• 3D Visualization of X-ray Diffraction Data 

      Falch, Thomas Løfsgaard (Master thesis, 2012)
      X-ray diffraction experiments are used extensively in the sciences to study the structure, chemicalcomposition and physical properties of materials. The output of such experiments are samples of thediffraction pattern, ...
    • Accelerating Adaptive Mesh Refinement through Multiscale Dataflow Computing 

      Barbala, Morten Johannes (Master thesis, 2018)
      As we observe diminishing returns for multi-core CPUs, especially when considering power budgets, FPGAs are becoming increasingly important in the HPC world. To push the limits of performance and energy efficiency, more ...
    • Adding GPU-accelerated Real-time SPH-based Avalanche Simulations to the NTNU HPC-Lab Snow Simulator 

      Sandvik, Ivar Andreas Helgestad (Master thesis, 2021)
      Med tilgang til raskere datamaskiner blir det mer og mer realistisk å simulere snø og snøras mer nøyaktig og raskere. Men snø er et komplisert matriale å simulere på grunn av den komplekse strukturen til snø og dens dynamiske ...
    • Analyzing Contextual Bias of Program Execution on Modern CPUs 

      Melhus, Lars Kirkholt (Master thesis, 2013)
      Seemingly innocuous properties of the environment, such as the contents of system environment variables, or different link orders, can impact the performance of computer programs. Variations in external properties like ...
    • Analyzing Halo Computations on Multicore CPUs 

      Hammer, Andreas (Master thesis, 2021)
      Den fortsettende ytelses økningen for flerkjerne- og flernode systemer, krever at algoritmer parallelliseres for å utnytte ytelsen til slike systemer. Beregninger på store datasett gjøres raskere i slike systemer, da en ...
    • Analyzing the Performance of the Epiphany Processor 

      Aaberge, Trygve (Master thesis, 2014)
      Our need for computational power steadily increases as we strive to solve morecomplex problems. As the increase of computational power of \acp{CPU} is slowingdown, due to increasingly smaller and more complex designs, it ...
    • Application of machine learning in tissue characterization 

      Kvam, Johannes (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:119, Doctoral thesis, 2019)
      Bruk av maskinlæring i karakterisering av vev Karakterisering av vev handler om å skille ulike vevstyper basert på en eller annen egenskap som vevet innehar. Innen medisin har ofte sykt og friskt vev ulike fysiske egenskaper. ...
    • Applying Transfer Learning to Traffic Surveillance Videos for Accident Detection 

      Pathak, Ajeet Ram; Elster, Anne Cathrine (Chapter, 2022)
    • Auto-tunable GPU BLAS 

      Lien, Geir Josten (Master thesis, 2012)
      In this paper, we present our implementation of an Auto tuning system, written in C++, which incorporate the use of OpenCL kernels. We deploy this approach on different GPU architectures, evaluating the performance of the ...
    • Auto-tunable GPU BLAS 

      Steinsland, Jarle Erdal (Master thesis, 2011)
      OpenCL is fast becoming the preferred framework used to make programs for heterogeneous platforms consisting of at least one CPU and one or more accelerators. The GPU being readily available in almost all computers, it is ...
    • Automate Detection and Weight Estimation of Fish in Underwater 3D Images 

      Nystad, Lars-Håkon Nohr (Master thesis, 2018)
      Being able to determine the weight of fish is important information for fish breeding facilities. Current methods rely on manual measurements, but it is interesting to look into how underwater imaging can be used to automate ...
    • Automatic Optimization of MPI Applications - Turning Synchronous Calls Into Asynchronous 

      Natvig, Thorvald (Master thesis, 2006)
      The availability of cheap computers with outstanding single-processor performance coupled with Ethernet and the development of open MPI implementations has led to a drastic increase in the number of HPC clusters. This, in ...
    • Automatic Optimization of MPI Applications: Turning Synchronous Calls Into Asynchronous 

      Natvig, Thorvald (Master thesis, 2006)
      The availability of cheap computers with outstanding single-processor performance coupled with Ethernet and the development of open MPI implementations has led to a drastic increase in the number of HPC clusters. This, in ...
    • Avalanche Simulations using Fracture Mechanics on the GPU 

      Boge, Øivind Laupstad (Master thesis, 2014)
      Snow is an extremely complex material due to the structure of snow crystals and how snow behaves when it is settled within snow layers. These factors makes it hard to accurately simulate how snow layers are affected by ...
    • Avalanche Simulations using Fracture Mechanics on the GPU 

      Boge, Øivind Laupstad (Master thesis, 2014)
      Snow is an extremely complex material due to the structure of snow crystals and how snow behaves when it is settled within snow layers. These factors makes it hard to accurately simulate how snow layers are affected by ...
    • Benchmarking and Exploring New Low-powerd Architectures for Ultrasound Processing 

      Tungesvik, Bjørn Åge Nordskog (Master thesis, 2015)
      Small embedded systems are becoming more and more powerful through parallelization. In this thesis, we investigate how suitable such systems are for real-time medical signal processing. We start by analyzing and ...
    • Benchmarking Super Computers - Benchmarks of Clustis3 and Numascale 

      Solheim, Elisabeth (Master thesis, 2015)
      In this thesis I will benchmark NTNUs cluster "Clustis 3" and "Numascale", two of IDI NTNUs super computers using the heat equation as a workload. The workload will be changed in size to see how the performance changes. ...
    • Challenges Adapting CUDA PIC Codes to multiple GPUs 

      Eiksund, Olav Emil (Master thesis, 2015)
      A Particle-In-Cell code is a common particle simulation method often used to simulate the behaviour of plasma. In this work, a parallel PIC code is developed in CUDA, with a focus on how to adapt the method for ...
    • CPU and GPU Co-processing for Sound 

      Gjermundsen, Aleksander (Master thesis, 2010)
      When using voice communications, one of the problematic phenomena that can occur, is participants hearing an echo of their own voice. Acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) is used to remove this echo, but can be computationally ...
    • Directional Decomposition of Images: Implementation Issues Including GPU Techniques 

      Dubois, Jérôme (Master thesis, 2008)
      Directional decomposition of an image consists of separating it into several components, each containing directional information in some specific directions. It has many applications in digital image processing, such as ...