• Development of a risk assessment for sea trout in coastal areas exploited for aquaculture 

      Finstad, Bengt; Sandvik, Anne Dagrun; Ugedal, Ola; Vollset, Knut; Karlsen, Ørjan; Davidsen, Jan Grimsrud; Sægrov, Harald; Lennox, Robert J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      ABSTRACT: The regulation of aquaculture production in Norway considers the potential impact of salmon lice on wild fish. However, most attention has been focused on impacts on wild Atlantic salmon, despite the fact that ...
    • The effect of surveillance fishing on migration distance of Atlantic Salmon during the spawning period 

      Munkeby, Johan; Davidsen, Jan Grimsrud; Havn, Torgeir Børresen; Ulvan, Eva Marita; Næsje, Tor; Karlsen, Dag H.; Solem, Øyvind; Lennox, Robert J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Objective Surveillance fishing surveys can be performed to estimate the proportion of farmed salmon represented in the spawning stock of native Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar populations. These surveys take place after the ...
    • How pathogens affect the marine habitat use and migration of sea trout (Salmo trutta) in two Norwegian fjord systems 

      Lennox, Robert J.; Eldøy, Sindre Håvarstein; Vollset, Knut; Miller, Kristi M.; Li, Shaorong; Kaukinen, Karia H.; Isaksen, Trond Einar; Davidsen, Jan Grimsrud (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Wild fish are confronting changing pathogen dynamics arising from anthropogenic disturbance and climate change. Pathogens can influence animal behaviour and life histories, yet there are little such data from fish in the ...
    • One Hundred Pressing Questions on the Future of Global Fish Migration Science, Conservation, and Policy 

      Lennox, Robert J.; Paukert, Craig P.; Aarestrup, Kim; Auger-Méthé, Marie; Baumgartner, Lee; Birnie-Gauvin, Kim; Bøe, Kristin; Brink, Kerry; Brownscombe, Jacob W.; Chen, Yushun; Davidsen, Jan Grimsrud; Eliason, Erika J.; Filous, Alexander; Gillanders, Bronwyn M.; Helland, Ingeborg Palm; Horodysky, Andrij Z.; Januchowski-Hartley, Stephanie R.; Lowerre-Barbieri, Susan K.; Lucas, Martyn C.; Martins, Eduardo G.; Murchie, Karen J.; Pompeu, Paulo S.; Power, Michael; Raghavan, Rajeev; Rahel, Frank J.; Secor, David; Thiem, Jason D.; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Ueda, Hiroshi; Whoriskey, Frederick G.; Cooke, Steven J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Migration is a widespread but highly diverse component of many animal life histories. Fish migrate throughout the world’s oceans, within lakes and rivers, and between the two realms, transporting matter, energy, and other ...
    • The risk of individual fish being captured multiple times in a catch and release fishery 

      Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Diserud, Ola Håvard; Solem, Øyvind; Havn, Torgeir Børresen; Bjørum, Lars Rasmus Oftedal; Kristensen, Torstein; Urke, Henning Andre; Johansen, Martin Rognli; Lennox, Robert J.; Fiske, Peder; Uglem, Ingebrigt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      The proportion of angled Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. being caught and released has increased. If individuals are repeatedly captured, this may have fish welfare consequences. Of 995 Atlantic salmon tagged during catch ...
    • Wild salmonids are running the gauntlet of pathogens and climate as fish farms expand northwards 

      Vollset, Knut; Lennox, Robert J.; Davidsen, Jan Grimsrud; Eldøy, Sindre Håvarstein; Isaksen, Trond Einar; Madhun, Abdullah Sami; Karlsson, Sten; Miller, Kristina M (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Salmon farming has multiplied from a side business of coastal farmers to one of the world's major aquaculture species. This has dramatically altered the disease dynamics between farmed and wild salmonids. As salmon fish ...