Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Kristoffersen, Martin"
Now showing items 1-20 of 49
Ballistic impact on concrete slabs: An experimental and numerical study
Kristoffersen, Martin; Toreskås, Oda Lunde; Dey, Sumita; Børvik, Tore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The ballistic perforation resistance of 50 mm thick concrete slabs impacted by 20 mm diameter ogive-nose steel projectiles is investigated experimentally and numerically. Three commercially produced concretes with nominal ... -
Ballistic impact resistance of additive manufactured high-strength maraging steel: An experimental study
Costas, Miguel; Edwards-Mowforth, Maisie; Kristoffersen, Martin; Teixeira-Dias, Filipe; Brøtan, Vegard; Paulsen, Christian Oen; Børvik, Tore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Maraging steel is a low carbon steel known for its ultra high-strength after heat treatment. In combination with Additive Manufacturing (AM), the properties of maraging steel indicate potential to enable complex geometries ... -
Ballistic perforation resistance of plain and reinforced concrete slabs - An experimental and numerical study
Jacobsen, Øystein Eirik Kvist; Børvik, Tore; Kristoffersen, Martin; Dey, Sumita (Chapter, 2023)As concrete is the most used construction material globally, it is vital to understand how this complex composite material behaves when subjected to extreme and potentially devastating loads like explosions or ballistic ... -
Ballistic perforation resistance of thin concrete slabs impacted by ogive-nose steel projectiles
Kristoffersen, Martin; Toreskås, Oda Lunde; Dey, Sumita; Børvik, Tore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Concrete is a material frequently used in protective structures exposed to extreme loading. In this study, the ballistic perforation resistance of 50 mm thick plain concrete slabs impacted by 20 mm diameter ogive-nose steel ... -
Bending of X65 Offshore Steel Pipes
Lofthaug, Kristoffer; Digerud, Erik (Master thesis, 2014)This thesis is part of an ongoing research program between SIMLab and Statoil about impact loads on X65 offshore pipelines and it is a continuation of previous work.Offshore pipelines are frequently impacted by accidental ... -
Blast load performance of concrete slabs after ballistic impact from ogive-nose projectiles
Kristoffersen, Martin; Lee, Minjoo; Børvik, Tore (Chapter, 2023)Concrete is by far the most used construction material in the world and is frequently used in critical infrastructure and protective structures. Whether intentional or accidental, ballistic impact and blast loading pose ... -
Blast Loading of Concrete Pipes Using C-4 Charges
Kristoffersen, Martin; Hauge, Knut Ove; Børvik, Tore (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The E39 coastal highway route in Norway is envisioned a future without ferries. A submerged floating tunnel built in concrete has been suggested as a means of crossing wide and deep fjords. Blast loading against this type ... -
Blast loading of concrete pipes using spherical centrically placed C-4 charges
Kristoffersen, Martin; Hauge, Knut Ove; Valsamos, Georgios; Børvik, Tore (Chapter, 2018)The Norwegian Public Roads Administration has initiated a large research project on a potential ferry-free coastal highway route E39 from Trondheim to Kristiansand. Parts of this route involve crossing somewide and deep ... -
Combined three-point bending and axial tension of pressurised and unpressurised X65 offshore steel pipes – Experiments and simulations
Kristoffersen, Martin; Langseth, Magnus; Børvik, Tore (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Subsea pipelines are occasionally struck and hooked by objects such as anchors or trawl gear. The initial denting, followed by potential hooking and displacement of the pipeline, give rise to a complex load and deformation ... -
Damage and Failure in an X65 Steel Pipeline Caused by Trawl Gear Impact
Kristoffersen, Martin; Børvik, Tore; Langseth, Magnus; Hopperstad, Odd Sture; Ilstad, Håvar; Levold, Erik (Chapter, 2013)Offshore pipelines subjected to accidental impact loads from trawl gear or anchors may experience large global deformations and large local strains, creating a complex stress and strain history. In this study experiments ... -
Deformasjon av trykksatte rørledninger
Jakobsen, Espen (Master thesis, 2013)Offshore pipelines may be subjected to impact by anchor and trawl gear. An anchor impact will drag the pipeline out of its position, before it is released and the pipe straightens, due to the rebound and large axialforces. ... -
Denting of coated and uncoated offshore steel pipes
Holm, Nicolay Line; Røshol, Eivind Torgunrud (Master thesis, 2015)In the present thesis, numerical and experimental investigations of coated offshore pipelines were conducted. The objective was to investigate how the polypropylene coating affected the global response of the pipes. The ... -
Design and Modeling of Vehicle Security Barriers
Sandvoll, Sigurd Vattekar; Stensvand, Ola Fjelltun (Master thesis, 2021) -
Digital effektkontroller basert på el-gitarens vibarm
Kristoffersen, Martin (Master thesis, 2017)Denne masteroppgaven gikk ut på å lage en digital effektkontroller basert på el-gitarens vibarm, med formål om å berike gitaristens lydpalett med sømløs styring av lydeffekter som ikke kompliserer spillemåten, men snarere ... -
Ductile failure by strain localisation: A computational study of materials and structures subjected to highly non-proportional load histories
Kristoffersen, Martin; Morin, David Didier; Børvik, Tore; Hopperstad, Odd Sture (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025) -
Dynamic versus quasi-static loading of X65 offshore steel pipes
Kristoffersen, Martin; Børvik, Tore; Langseth, Magnus; Hopperstad, Odd Sture (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Anchors or trawl gear occasionally impact offshore pipelines, resulting in large local and global deformations. Impact velocities are typically less than 5 m/s, but local strain rates may be very high. In this study strain ... -
Effects of English L2 on Norwegian L1
Sunde, Anne Mette; Kristoffersen, Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)English outweighs other languages as a source for linguistic borrowing in present-day Norwegian. Most of the research on this topic has considered direct lexical loans, yet observations indicate that English is increasingly ... -
Energy absorption and damage prevention in a submerged floating tunnel during internal blast loading
Tømte, Anders (Master thesis, 2015)Experiments on sandwich structures with an aluminum foam core and aluminum sheet plates are done in the shock tube facility at SIMLab. Aluminum foam is a lightweight material with many applications in a wide range of fields. ... -
Evaluation of automatic versus material test-based calibrations of concrete models for ballistic impact simulations
Antoniou, Andria; Børvik, Tore; Kristoffersen, Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Concrete is used for protective structures all over the world. Accurate response estimates to a given threat is vital for designing such structures. Concrete models often require numerous input parameters for which sufficient ... -
Experimental and Numerical Studies of Plain and Reinforced Concrete Plates Subjected to Blast Loading
Pettersen, Jon Eide; Hillestad, Eivind (Master thesis, 2016)The main objective in this thesis was to determine how the behavior of concrete structures subjected to blast loads may be predicted. An experimental study was conducted, in which 50 mm thick plain and reinforced concrete ...