• Condition monitoring system for all-electric subsea systems 

      Soland, Eirik (Master thesis, 2023)
      I dag er de fleste subsea systemene utviklet med elektro- hydrauliske kontrollsystemer. Dette systemet har i mange tiår blitt utviklet til det velfungerende og pålitelige systemet det er i dag. I disse systemene kommuniserer ...
    • Controllability analysis for process and control system design 

      Faanes, Audun (Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2003:76, Doctoral thesis, 2003)
      Controllability is the ability of a process to achieve acceptable performance, and in this thesis we use controllability analysis in the design of buffer tanks, feedforward controllers, and multivariable controllers such ...
    • A Model Library for Oil/Water Emulsion Separation and Transport Processes 

      Assar, Moein (Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      In the petroleum industry, the separation and transportation of multiphase fluids, especially crude-oil and water emulsions, hold immense economic and environmental significance. Thus, development of fundamentally advanced, ...
    • Modelling of Carbon Dioxide transport in pipelines and wells for Carbon Capture and Storage(CCS) applications using Python 

      Arntzen, Arnt Vegard (Master thesis, 2024)
      Mastergraden fokuserer på modellering av karbondioxidtransport i rørledning og brønn, for bruk innen karbonfangst og lagring. Python er benyttet som modelleringsverktøy. Hovedmålene til oppgaven er å utvikle en modell for ...
    • Optimization Based Design of Subsea Processing Considering Reliability and Maintenance 

      Stolpnes, Thomas (Master thesis, 2022)
      Undervannsteknologi gir mulighet for å utvikle små marginale felt som ofte har liten profittmargin og kort feltlevetid ved hjelp av kosteffektive løsninger. Det er derimot viktig at disse løsningene oppfyller kravene til ...
    • Optimized Design of Horizontal Gas-Oil-Water Gravity Separators 

      Bogen, Elias Vølstad (Master thesis, 2022)
      Denne oppgaven sikter på å presentere arbeidet for hvordan et verktøy for optimalisert design av horisontale gass-olje-vann gravitasjonsseparatorer har blitt implementert. Arbeidet har blitt basert på tidligere arbeid av ...
    • Service Line-Less Subsea Production and Injection 

      Fuglestad, Hanne (Master thesis, 2020)
      I dag er de fleste subsea-felt utviklet med et elektro-hydraulisk kontrollsystem hvor en umbilical supplerer feltet med hydraulisk væske, kjemikalier, signaler og elektrisitet. Umbilicalen er en kostnadskrevende komponent ...
    • Subsea Field Layout Optimization 

      Liu, Haoge (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:33, Doctoral thesis, 2022)
      This study focuses on building a systematic method for the subsea field layout optimization with the aim of minimizing the overall field development cost. The subsea field layout optimization is a very complex problem which ...
    • Subsea field layout optimization (Part I) – directional well trajectory planning based on 3D Dubins Curve 

      Liu, Haoge; Gjersvik, Tor Berge; Faanes, Audun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Directional well trajectory planning, which includes the optimization of the drilling site location and the trajectory between the drilling site to the completion interval, plays an important role in reducing subsea field ...
    • Subsea field layout optimization (part II)–the location-allocation problem of manifolds 

      Liu, Haoge; Gjersvik, Tor Berge; Faanes, Audun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The location-allocation problem of manifolds, which is a part of subsea field layout optimization, directly affects the flowline cost. This problem has always been studied as a mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) ...
    • Subsea field layout optimization (part III) --- the location-allocation problem of drilling sites 

      Liu, Haoge; Gjersvik, Tor Berge; Faanes, Audun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This study proposes an efficient method to optimize the subsea field layout with the aim of minimizing the subsea field development cost, based on the two methods introduced in Part I and Part II for solving the well ...
    • Subsea System for CO2 Injection 

      Klingenberg, Eskil; Øren, Sander Boger (Master thesis, 2024)
      Interessen og investeringene i karbonfangst og lagring øker, og det skaper et behov for spesialiserte løsninger for å effektivisere prosessen. For øyeblikket benytter industrien utstyr som er designet for produksjonsformål. ...
    • Subsea System for CO2 Injection 

      Øren, Sander Boger; Klingenberg, Eskil (Master thesis, 2024)
      Interessen og investeringene i karbonfangst og lagring øker, og det skaper et behov for spesialiserte løsninger for å effektivisere prosessen. For øyeblikket benytter industrien utstyr som er designet for produksjonsformål. ...
    • Subsea templates for operation with subsea drones 

      Haukeland, Håvard Moberg (Master thesis, 2021)
      The next generation of subsea inspection, maintenance and repair (IMR) vehicles are drones capable of operating both autonomously and under human control. Many different technologies are required for the drones to as an ...
    • The Cost Model of Subsea Production Systems and Flowlines including Automatic Flowline Routing 

      Musayev, Shamsi (Master thesis, 2020)
      Nowadays, optimization of field development projects in a cost-efficient way is one of the crucial topics in the petroleum industry. The current economic conditions and unpredictable fluctuations of oil price force all ...