• Computable conditions for order-2 CP symmetry in NHDM potentials 

      Plantey, Robin Maurice Yves; Solberg, Rolf Marius Aase (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for order-2 CP (CP2) symmetry in N-Higgs-doublet potentials for N>2. The conditions, which are formulated as relations between vectors that transform under the adjoint ...
    • Light scalars in the Weinberg 3HDM potential with spontaneous CP violation 

      Plantey, Robin Maurice Yves; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per; Rebelo, Margarida N.; Solberg, Marius (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The Z2×Z2-symmetric 3HDM potential, sometimes called Weinberg's 3HDM potential, can accommodate both explicit and spontaneous CP violation as well as natural flavour conservation and is hence relevant for studies of CP ...
    • Representation-theoretical characterization of canonical custodial symmetry in NHDM potentials 

      Plantey, Robin Maurice Yves; Solberg, Rolf Marius Aase (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      By considering the basis-covariant constituents of N-Higgs-doublet potentials, we derive necessary and sufficient conditions for canonical SO(4)_C Custodial Symmetry (CS) of potentials with N>2 doublets, based on ...
    • Weinberg’s 3HDM potential with spontaneous CP violation 

      Plantey, Robin Maurice Yves; Øgreid, Odd Magne; Osland, Per; Rebelo, Margarida N.; Solberg, Rolf Marius Aase (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We study the potential of Weinberg’s Z2 × Z2-symmetric three-Higgs-doublet model. The potential is designed to accommodate CP violation in the scalar sector within a gauge theory, while at the same time allowing for natural ...