• HyTexiLa: high resolution visible and near infrared hyperspectral texture images 

      Khan, Haris Ahmad; Mihoubi, Soufiane; Mathon, Benjamin; Thomas, Jean-Baptiste; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      We present a dataset of close range hyperspectral images of materials that span the visible and near infrared spectrums: HyTexiLa (Hyperspectral Texture images acquired in Laboratory). The data is intended to provide high ...
    • Illuminance Impacts Opacity Perception of Textile Materials 

      Gigilashvili, Davit; Mirjalili, Fereshteh; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Opacity is an important appearance attribute in the textile industry. Obscuring power and the way textile samples block light can define product quality and customer satisfaction in the lingerie, shirting, and curtain ...
    • Illuminant estimation in multispectral imaging 

      Khan, Haris Ahmad; Thomas, Jean-Baptiste; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve; Laligant, Olivier (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      With the advancement in sensor technology, the use of multispectral imaging is gaining wide popularity for computer vision applications. Multispectral imaging is used to achieve better discrimination between the radiance ...
    • Image quality metrics for the evaluation of print quality 

      Pedersen, Marius; Bonnier, Nicolas; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve; Albregtsen, Fritz (Proceedings of SPIE;7867, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      Image quality metrics have become more and more popular in the image processing community. However, so far, no one has been able to define an image quality metric well correlated with the percept for overall image quality. ...
    • Image Statistics as Glossiness and Translucency Predictor in Photographs of Real-world Objects 

      Gigilashvili, Davit; Tanaka, Midori; Pedersen, Marius; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      We interpret our surrounding based on the visual stimuli, and perceive objects and materials around us to have various attributes, like color, glossiness, and translucency. We analyze the three-dimensional world based on ...
    • Image-based goniometric appearance characterisation of bronze patinas 

      Kiyomoto Arteaga, Isabel Yoko; Boust, Clotilde; Dequier, Angèle; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Patinas are a form of metal polychromy used to decorate metallic artworks. Due to the nature of the metallic surface, their colour and gloss is perceived differently when the illumination and viewing directions vary. Sparkle ...
    • Image-Based Recognition of Individual Trouts in the Wild 

      Zhao, Lingcong; Pedersen, Marius; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve; Dervo, Børre Kind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Individual fish recognition has potentials in applications as fish cultivcation and fishing tourism. Unlike previous research, which either based on physical marker or based on photograph comparison using observers, this ...
    • The Impact of Optical and Geometrical Thickness on Perceived Translucency Differences 

      Gigilashvili, Davit; Urban, Philipp; Thomas, Jean Baptiste; Pedersen, Marius; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      In this work we study the perception of suprathreshold translucency differences to expand the knowledge about material appearance perception in imaging and computer graphics, and 3D printing applications. Translucency is ...
    • Impact of Shape on Apparent Translucency Differences 

      Gigilashvili, Davit; Urban, Philipp; Thomas, Jean-Baptiste; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve; Pedersen, Marius (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Translucency is one of the major appearance attributes. Apparent translucency is impacted by various factors including object shape and geometry. Despite general proposals that object shape and geometry have a significant ...
    • Ink bleed-through removal of historical manuscripts based on hyperspectral imaging 

      Rocha, Cristian da Costa; Deborah, Hilda; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Old manuscripts can be degraded by different reasons over time. The ink bleed-through from the back side of the page is a common problem which compromises the readability and the aesthetics of the document. Unsupervised ...
    • An inverse display color characterization model based on an optimized geometrical structure 

      Thomas, Jean-Baptiste; Colantoni, Philippe; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve; Foucherot, Irene; Gouton, Pierre (Proceedings of SPIE;6807, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)
      We have defined an inverse model for colorimetric characterization of additive displays. It is based on an optimized three-dimensional tetrahedral structure. In order to minimize the number of measurements, the structure ...
    • Kubelka-Munk theory for efficient spectral printer modeling 

      Abebe, Mekides; Gerhardt, Jérémie; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve (Proceedings of SPIE;7866, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      In the context of spectral color image reproduction by multi-channel inkjet printing a key challenge is to accurately model the colorimetric and spectral behavior of the printer. A common approach for this modeling is to ...
    • LED primary selection algorithms for simulation of CIE standard illuminants 

      Nahavandi, Alireza Mahmoudi; Safi, Mahdi; Ojaghi, Pouya; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Although mixture of LEDs is being considered as a simulator of the CIE daylight series, the performance of the simulations is highly dependent on the SPD of the selected LEDs. An algorithm for selection of the best LEDs ...
    • Material Appearance for Conservation and Restoration- Capturing and modelling the appearance of gilded surfaces 

      Arteaga, Yoko (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:148, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      The human visual system is extremely efficient at identifying and recognising different materials. Rarely do humans mistake one material for another, and the appearance of a material tells us many important cues about the ...
    • Material Appearance: Ordering and Clustering 

      Gigilashvili, Davit; Thomas, Jean-Baptiste; Pedersen, Marius; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Appearance is a complex psychovisual phenomenon impacted by various objective and subjective factors that are not yet fully understood. In this work we use real objects and unconstrained conditions to study appearance ...
    • Measuring and Mitigating Speckle Noise in Dual-Axis Confocal Microscopy Images 

      Gigilashvili, Davit (Master thesis, 2017)
      Speckle noise is a form of multiplicative noise that corrupts the quality of medical images. It is well described and studied in medical ultrasound imaging, but less attention has been paid to its presence in reflectance ...
    • Measuring perceptual contrast in a multilevel framework 

      Simone, Gabriele; Pedersen, Marius; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve; Rizzi, Alessandro (Proceedings of SPIE;7240, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      In this paper, we propose and discuss some approaches for measuring perceptual contrast in digital images. We start from previous algorithms by implementing different local measures of contrast and a parameterized way to ...
    • A Metrological Framework for Hyperspectral Texture Analysis Using Relative Spectral Difference Occurrence Matrix 

      Chu, Rui Jian; Richard, Noel; Ghorbel, Faouzi; Fernandez-Maloigne, Christine; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      A new hyperspectral texture descriptor, Relative Spectral Difference Occurrence Matrix (RSDOM) is proposed. Developed in a metrological framework, it simultaneously considers the distribution of spectra and their spatial ...
    • A Metrological Measurement of Texture in Hyperspectral Images Using Relocated Spectral Difference Occurrence Matrix 

      Chu, Rui Jian; Richard, Noel; Fernandez-Maloigne, Christine; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      A new hyperspectral texture descriptor, Relocated Spectral Difference Occurrence Matrix (rSDOM) is proposed. It assesses the distribution of spectral difference in a given neighborhood. For metrological purposes, rSDOM ...
    • A metrological spectral difference space for the statistical modelling of hyperspectral images 

      Deborah, Hilda; Richard, Noël; Ülfarsson, Magnús Ö; Benediktsson, Jón Atli; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve (Chapter, 2019)
      Answering to metrological constraints typically required in the context of industrial and medical applications, a spectral difference space is introduced in this work. In this space, an acquired hyperspectral data is treated ...