er et aktivt og utfordrende ... -
Learning-Based Navigation in Cluttered Environments Using A Deep Collision Prediction Network
Fyhn, Sondre Holm (Master thesis, 2021)Trygg og pålitelig navigasjon med ubemannede luftfartøy har de siste årene fått økt oppmerksomhet, mye grunnet en betydelig prisreduksjon av ombord-sensorer, aktuatorer og innvevde datamaskiner kraftige nok til å kjøre ... -
Manhole Detection and Traversal for Exploration of Ballast Water Tanks using Micro Aerial Vehicles
Dharmadhikari, Mihir; de Petris, Paolo; Nguyen, Dinh Huan; Kulkarni, Mihir; Khedekar, Nikhil Vijay; Alexis, Konstantinos (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This paper presents a method for the autonomous exploration of multiple compartments of a Ballast Water Tank inside a vessel using Micro Aerial Vehicles. Navigation across the compartments of ballast tanks often requires ... -
Marsupial Walking-and-Flying Robotic Deployment for Collaborative Exploration of Unknown Environments
De Petris, Paolo; Khattak, Shehryar; Dharmadhikari, Mihir; Waibel, Gabriel; Nguyen, Dinh Huan; Montenegro, Markus; Khedekar, Nikhil Vijay; Alexis, Konstantinos; Hutter, Marco (Chapter, 2022)This work contributes a marsupial robotic system-of-systems involving a legged and an aerial robot capable of collaborative mapping and exploration path planning that exploits the heterogeneous properties of the two systems ... -
Martian Lava Tube Exploration Using Jumping Legged Robots: A Concept Study
Olsen, Jørgen Anker; Alexis, Konstantinos (Chapter, 2023)In recent years, robotic exploration has become increasingly important in planetary exploration. One area of particular interest for exploration is Martian lava tubes, which have several distinct features of interest. ... -
MIMOSA: A Multi-Modal SLAM Framework for Resilient Autonomy against Sensor Degradation
Khedekar, Nikhil; Kulkarni, Mihir; Alexis, Konstantinos (Chapter, 2022)This paper presents a framework for Multi-Modal SLAM (MIMOSA) that utilizes a nonlinear factor graph as the underlying representation to provide loosely-coupled fusion of any number of sensing modalities. Tailored to the ...