• Analyzing dynamic species abundance distributions using generalized linear mixed models 

      Solbu, Erik Blystad; van der Veen, Bert; Herfindal, Ivar; Hovstad, Knut Anders (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Understanding the mechanisms of ecological community dynamics and how they could be affected by environmental changes is important. Population dynamic models have well known ecological parameters that describe key ...
    • Associational relationships at multiple spatial scales affect forest damage by moose 

      Herfindal, Ivar; Tremblay, Jean-Pierre; Hester, Alison J.; Lande, Unni Støbet; Wam, Hilde K (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Increasing abundance of large herbivores combined with changes in forestry practices has led to increased forest damage in many temperate and boreal forest areas. The role of alternative forage as a driver for browsing ...
    • Bevaringsbiologi - Fjellrev i NINA 2005 

      Landa, Arild Magne; Strand, Olav; Kvaløy, Kirsti; van Dijk, Jiska Joanneke; Eide, Nina Elisabeth; Herfindal, Ivar; Linnell, John Durrus; Andersen, Roy (NINA rapport;102, Research report, 2005)
      Fjellrev Alopex lagopus er en av de mest utrydningstruede pattedyr i Norge og det er stort be-hov for kunnskap både om direkte og underliggende årsaker til fjellrevens tilbakegang så vel som mulige tiltak. ”Overvåkningsp ...
    • Bevaringsbiologi. Fjellrev i NINA 2006 

      Landa, Arild Magne; Eide, Nina Elisabeth; Flagstad, Øystein; Herfindal, Ivar; Strand, Olav; Andersen, Roy; van Dijk, Jiska Joanneke; Kvaløy, Kirsti; Linnell, John Durrus (NINA rapport;, Research report, 2006)
      Fjellreven Alopex lagopus er kritisk truet i Fennoskandia. Det er iverksatt overvåking, ulike be-varingstiltak samt forskning for å forklare den vedvarende tilbakegangen i Norge, Sverige og Finland. Denne rapporten oppsummerer ...
    • Biodiversity of benthic invertebrates in regulated and unregulated lakes 

      Rem, Vetle Knardahl (Master thesis, 2024)
      Menneskelige påvirkninger på økosystemer, særlig endring i arealbruk og tilknyttet habitatødeleggelse og fragmentering, er i ferd med å skape globale tap i biodiversitet. Ferskvannssystemer er spesielt utsatt, siden de har ...
    • Biodiversity Revisited: Impacts of Hydropower Activities on Aquatic Insect Fauna on Decadal Timescales 

      Krogstie, Hanne Bjørnås (Master thesis, 2022)
      Økosystemer globalt er under stort press fra menneskelige aktiviteter, og ferskvannsøkosystemer er spesielt sårbare. En viktig kilde til påvirkning av ferskvann er vannkraft, som påvirker biologisk mangfold gjennom ...
    • Causes and consequences of intersexual life history variation in a harvested herbivore population 

      Markussen, Stine Svalheim (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:246, Doctoral thesis, 2018)
      Et individ sin livshistorie er de stadiene knytt til reproduksjon og overlevelse som individet gjennomgår i løpet av livet. Variasjon i livshistorietrekk mellom individ er både et resultat av, og grunnlaget for evolusjonære ...
    • Cost of migration in moose (Alces alces) with regard to mortality risk and locomotion 

      Tollefsen, Zandra Margareta (Master thesis, 2011)
      Summary1. Migration is present in all animal taxa and is defined as a periodic movement pattern between given ranges. Migratory individuals generally move more directional and with higher speed than stationary individuals ...
    • Decomposing demographic contributions to the effective population size with moose as a case study 

      Lee, Aline Magdalena; Myhre, Ane Marlene; Markussen, Stine Svalheim; Engen, Steinar; Solberg, Erling Johan; Haanes, Hallvard; Røed, Knut; Herfindal, Ivar; Heim, Morten; Sæther, Bernt-Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Levels of random genetic drift are influenced by demographic factors, such as mating system, sex ratio and age structure. The effective population size (N e) is a useful measure for quantifying genetic drift. Evaluating ...
    • Decomposing demographic contributions to the effective population size with moose as a case study 

      Lee, Aline Magdalena; Svalheim Markussen, Stine; Engen, Steinar; Solberg, Erling Johan; Haanes, Hallvard; Røed, Knut H.; Herfindal, Ivar; Heim, Morten; Sæther, Bernt-Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Levels of random genetic drift are influenced by demographic factors, such as mating system, sex ratio and age structure. The effective population size (Ne) is a useful measure for quantifying genetic drift. Evaluating ...
    • Demographic consequences of harvesting: a case study from a small and isolated moose population 

