Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Tufte, Gunnar"
Computing in Unstructured Matter
Lykkebø, Odd Rune S. (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:90, Doctoral thesis, 2017) -
Creating Images with Self-Modifying Cartesian Genetic Programming
Tønnessen, Christoffer (Master thesis, 2016)Self-Modifying Cartesian Genetic Programming (SMCGP) is a form of genetic programming where the program can modify itself. This ability to modify itself is thought to make the program do more complex calculations from a ... -
Databussen i en studentsatellitt
Holmstrøm, Dan Erik (Master thesis, 2012)NUTS er en 2U CubeSat, planlagt for oppskyting i 2014. NUTS er utviklet ved NTNU, og studenter ta del det å bygge og designe satellitten. Miniatyrsatellitter som følge Cubesat spesifikasjonen er ofte sammensatt av separate ... -
Deciphering and emulating neuronal communication: Population-level computation from elemental interactions
Heiney, Kristine (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:220, Doctoral thesis, 2023)This thesis explores computation in neural systems and how we might draw inspiration from it in designing computational systems. The research conducted for this thesis encompasses both neural data analysis and computational ... -
Deep Reservoir Computing Using Cellular Automata
Molund, Andreas (Master thesis, 2017)Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) is a prominent concept within artificial intelligence. RNNs are inspired by Biological Neural Networks (BNNs) and provide an intuitive representation of how BNNs work. Derived from the more ... -
Design and implementation of a prototype platform for evolution in materio
Lykkebø, Odd Rune Strømmen (Master thesis, 2010)Evolution in-materio is a relatively new field in which one seeks to reachbeyond the common transistor as a basic building block for computingentities by exploiting the physical properties of materials throughevolution. ... -
Detecting Limb Movements by Reading Minds
Eidnes, Lars Hiller (Master thesis, 2011)Ved hjelp av EEG kan elektrisk aktivitet på hodebunnen til mennesker brukes til å kontrollere en datamaskin. I senere år har maskinlæringsteknikker gjort slike systemer nøyaktigere og istand til å tilpasse seg individet. ... -
Developmental Boolean Network as a Model for Electrical Activity in Living Neural Cultures
Mangmee, Cherdsak (Master thesis, 2018)Technological advancement through the last century have made it possible to not only culture neurons in vitro (in glass outside the body), but also to a certain degree record and control their development. Micro-electrode ... -
Discrete Tranformation of Output in Cellular Automata
Waage, Aleksander Lunøe (Master thesis, 2012)Cellular automata (CA) is an example of cellular computing: large numbers of simple components, no central control, and limited communication among components. A CA consists of an array of cells, each in one of a finite ... -
Emergent Behaviour in the Frequency-Power Spectrum of Discrete Dynamic Networks
Jahren, Ole Henrik (Master thesis, 2012)In the fields of cellular automata and complex systems, emergence isoften used as an interpretation of system behaviour. Computation and theresulting output are both products of the systems trajectory in the basinof ... -
En parallell løsning av cellulær utvikling i maskinvare
Øyan, Mats Jørgen (Master thesis, 2006)Dagens elektroniske kretser utvikles som regel med en top-ned designstrategi. Siden kretsene blir større og mer komplekse blir designet av kretsene også en større og vanskeligere jobb. For å takle denne økende kompleksiteten ... -
En parallell løsning av cellulær utvikling i maskinvare
Øyan, Mats Jørgen (Master thesis, 2006)Dagens elektroniske kretser utvikles som regel med en top-ned designstrategi. Siden kretsene blir større og mer komplekse blir designet av kretsene også en større og vanskeligere jobb. For å takle denne økende kompleksiteten ... -
Evaluating the Influence of Network Structure on Boolean Networks and Cellular Automata
Hvaal, Harald (Master thesis, 2010)While there have been many papers respectively on the qualities of Boolean networks and Cellular Automata, little work has been done on comparing these networks to each other. Network parameters such as input count and ... -
EvoDynamic: A Framework for the Evolution of Generally Represented Dynamical Systems and Its Application to Criticality
Pontes-Filho, Sidney; Lind, Pedro; Yazidi, Anis; Zhang, Jianhua; Hammer, Hugo Lewi; Mello, Gustavo; Sandvig, Ioanna; Tufte, Gunnar; Nichele, Stefano (Chapter, 2020)Dynamical systems possess a computational capacity that may be exploited in a reservoir computing paradigm. This paper presents a general representation of dynamical systems which is based on matrix multiplication. That ... -
Evolution in Materio: - En Kaotisk Tilnærming
Flogard, Eirik Lund (Master thesis, 2015)Denne avhandlingen omhandler et konsept kalt Evolution in Materio, der man gjennom datakontrollert evolusjon forsøker å utnytte et materies naturlige egenskaper for å løse oppgaver eller utføre beregninger. Motivasjonen ... -
Evolution of Cellular Automata using Lindenmayer Systems and Fourier Transforms
Berg, Sivert (Master thesis, 2013)Cellular automata (CAs) are a class of highly parallel computing systems consisting of many simple computing elements called cells. The cells can only communicate with neighboring cells, meaning there is no global communication ... -
Evolution of Control System(s) for a Multi Joint Snake: Transformer <-> #13
Hatteland, Karl (Master thesis, 2007)This thesis is about evolving a control system for a snake called Transformer <-> #13. This is a mechanical snake with several body parts. The choise was to use a cellular genetic algorithm where each body part is a cell. ... -
Evolution-in-materio computations: Hierarchies rising from electron dynamics in carbon nanotubes
Laketic, Dragana; Tufte, Gunnar (Chapter, 2017)Previously, Evolution-In-Materio (EIM), an unconventional computing paradigm, was addressed as a computing system which exhibits dynamical hierarchies. For different conceptual domains identified within an EIM system, a ... -
Evolvability of Instruction-Based Random Boolean Networks
Sæhle, Caroline Anne (Master thesis, 2015)Random Boolean Networks are a generalisation of binary Cellular Automata, without a fixed topology. This thesis presents an RBN implementation using an instruction-based approach, and compares this to a traditional ... -
Evolving artificial neural networks for cross-adaptive audio effects
Jordal, Iver (Master thesis, 2017)Cross-adaptive audio effects have many applications within music technology, including for automatic mixing and live music. Commonly used methods of signal analysis capture the acoustical and mathematical features of the ...