• Rainfall-Induced Landslides in a Changing Climate 

      Oguz, Emir Ahmet (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:187, Doctoral thesis, 2022)
      Rainfall-induced landslides pose a great risk to society and cause catastrophic consequences including environmental damages, economic losses, deaths, and injuries all around the world. Such landslides are typically ...
    • Realistic visualization of debris flow type landslides through virtual reality 

      Alene, Gebray Habtu; Vicari, Hervé; Irshad, Shafaq; Perkis, Andrew; Bruland, Oddbjørn; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Immersive media technologies, such as virtual and augmented reality, have recently enabled a more holistic way to comprehend natural hazards. In this work, we aim at visualizing the temporal and spatial evolution of a ...
    • Shear bands in undrained plane strain compression of Norwegian quick clays 

      Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh; Nordal, Steinar; Gioacchino, Viggiani; Charrier, Pacal (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This work presents the results of plane strain tests carried out at the Laboratoire 3SR Grenoble (France) on undisturbed samples of very sensitive Norwegian soft clay. Discussion of the results focuses on the observed ...
    • Simulering av prøvetakingsprosessen i PLAXIS 2D 

      Edvardsen, Kristina Molland (Master thesis, 2015)
      Under prøvetaking påføres jorden volumendringer og avlastning av totalspenning oppstår, noe som videre fører til en endring i poretrykk. Når prøven avlastes fra in situ spenningsstilstand oppstår det et sug, $-u_k$, i ...
    • Slope Stability Assessment with Bayesian Updating 

      Hult, Astrid (Master thesis, 2018)
      This thesis aims to explore the potential of implementing Bayesian updating in the probabilistic analysis of a geotechnical slope stability assessment. Bayesian updating is a well-defined method for combining supplementary ...
    • Special Issue on “Materials and Processes for Ground Engineering Infrastructure” 

      Hong-Hu, Zhu; Garg, Ankit; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh; Jiang, Ningjun (Journal article, 2020)
    • Spenningsavlastning i rekonsolidert sensitiv bløtleire 

      Dang, Helena (Master thesis, 2016)
      Denne oppgaven ble utført i forbindelsen med doktorgradsarbeidet til Helene A. Amundsen, som er PhD-stipendiat ved NTNU. Bakgrunnen til arbeidet er studien om effekt av lagringstid på prøvekvalitet. Modellforsøket ble ...
    • Storage duration effects on Norwegian low-plasticity sensitive clay samples 

      Amundsen, Helene Alexandra (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:192, Doctoral thesis, 2018)
      he issue of soil sample disturbance is important when determining the representative geotechnical properties, especially for low-plasticity sensitive clay samples. These clays are often inhomogeneous, which makes such an ...
    • Storage Duration Effects on Soft Clay Samples 

      Amundsen, Helene Alexandra; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The effects of storage duration on the sample quality of 54-mm piston samples were investigated by an extensive laboratory study. A soft clay deposit in Central Norway was used as a research site—the Tiller site. The soft ...
    • Two-Phase Two-Layer Depth-Integrated SPH-FD Model: Application to Lahars and Debris Flows 

      Tayyebi, Saeid Moussavi; Pastor, Manuel; Hernandez, Andrei; Gao, Lingang; Stickle, Miguel Martin; Yifru, Ashenafi Lulseged; Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The complex nature of debris flows suggests that the pore-water pressure evolution and dewatering of a flowing mass caused by the high permeability of soil or terrain could play an essential role in the dynamics behavior ...