Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Gao, Chao"
Now showing items 21-34 of 34
Machinability of Low-Lead and Lead-Free Brass Alloys
Müller, Magdalena Susanne (Doctoral thesis, 2024) -
Machine learning-guided design of lattice structures
Tessari, Mattia (Master thesis, 2023)For decades, scientists and engineers have been striving to develop materials that are both light-weight and strong, stable, and resilient, with applications ranging from aerospace to the biomedical industry. While ... -
Machine-learning approach to design fatigue-resistant structure inspired by Pogonias cromis
Engen, Katinka (Master thesis, 2022)Atlanterhavsfisken Pagonias cromis har den høyeste bitekraften per vekt, men det nedre svelgkjevebenet som er ansvarlig for å knuse bløtdyr og skalldyr er relativt porøst sammenlignet med kortikalt bein funnet i pattedyr. ... -
Numerical Analysis of Latticed Beam under Compression and Bending
Kvale, Jostein Rodahl (Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg lette gitterstrukturer tiltenkt industrielle applikasjoner som beinimplantater eller myke roboter. Gitterstrukturer har fått mye oppmerksomhet i det siste, og forskere og ingeniører utvikler ... -
Numerical assessment on a novel bio-inspired joint under complex loading.
Damiano, Luigi (Master thesis, 2024)For å møte etterspørselen etter stadig større overflater i arkitektonisk ingeniør- og konstruksjonsindustri (AEC), er forskningsinnsatsen rettet mot utvikling av forskjellige teknologiske løsninger for installasjon av ... -
Numerical investigation on the compressive behaviors of Islamic geometric patterns inspired architectured material
Marcon, Stefano (Master thesis, 2023)De bemerkelsesverdige mekaniske ytelsene til arkitektonerte materialer—komponert av nøye designet byggeklosser - har mottatt økende interesser fra vitenskap og ingeniørfag samfunnet de siste tiårene. Blant arkitektoniske ... -
Numerical study of uniform spheres inside cylindrical shell via Discrete Element Method
Fenstad, Henrik (Master thesis, 2024)Denne avhandlingen introduserer DEM som et simulerings-verktøy for identiske baller tettpakket i en lukket sylinder. Den høye mengden baller som representerer granulær materie er studert med tanke på kontakt forbindelser ... -
Predicting stress, strain and deformation fields in materials and structures with graph neural networks
Maurizi, Marco; Gao, Chao; Berto, Filippo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022) -
Quasi-static compression and compression–compression fatigue behavior of regular and irregular cellular biomaterials
Cao, Anni; Gao, Chao; Berto, Filippo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The main aim of the current study is to evaluate the compressive quasi-static and fatigue properties of titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V) cellular materials, with different topologies, manufactured via laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) ... -
Short review of nonplanar fused deposition modeling printing
Nisja, Georg Aarnes; Cao, Anni; Gao, Chao (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)As one of the additive manufacturing (AM) methods, fused deposition modeling (FDM) technology is widely adopted but involves some limitations in lacking surface quality and mechanical properties due to the use of only ... -
Silk-inspired architectured filament with enhanced stiffness and toughness for Fused deposition modelling (FDM)
Liang, Li; Berto, Filippo; Gao, Chao (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Architectured materials, those capable of manipulating the spatial configurations of two or more material phases, have recently gained substantial attention, primarily due to their unprecedented material properties (e.g., ... -
Study of Grid-like Structure under Compression via Finite Element Analysis and Graph Neural Networks
Valvik, Jens Emil (Master thesis, 2024)Denne studien undersøker bruken av finitte elementanalyse (FEA) og graf-nevrale nettverk (GNN) for å forutsi den mekaniske oppførselen til gitterstrukturer under kompresjon, referert til her som gitter-lignende strukturer ... -
Wrinkling of soft bilayers created with additive manufacturing: Experimental tests, finite element modelling and analytical validation
Hamaied, Ranim; Gao, Chao; Spagnoli, Andrea; Berto, Filippo; Bertolin, Chiara (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In the leather manufacturing industry, the necessity to introduce new leather-surrogate materials is motivated by the huge environmental footprint of the leather production process. In fact, tanning requires a lot of ... -
Wrinkling of Soft Membrane created with Additive Manufacturing: Finite Element Modelling and Analytical validation of existing research
Hamaied, Ranim (Master thesis, 2023)In the leather manufacturing industry, the necessity to introduce new leather-surrogate materials is motivated by the huge environmental footprint of the leather production process. In fact, tanning requires a lot of ...