Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Greco, Marilena"
Comparing the Utility of Coupled Aero-Hydrodynamic Analysis Using a CFD Solver versus a Potential Flow Solver for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
Siddiqui, Mohd Atif; Hanssen, Finn-Christian Wickmann; Greco, Marilena; Anda, Eirik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)There has been a great effort towards development of renewable energy systems to combat global warming with significant interest towards research and development of floating offshore wind turbines (FOWTs). With commercial ... -
A Coupled Harmonic Polynomial Cell and Higher-Order Spectral Method for Nonlinear Wave Propagation
Hanssen, Finn Christian W.; Helmers, Jens Bloch; Greco, Marilena (Chapter, 2020)The present work deals with wave generation in fully nonlinear numerical wave tanks (NWT). As an alternative to modelling a moving (physical) wavemaker, a two-dimensional (2D) potential-flow NWT is coupled with an external ... -
Coupling of a 2D Boundary Element Method with a local analytical solution to deal with geometrical singularities
Biørn-Hansen, Einar (Master thesis, 2016)Boundary Element Method, BEM, as a numerical tool to solve boundary values problems, has been developed and tested. The numerical scheme is coupled with known analytical flow models for geometrical singularities, and results ... -
Development of a new Navier-Stokes Solver using a Generalized HPC method for the Pressure Poisson Equation
Rabliås, Øyvind (Master thesis, 2016)The computational cost of solving the Navier-Stokes equations numerically is too high for most full-scale applications, especially within the marine field. Many marine structures are defined as large volume structures. For ... -
Domain Decomposition strategies for modelling survivability conditions of WECs
Colicchio, Giuseppina; Greco, Marilena; Antuono, Matteo (Chapter, 2019) -
Dynamic domain decomposition strategy coupling lattice Boltzmann methods with Finite differences approximations of the Navier-Stokes equations to study bodies in current
Colicchio, Giuseppina; Greco, Marilena; Lugni, Claudio; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2015)A Domain-Decomposition (DD) strategy is proposed for problems involving regions with slow variations of the flow (A) and others where the fluid features undergo rapid changes (B), like in the case of steady current past ... -
Experimental analysis of high and steep wave impacts and related hydroelastic effects relevant for offshore structures in steel
Ahani, Alireza; Abrahamsen, Bjørn Christian; Greco, Marilena (Chapter, 2022)An experimental strategy to investigate high and steep wave impacts and related hydroelastic effects relevant for offshore structures in steel is proposed. A physical model was shaped as a vertical rectangular surface-piercing ... -
Experimental Analysis of Sea-bass Hydrodynamics
Moen, Frode (Master thesis, 2020)I forkant av denne masteroppgaven ble det utført et eksperiment for å analysere hydrodynamikken for det stabile strømningsbildet til en havabbor. Den første delen av dette arbeidet foreslår en analytisk løsning av havabborens ... -
Experimental and Numerical Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Damaged Ship Section In Waves
Siddiqui, Mohd Atif (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:361, Doctoral thesis, 2020)In the past few decades, ships have become larger, efficient, durable but the danger of accidental events like grounding, collision etc. continues to be a major issue in ship operations. Following a damage event, a ship ... -
Experimental investigation of a closed vertical cylinder-shaped fish cage in waves
Shen, Yugao; Firoozkoohi, Reza; Greco, Marilena; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Wave-induced response of a closed floating fish cage consisting of a vertical circular cylinder with an external toroidal floater is studied theoretically and experimentally. A main purpose was to investigate how the ... -
Experimental studies of a damaged ship section in beam sea waves
Siddiqui, Mohd Atif; Greco, Marilena; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Lugni, Claudio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This work presents a series of experiments performed with a prismatic hull form in a small wave flume. The model is a midship section with rectangular damage opening on the side. It is slightly smaller than the flume breadth ... -
Experimental studies of a damaged ship section in forced heave motion
Siddiqui, Mohd Atif; Greco, Marilena; Lugni, Claudio; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This work documents a detailed series of experiments performed in a wave flume on a thin walled prismatic hull form. The model consists of a rectangular opening located on the side. The length of the model is slightly ... -
Fish-Inspired Propulsion Study: Numerical Hydrodynamics of Rigid/Flexible/Morphing Foils and Observations on Real Fish
Xu, Huili (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:7, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Many swimming fishes in nature have been endowed with high hydrodynamic efficiency and performance, such as low resistance, high speed, and good maneuverability, both when swimming individually and in groups, i.e., using ... -
Foil Motion Control av høyhastighetskatamaraner
Håberg, Ida Oline (Master thesis, 2019)Skip som opererer ved høye hastigheter utsettes regelmessig for kraftige bølgeinduserte belastninger og vibrasjoner forårsaket av store bevegelser og akselerasjoner. Et neddykket foilsystem kombinert med en kontrollalgoritme ... -
Free-Surface Tracking in 2D with the Harmonic Polynomial Cell Method: Two Alternative Strategies
Hanssen, Finn Christian W.; Bardazzi, Andrea; Lugni, Claudio; Greco, Marilena (Journal article, 2017)Several cases of nonlinear-wave propagation are studied numerically in two dimensions within the framework of potential flow. The Laplace equation is solved with the Harmonic Polynomial cell (HPC) method, which is a field ... -
Gas cavity-body interactions: Efficient numerical solution
Colicchio, Giuseppina; Greco, Marilena; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Brocchini, Maurizio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The paper investigates the interactions occurring between a gas cavity, the surrounding liquid and the nearby structures. In more detail, focus is in the characterization of the various dynamical phases (e.g. “acoustic ... -
Global Analysis of a Floating Bridge
Pedersen, Christopher S (Master thesis, 2013)There is an ongoing political debate in Norway concerning how to improve the communication between communities on the western coastline. A proposed solution is to build floating bridges over some of the crossings that today ... -
Green-water phenomena for feed barges in exposed sea areas
Williams, David Hugh (Master thesis, 2017)Because of high growth in the aquaculture industry, the feeding barges are moving out to more exposed areas. This brings problems such as water on deck. In this master thesis, a shallow water equation code has been constructed ... -
Halvt nedsenkbar tørrtre plattform: Koblingen mellom det hydro-pneumatiske stigerørsstrekk-systemet, stigerørene og kjølen.
Falk, Marianne-Isabelle; Skorpen, Thomas (Master thesis, 2012)Det hydro-pneumatiske strekksystemet til stigerørene virker som en passiv hivkompensator med en olje/gass-akkumulator for a utligne de relative bevegelsene mellom semien og stigerørene. Semiresponsen fører direkte til at ... -
Higher Order Spectral method for wave scenarios with nonlinear and dispersive effects
Lawrence, Christopher (Master thesis, 2018)For ocean application, a High Order Spectral (HOS) method is studied. Different from most application of HOS method which use initial value problem to investigate the spectrum evolution, embedded wave generation is implemented ...