      Herfindal, Ivar; Lee, Aline Magdalena; Hamel, Sandra; Solberg, Erling Johan; Sæther, Bernt-Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      ABSTRACT: Harvesting can have a substantial impact on population dynamics and individual performance in wild populations. While the direct consequences of harvest on individual survival and population growth rate are often ...
    • Demographic influences of translocated individuals on a resident population of house sparrows 

      Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Skjelseth, Sigrun; Pärn, Henrik; Herfindal, Ivar; Borg Pedersen, Åsa Alexandra; Stokke, Bård Gunnar; Kvalnes, Thomas; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Jensen, Henrik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Translocation of individuals from source populations to augment small populations facing risk of extinction is an important conservation tool. Here we examine sex-specific differences between resident and translocated house ...
    • Determinants of age at first reproduction and lifetime breeding success revealed by full paternity assignment in a male ungulate 

      Markussen, Stine Svalheim; Herfindal, Ivar; Loison, Anne; Solberg, Erling Johan; Haanes, Hallvard; Røed, Knut; Heim, Morten; Sæther, Bernt-Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Age at first reproduction is an important determinant of individual variation in reproductive success in ungulates, but few studies have examined its relationship with later fitness‐related traits in males. We used a ...
    • Drivers of change in meso-carnivore distributions in a northern ecosystem 

      Rød-Eriksen, Lars (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:182, Doctoral thesis, 2020)
      Species have been subject to major perturbations in recent times, such as over-harvest, habitat loss and climate change, affecting their distribution and abundance. Alpine and arctic tundra ecosystems are particularly ...
    • Effects of inbreeding on fitness-related traits in a small isolated moose population 

      Haanes, Hallvard; Markussen, Stine Svalheim; Herfindal, Ivar; Røed, Knut H.; Solberg, Erling Johan; Heim, Morten; Midthjell, Liv; Sæther, Bernt-Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Inbreeding can affect fitness-related traits at different life history stages and may interact with environmental variation to induce even larger effects. We used genetic parentage assignment based on 22 microsatellite ...
    • Effects of local density dependence and temperature on the spatial synchrony of marine fish populations 

      Marquez, Jonatan; Herfindal, Ivar; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Aanes, Sondre; Salthaug, Are; Lee, Aline Magdalena (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Disentangling empirically the many processes affecting spatial population synchrony is a challenge in population ecology. Two processes that could have major effects on the spatial synchrony of wild population dynamics are ...
    • Elgbeitetakst i Salsbruket 2013 

      Lande, Unni Støbet; Herfindal, Ivar; Wam, Hilde K (Bioforsk Rapport;, Research report, 2013)
      Bioforsk takserte elgbeitene i Salsbruket juli 2013. Salsbruket utgjør i overkant av 500 000 sammenhengende daa med utmark i kystskogregionen av Trøndelag. Som elgbeite er området preget av lav skoggrense (200-300 moh), ...
    • Elgen i Norge sett med jegerøyne. En analyse av jaktmaterialet fra overvå-kingsprogrammet for elg og det samlede sett elg-materialet for perioden 1966-2004 

      Solberg, Erling Johan; Rolandsen, Christer Moe; Heim, Morten; Grøtan, Vidar; Garel, Mathieu; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland; Austrheim, Gunnar; Herfindal, Ivar (NINA rapport;125, Research report, 2006)
      Elgen er en viktig utmarksressurs i Norge. Som et ledd i overvåkingen av denne ressursen be-nyttes elgjegere til å samle inn forskjellig type data fra observerte og felte elg under jakta hvert år. Dette materialet er i ...
    • Elgundersøkelsene i Nord-Trøndelag, Bindal og Rissa 2005 - 2010. Sluttrapport 

      Rolandsen, Christer Moe; Solberg, Erling Johan; Bjørneraas, Kari; Heim, Morten; Van Moorter, Bram; Herfindal, Ivar; Garel, Mathieu; Pedersen, Paul Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Lykkja, Odd N.; Os, Øystein (NINA rapport;588, Research report, 2010)
      Rapporten beskriver resultatene fra Elgundersøkelsene i Nord-Trøndelag, Bindal og Rissa. Det overordnede målet har vært å øke den generelle kunnskapen om elgen i området, og gjennom dette bidra til å styrke det faglige ...
    • Environmental effects on spatial population dynamics and synchrony – lessons from northern ecosystems 

      Herfindal, Ivar; Lee, Aline Magdalena; Marquez, Jonatan; Le Moullec, Mathilde; Peeters, Bart; Hansen, Brage Bremset; Henden, John-André; Sæther, Bernt-Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Environmental variation in time and space generates complex patterns in the spatial structure of temporally covarying populations. Accounting for spatial population structure is important for sustainable management and ...