• Advanced R744 solution for supermarkets, hotel chillers and maritime applications in India 

      Singh, Simarpreet; Selvnes, Håkon; Pardiñas, Ángel Á.; Reddy, Srinevas K; Gupta, P; Vaishak, S; Arun, B.S.; Widell, Kristina Norne; Elarga, Hagar; Hafner, Armin (Chapter, 2022)
      R744 integrated systems can meet oscillating heating and cooling demands efficiently and become a game changer in countries such as India. The present work aims to develop and present R744 system designs and disseminate ...
    • Analysis of R744 refrigeration system with liquid ejectors 

      Singh, Simarpreet; Reddy, Amshith; Parkash, Maiya M.; Banasiak, Krzysztof; Hafner, Armin; Nekså, Petter (Chapter, 2018)
      In recent years, there is a rapid increase in the cooling demand. Hence, not only the consumption of energy, but also the quantity of the refrigerants released into the air is increasing globally leading to planetary ...
    • Energy efficient multiejector CO2 cooling system for high ambient temperature 

      Singh, Simarpreet; Maiya, Prakash; Hafner, Armin; Banasiak, Krzysztof; Nekså, Petter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Experimental evaluation of a multiejector CO2 cooling system of 33 kW cooling capacity is conducted for an Indian supermarket at high ambient temperature context. The test-rig is designed to depict the actual supermarket ...
    • Experimental Evaluation of a Multi-Ejector Trans-critical CO2 System for Supermarkets 

      Singh, Simarpreet; Hafner, Armin; Banasiak, Krzysztof; Maiya, Prakash; Nekså, Petter (Chapter, 2019)
      In the present experimental study, the performance of a multi-ejector based trans-critical CO2 cooling system is tested at high ambient temperature up to 46°C for a supermarket application with and without internal heat ...
    • Experimental evaluation of multi-ejector based CO2 cooling system for supermarkets in tropical zones 

      Singh, Simarpreet; Hafner, Armin; Banasiak, Krzysztof; Maiya, Prakash M.; Nekså, Petter (Chapter, 2018)
      Cooling system for supermarkets, now-a-days in developing countries like India, mainly uses man-made synthetic refrigerants/mixtures such as R134a, R404A and R410A (HFCs). These fluorinated refrigerants possess an outrageous ...
    • Experimental investigation of CO2 systems for Indian supermarkets with parallel configuration of multiejectors (INDEE) 

      Banasiak, Krzysztof; Singh, Simarpreet; Hafner, Armin; Maiya, Prakash; Nekså, Petter; Pardiñas, Ángel Á. (Chapter, 2019)
      Experimental investigation of transcritical R744 pack for Indian supermarkets was performed. Parallel combination of expansion work recovery multiejector blocks was applied for optimization of energy performance of the ...
    • Heat pump/chiller system for centralized kitchens in India 

      Singh, Simarpreet; Hafner, Armin; Banasiak, Krzysztof; Seshadri, Satyanarayanan; Maiya, Prakash; Smitt, Silje Marie; Gabrielii, Cecilia H (Chapter, 2020)
      A heat pump unit using CO2 as working fluid is designed to meet not only a part of the heating demand in the centralised kitchen at The Akshaya Patra Foundation, Bengaluru, India, but also the entire cooling demand to ...
    • Multiejector CO2 cooling system with evaporative gascooler for a supermarket application in tropical regions 

      Singh, Simarpreet; Hafner, Armin; Maiya, M.P.; Banasiak, Krzysztof; Nekså, Petter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      In the present study, the performance of a 33 kW multiejector trans-critical CO2 cooling system is experimentally evaluated for a supermarket application with/without internal heat exchanger and evaporative cooling. In ...
    • Performance evaluation of CO2 ejector system with parallel compressor for supermarket application 

      Singh, Simarpreet; Banasiak, Krzysztof; Hafner, Armin; Maiya, M.P.; Nekså, Petter (Chapter, 2018)
      Evolution in modifications for CO2 system configuration came across from the last two decades has proven to hold the potential in order to improve the overall performance of the CO2 cooling system for various applications. ...
    • Performance Evaluation of Ejector Based CO₂ System for Simultaneous Heating and Cooling Application in an Indian Dairy Industry 

      Koti, Dasi; Singh, Simarpreet; Guruchethan, A.M.; Maiya, M.P.; Hafner, Armin; Banasiak, Krzysztof; Nekså, Petter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      India is ranked first in milk production, and its goal is to increase annual production to 300 million tons by 2024. The dairy industry requires multi-temperature cooling and simultaneous heating. In the present study, the ...
    • Performance investigation of a multi-ejector R744 heat pump 

      Singh, Simarpreet; Reddy, Amshith; Prakash, Maiya P.; Banasiak, Krzysztof; Hafner, Armin; Nekså, Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Carbon dioxide (CO2, R744) is a natural refrigerant which is emerging as a potential substitute for Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and FCs nowadays because of its eco-friendliness, non-flammability, high volumetric capacity and ...
    • R744 Refrigeration Solution for Small Supermarkets 

      Singh, Simarpreet; Pardiñas, Ángel Á.; Hafner, Armin; Schlemminger, Christian; Banasiak, Krzysztof (Chapter, 2021)
      Application based technology solution is nowadays preferred to achieve the performance of the cooling system configuration at its best. Therefore, benchmarking is an essential criterion which would add value to the optimum ...
    • Study on retaining natural refrigerant in seafood processing industries in India 

      Arun, B.S.; Kumar, Sumit; Murali, S.; Ninan, George; Samuel, Manoj P.; Widell, Kristina Marianne Norne; Singh, Simarpreet; Elarga, Hagar Hassan Hassanein Hassan; Hafner, Armin (Chapter, 2023)
      In the seafood processing sector in India, natural refrigerant such as NH3 is currently replaced by Freon refrigerants such as HFC-404A, because these systems are comparably more compact, operate above atmospheric pressure ...