Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Kjeldsberg, Per Gunnar"
Now showing items 21-40 of 94
Custimisable waveform generator
Fossum, Maren Vorin (Master thesis, 2022)A waveform is a set of signals that helps drive and control different parts of digital designs. To create a waveform a waveform generator is needed. This generator can be implemented in many different ways depending on the ... -
Design of a fractal generator for on-the-fly generation of textures for Mali GPU
Corneliussen, Per Christian (Master thesis, 2011)The Mandelbrot set, shown on the front page of this report, is perhaps themost well-known example of a fractal. Fractals is a certain familyof shapes with a very distinctive, interesting shape. The term was coined byBenoit ... -
Design of a satellite drag sail deorbiting controller
Johnsen, Inge Eide (Master thesis, 2024)Romsøppel, deriblant defekte satellitter, er en stadig økende trussel for aktive satellitter i bane rundt jorden. Utvikling av effektive og pålitelige metoder for å fjerne disse defekte satellittene fra verdensrommet er ... -
Design of Low-Power Reduction-Trees in Parallel Multipliers
Oskuii, Saeeid Tahmasbi (Doctoral Theses at NTNU, 1503-8181; 2008:61, Doctoral thesis, 2008)Multiplications occur frequently in digital signal processing systems, communication systems, and other application specific integrated circuits. Multipliers, being relatively complex units, are deciding factors to the ... -
Dino – Plattform for forenklet FPGA-design
Skraastad, Lars Erik Tiset (Master thesis, 2019)Det kan være en stor utfordring å designe digital maskinvare til programmerbare logiske kretser(FPGA). Jo mindre erfaring man innehar, desto mer utfordrende er det. For å kunne utvikle på en FPGA er man avhengig av et ... -
DSP for Lågeffekt Programvaredefinert Radio
Maråk, Martin (Master thesis, 2011)Programvaredefinert radio (SDR) er ein ny måte å implementere radiosystem på. Hovudtanken er at delar av radioen som tidlegare har vore implementert med låste analoge og digitale løysingar skal erstattast med programvare ... -
EEG-based Brain Computer Interface for Controlling a Drone - using machine learning, optimized for a battery powered device
Ribe, Adrian; Krohn, Kristian Husevåg (Master thesis, 2018)Brain Computer Interfaces enable the use of brain waves to control computer-based external devices. It can, however, be difficult to trigger a specific brain wave, and it might not be repetitive enough to be used in such ... -
Effektoptimalisering av trådløse radiomottakere
Andreassen, Sigurd Myhre (Master thesis, 2010)Effektoptimalisering av mottakerarkitekturer er en kompleks oppgave. Et konstruksjonsvalg vil typisk virke inn forskjellig på forskjellige mål for ytelsen i en arkitektur. Det er derfor nyttig for en konstruktør å kunne ... -
Efficient and accurate detection of illuminated points using FPGA hardware acceleration
Johnsen, Harald Haugen (Master thesis, 2021) -
Efficient Ray Tracing of Sparse Voxel Octrees on an FPGA
Wilhelmsen, Audun (Master thesis, 2012)Ray tracing of sparse voxel octrees is a method of rendering images of 3D models, which could soon become practical for use in real time applications. This is desirable as ray tracing can produce very realistic visualizations, ... -
Electrical Power System of the NTNU Test Satellite: Design of the EPS
Jacobsen, Lars Erik (Master thesis, 2012)The NTNU Test Satellite (NUTS) project is aiming to launch a 10×10×20 cm nanosatellite by the year 2014. The goal is to design and develope a low cost satellite by exploring the use of commersially available components. ... -
Embedded demonstrator for audio manipulation
Larsen, Jarle (Master thesis, 2010)Demonstration of embedded systems is a good way to motivate and recruit students to a future career in electronics. For Department of Electronics and Telecommunication at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology ... -
Embedded Demonstrator for Video Presentation and Manipulation
Jonassen, Cato Marwell (Master thesis, 2010)In this master thesis there has been implemented an embedded demonstrator for video presentation and manipulation, based on the specification presented in the project thesis written last semester. The demonstrator was ... -
Embedded System for Electronic Circuit Education
Venjum, Kai André (Master thesis, 2010)Embedded systems are ideal as electronic demonstrators because they provides the designer with wide possibilities for optimization through codesign. In many situations, like school visits at the Norwegian University of ... -
Energy Efficiency Effects of Vectorization in Data Reuse Transformations for Many-Core Processors—A Case Study
Al Hasib, Abdullah; Natvig, Lasse; Kjeldsberg, Per Gunnar; Cebrian, Juan Manuel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Thread-level and data-level parallel architectures have become the design of choice in many of today’s energy-efficient computing systems. However, these architectures put substantially higher requirements on the memory ... -
Energy efficient DCT hardware
Simovic, Milorad (Master thesis, 2015)Energy efficiency in electronic system designs has been playing an important role for years. With the increased usage of battery powered devices and the increased number of functionalities they provide, energy efficiency ... -
Energy Efficient Floating Point Unit for the SHMAC Platform
Hope, Bengt Erik (Master thesis, 2017)Floating-point operations are critical for many applications where heterogenous computing is gaining traction. Floating-point implementation can be power hungry, however. As such, this thesis presents the architecture and ... -
Energy Efficient True Random Number Generator
Foik, Conrad Georg (Master thesis, 2015)For modern cryptography, the availability of true random numbers is indispensable. While recent technology trends require secure communication, they combine this requirement with the need for energy efficient solutions. ... -
Fast and Accurate Edge Computing Energy Modeling and DVFS Implementation in GEM5 Using System Call Emulation Mode
Yassin, Yahya Hussain; Jahre, Magnus; Kjeldsberg, Per Gunnar; Aunet, Snorre; Catthoor, Francky (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Stringent power budgets in battery powered platforms have led to the development of energy saving techniques such as Dynamic Voltage and Frequency scaling (DVFS). For embedded system designers to be able to ripe the benefits ... -
Fast Correlation Computations on Large Image Data Sets
Midtbø, Asbjørn Magnus (Master thesis, 2023)Målet med denne masteroppgåva er å optimalisere krysskorrelasjon for ei stor mengd bilete med flekkemønster(speckle patterns). Dette skal også implementerast i maskinvare. Krysskorrelasjon kan brukas til å finne forskyving ...