• Comparing the Scalability of Communication Networks and Systems 

      Hossfeld, Tobias; Heegaard, Poul Einar; Kellerer, Wolfgang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Scalability is often mentioned in literature, but a stringent definition is missing. In particular, there is no general scalability assessment which clearly indicates whether a system scales or not or whether a system ...
    • Definition and Application of the Scalability Index: Example of 5G Network Slicing 

      Hossfeld, Tobias; Heegaard, Poul Einar; Kellerer, Wolfgang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Scalability is of key interest for communication networks and systems, and frequently mentioned in research. However, a framework for benchmarking the scalability of two or more systems is missing. Therefore, we establish ...
    • Deriving QoE in Systems: From Fundamental Relationships to a QoE-based Service-level Quality Index 

      Hossfeld, Tobias; Heegaard, Poul Einar; Skorin-Kapov, Lea; Varela, Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      With Quality of Experience (QoE) research having made significant advances over the years, service and network providers aim at user-centric evaluation of the services provided in their system. The question arises how to ...
    • Discrete-time Analysis of Multicomponent GI/GI/1 Queueing Networks 

      Geissler, Stefan; Lange, Stanislav; Hossfeld, Tobias; Tran-Gia, Phuoc (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
    • From QoS Distributions to QoE Distributions: a System's Perspective 

      Hossfeld, Tobias; Heegaard, Poul Einar; Skorin-Kapov, Lea; Varela, Martin; Fiedler, Markus (Chapter, 2020)
      In the context of QoE management, network and service providers commonly rely on models that map system QoS conditions (e.g., system response time, paket loss, etc.) to estimated end user QoE values. Observable QoS conditions ...
    • Fundamental Relationships for Deriving QoE in Systems 

      Hossfeld, Tobias; Heegaard, Poul Einar; Skorin-Kapov, Lea; Varela, Martin (Chapter, 2019)
      In the context of subjective user studies conducted to derive relationships between influence factors and QoE, user diversity leads to distributions of user scores for test conditions. Such models are commonly exploited ...
    • A Greener Experience: Trade-Offs between QoE and CO<inf>2</inf> Emissions in Today's and 6G Networks 

      Hossfeld, Tobias; Varela, Martin; Skorin-Kapov, Lea; Heegaard, Poul Einar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      While users of Internet multimedia services demand high Quality of Experience (QoE), meeting these demands results in energy consumption along the service delivery path, from the end user's device, through the network to ...
    • Highlighting the Gap Between Expected and Actual Behavior in P4-enabled Networks 

      Gray, Nicolas; Grigorjew, Alexej; Hossfeld, Tobias; Apoorv, Shukla; Zinner, Thomas Erich (Chapter, 2019)
      Modern networks increasingly rely on Software-defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) to augment their flexibility in high load scenarios. To further enhance the performance, a part of the ...
    • KOMon—Kernel-based Online Monitoring of VNF Packet Processing Times 

      Geissler, Stefan; Lange, Stanislav; Wamser, Florian; Zinner, Thomas Erich; Hossfeld, Tobias (Chapter, 2019)
      The ongoing softwarization of networks comes with several advantages like cost efficiency, increased scalability, and better flexibility by migrating functionality from static, application specific hardware appliances to ...
    • Personal Task Design Preferences of Crowdworkers 

      Hirth, Matthias; Borchert, Kathrin; De Moor, Katrien; Borst, Vanessa; Hossfeld, Tobias (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The following topics are dealt with: quality of experience; virtual reality; video streaming; data compression; video coding; learning (artificial intelligence); video signal processing; computer games; human factors; Internet.
    • The Interplay between QoE, User Behavior and System Blocking in QoE Management 

      Hossfeld, Tobias; Atzori, Luigi; Heegaard, Poul Einar; Skorin-Kapov, Lea; Varela, Martin (Chapter, 2019)
      In this position paper we highlight a shortcoming of current QoE management approaches that typically do not take into due account the resulting user behavior. As a result, a divergence is introduced between the predicted ...