Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar"
Bridge Foundations at Large Water Depths
Tistel, Joar (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:76, Doctoral thesis, 2018)The Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA) plans for a significant upgrade of the E-39 highway route along the west coast of Norway between Kristiansand and Trondheim, where the ferry connections will be replaced by ... -
Correlation between SPT and CPT
Guen, Odong (Master thesis, 2014)The objectives of this thesis are to introduce and describe SPT, CPT methods and the correlation between them. Moreover, it is explained how the correlation between SPT and CPT is reliable and what kinds of studies are ... -
Coupling the cross-entropy with the line sampling method for risk-based design optimization
Depina, Ivan; Papaioannou, Iason; Straub, Daniel; Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)An algorithm for risk-based optimization (RO) of engineering systems is proposed, which couples the Cross-entropy (CE) optimization method with the Line Sampling (LS) reliability method. The CE-LS algorithm relies on the ... -
Design and Analysis of a Geosynthetically Reinforced Soil Bridge Abutment
Tripathi, Parasmani (Master thesis, 2020)Forsterkede jordbroforankringer er en kombinasjon av komprimert jord og forsterkninger (i dette tilfellet geosyntetikk), som støtter og fordeler belastningen fra brooverbygget. Strukturen fungerer etter prinsippet om å ... -
Design of Monopile Foundations to Support the DTU 10 MW Offshore Wind Turbine
Velarde, Joey (Master thesis, 2016)Further advancements in the offshore wind industry, which come with the use of larger wind turbines at deeper water, require larger support structures. For shallow and intermediate water depths, monopile foundations still ... -
Development of P-Y Curves for Monopiles in Clay using Finite Element Model Plaxis 3D Foundation
Pradhan, Dhruba Lal (Master thesis, 2012)The monopiles with typical diameters of 4-6m are mostly used as foundations for the offshore wind turbine structures to resist the vertical and horizontal loads. The response of the laterally loaded pile depends upon the ... -
Dynamic Analysis of a Monopile Offshore Wind Support Structure Subjected to Earthquakes - A Comparative Study Between the Responses of an Elastic and an Inelastic Soil-Structure Interaction Model Through Incremental Dynamic Analysis
Van de Putte, Valentine Clarissa (Master thesis, 2018)It was shown that the response of the structure is highly sensitive to the amplitude of the earthquake, following a nonlinear increase in response with increasing PGD. Even at the recorded moderate earthquake level, nonlinear ... -
Dynamisk testing ved endimensjonal bølgeteori til estimering av aksiell statisk bæreevne
Firman, Henning; Frydenberg, Olav (Master thesis, 2014)Dynamisk testing for estimering av aksiell statisk bæreevne for peler, basert på endimensjonal bølgeteori har i senere år blitt mer tatt i bruk i Norge. Hovedfokuset for denne oppgaven er å forstå og presentere bruk av ... -
Earthquake Response Analysis of Buildings
Niazi, Hijratullah (Master thesis, 2021)Denne masteroppgaven studerer jordskjelvanalyse ved å bruke forenklet metode i henhold til Eurokode 8. Tre forskjellige modeller blir studert, modell 1 hvor jordtrykk er langs en av de langsgående kjellerveggene og hvor ... -
Earthquake Response Analysis of Pile Supported Structures - Correspondence of PLAXIS 2D with Eurocode 8
Toma, Mohsin Ara (Master thesis, 2017)Earthquake response of a structure on relatively soft soil is influenced by the soil material properties and type of foundation i.e. shallow or deep foundation. The design recommendations of Eurocode 8 provide a conservative ... -
Earthquake Response of Different Types of Retaining Walls
Thapa Magar, Anuj (Master thesis, 2016)Retaining walls are designed to restrain against the lateral earth thrust while keeping its original position intact. During an earthquake, the lateral earth thrust increases and the walls become susceptible to failure ... -
Earthquake Soil-Structure Interaction Analyses of Offshore Sub-Sea Structures Founded on Closed Caisson Foundations
Todnem, Magnus; Rørvik, Sondre (Master thesis, 2018)One of the most challenging issues in the design of sub-sea structures founded on closed caisson foundations is their structural response to dynamic loading. Currently, the foundation design is mostly based on fully ... -
Effect of strain-softening behaviour on slope stability during pile driving
Fromreide, Ragnhild (Master thesis, 2020)Denne oppgåva tok sikte på å studere effekten av sprø materialoppførsel ved peleramming i nærleiken av ei skråning med sensitiv leire. Føremålet med oppgåva var å utforske om sprø materialoppførsel under peleramming kunne ... -
Effekten av konkave og konvekse kurvaturer i horisontalplanet for stabilitetsanalyser
Tezare, Noah Ukbu; Halvarsson, Rebecca Lagmandsveen (Master thesis, 2022)2D-analyser er ofte foretrukne fremfor 3D-analyser ved vurdering av skråningsstabilitet i den geotekniske bransjen. Årsaken for dette er at 2D-analyser ofte er konservative, i tillegg til at de er enkle i bruk. Imidlertid ... -
Effekten av konkave og konvekse kurvaturer i horisontalplanet for stabilitetsanalyser
Tezare, Noah Ukbu; Halvarsson, Rebecca Lagmandsveen (Master thesis, 2022)2D-analyser er ofte foretrukne fremfor 3D-analyser ved vurdering av skråningsstabilitet i den geotekniske bransjen. Årsaken for dette er at 2D-analyser ofte er konservative, i tillegg til at de er enkle i bruk. Imidlertid ... -
Effekten av statiske og sykliske laster på gyste bergstag
Hagen, Håvard Olaisen (Master thesis, 2017)I forbindelse med forankring av brukonstruksjoner i berg, er gyste bergstag sett på som et alternativ. For å forstå nedbrytningen av bergstag under sykliske og statiske laster bedre, er det i denne oppgaven utført et ... -
Establishing Methodologies for Seismic Design in Norway
Adhikari, Diponkar (Master thesis, 2023)The seismic response of a structure situated on soil with relatively low stiffness is influenced by the material properties of the soil and the type of foundation employed, such as shallow or deep foundations. This thesis ... -
Estimering av presskrefter ved mikrotunnelering i leire
Bue, Idunn Malene (Master thesis, 2020)Formålet med denne masteroppgaven har vært å kartlegge metoder for beregning av presskraft ved mikrotunnelering. Mikrotunnelering er en type grøftefri metode som baserer seg på rørpressingsprinsippet. Dette prinsippet går ... -
Estimering av presskrefter ved mikrotunnelering i varierende grunnforhold
Sido, Aziz (Master thesis, 2023)Hensikten med denne masteroppgaven har vært å undersøke ulike metoder for å beregne presskraft som oppstår under mikrotunnelering i varierende grunnforhold. Grunnlag under bakken var delt opp som følgende lag: tørrskropleire, ... -
Evaluation of Pile Driving Effects on Slope Stability in Clay
Attari, Yeganeh; Jostad, Hans Petter; Grimstad, Gustav; Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Pile driving can trigger slope failure, specifically in sensitive soil deposits or marginally stable slopes. Cases of slope failure during pile installation have been reported in countries such as Norway, Sweden and Canada ...