• Brukerforsøk med multimodal demonstrator 

      Aas, Asbjørn (Master thesis, 2006)
      Med en multimodal applikasjon utviklet ved Telenor FoU dokumenteres forskjellige brukergruppers nytte av multimodale systemer.
    • A character-based analysis of impacts of dialects on end-to-end Norwegian ASR 

      Parsons, Phoebe; Kvale, Knut; Svendsen, Torbjørn Karl; Salvi, Giampiero (Chapter, 2023)
      We present a method for analyzing character errors for use with character-based, end-to-end ASR systems, as used herein for investigating dialectal speech. As end-to-end systems are able to produce novel spellings, there ...
    • Mobile Multimodal Service for a 3G-terminal 

      Schie, Thormod (Master thesis, 2006)
      This thesis presents a mobile multimodal service platform, which enable users to interact with automated services using a standard mobile terminal in a user friendly and efficient way. The concept of multimodality was ...
    • Segmentation and labelling of speech 

      Kvale, Knut (Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 1993:126, Doctoral thesis, 1993)
      During the last decades, significant research efforts have been aimed at devoloping speech technology products such as speech input and output systems. In order to train and evaluate these systems huge speech databases ...
    • Taleteknologi og kunstig intelligens 

      Kvale, Knut; Gulla, Jon Atle; Adde, Line; Solberg, Per Erik; Svendsen, Torbjørn Karl; Moshagen, Sjur Nørstebø (Research report, 2022)