Blar i NTNU Open på dokumenttype "Lecture"
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A multi-perspective account of safety (MUPSY)
(Lecture, 2017) -
Characterization of cement types used for rock injection
(Lecture, 2016)This paper is a part of the research project “True Improvement in Grouting High pressure Technology for tunneling (TIGHT)" financed by the Research Council of Norway (project no. 236676/O30), in cooperation with Statens ... -
Control Structure Design for Optimal Oparation of 4-Product Thermally Coupled Columns
(Lecture, 2011)Control and operation of energy efficient complex distillation arrangements like Kaibel and Petlyuk columns can be challenging. This paper discusses the control structure design for stabilizing ... -
Designing packed multi-partition wall dividing wall columns
(Lecture, 2011) -
Development and Validation of Robotic Cleaning System for Fish Processing Plants
(Lecture, 2017)This paper presents the development of a robotic cleaning solution for fish processing plant. The project is currently at the stage of a first prototype consisting of a serial manipulator, a vertical linear axis and a ... -
Evaluation of simple Fault Location on a MV Feeder with DG, using Fundamental Frequency Components
(Lecture, 2008)This paper looks into possibilities for locating short circuit faults on a MV feeder with distributed generation (DG). Power frequency measurements of voltages and currents are utilized for estimating the distance to the ... -
Innovation Workshop: Universal Design
(Lecture, 2014)CONTENT • What is universal design? • To live with a disability? • Some examples in innovation in universal design -
Marvina – A Norwegian Speech Centric, Multimodal Visitors’ Guide
(Lecture, 2007)This paper describes the development and testing of a multimodal visitors’ guide service for guests to the city and university in Trondheim. The system is under continuous development. At the present ... -
Minimum Energy for the four-product Kaibel-column
(Lecture, 2006) -
NorKorr - Norwegian Correspondences and Linked Open Data
(Lecture, 2019)The National Library of Norway has a substantial amount of private historical correspondences in its holdings,1 many of which are scholarly edited and published, either in printed editions or in digital form. In addition, ... -
Patient Specific Numerical Simulation of Flow in the Human Upper Airways for Assessing the Effect of Nasal Surgery
(Lecture, 2017)The study is looking into the potential of using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) as a tool for predicting the outcome of surgery for alleviation of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). From pre- and post-operative ... -
Probabilistic inference in psychosis and autism
(Lecture, 2017) -
RDA in Norway
(Lecture, 2019)The NO-RDA node aims to foster national, regional and international RDA engagement through a focus on areas of strategic importance for the Nordic region, such as Data Management Plans, FAIR Data Stewardship and management ... -
The Challenges of Mitigation Measures in Longyearbyen Svalbard
(Lecture, 2018)The Arctic regions are facing changes in climate; warmer weather and more intense precipitations are thought to be the consequences. Longyearbyen in Svalbard is one of those places where warmer weather has been influencing ... -
Zero Failure Management at Maximum Productivity in Safety Critical Control Room
(Lecture, 2011)Predicted growth in air traffic and demand for increased safety, predictability, and efficiency impose additional demands on Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems. Different technologies are currently under development to ...