Now showing items 21-31 of 31

    • Pixel-wise supervision for presentation attack detection on identity document cards 

      Mudgalgundurao, Raghavendra; Schuch, Patrick; Raja, Kiran; Ramachandra, Raghavendra; Damer, Naser (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Identity documents (or IDs) play an important role in verifying the identity of a person with wide applications in banks, travel, video-identification services and border controls. Replay or photocopied ID cards can be ...
    • A response to the European Data Protection Supervisor ‘Misunderstandings in Biometrics’ by the European Association for Biometrics 

      Busch, Christoph; Czajka, Adam; Deravi, Farzin; Drozdowski, Pawel; Gomez‐Barrero, Marta; Hasse, Georg; Henniger, Olaf; Kindt, Els; Kolberg, Jascha; Nouak, Alexander; Raja, Kiran; Ramachandra, Raghavendra; Rathgeb, Christian; Salomon, Jean; Veldhuis, Raymond Nicolaas Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The intention of this position paper is to comment on the joint European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)-Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (aepd) publication ‘14 Misunderstandings with regard to Biometric Identification ...
    • Robust Algorithms For Face Morphing Attack Detection: Database, Vulnerability and Detection 

      Venkatesh, Sushma Krupa (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:299, Doctoral thesis, 2022)
      Biometrics has emerged as a promising technology for automated recognition of individuals. The stored biometric characteristics are used to recognise an individual and hence biometrics technology plays a major role in ...
    • Smartphone Presentation Attack Detection using TrueDepth 

      Azim, Hamza; Wudarczyk, Milosz Antoni; Øhman-Norén, Kristian Amundsen (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Automatisk angrepsgjenkjenning ved ansikts-autentisering (PAD) er en viktig del av å kunne beskytte ansiktsgjenkjennings-systemer fra alvorlige potensielle sik- kerhetsbrudd. I dag eksisterer et flerfoldig antall stabile, ...
    • Smartphone Presentation Attack Detection using TrueDepth 

      Azim, Hamza; Wudarczyk, Milosz Antoni; Øhman-Norén, Kristian Amundsen (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Automatisk angrepsgjenkjenning ved ansikts-autentisering (PAD) er en viktig del av å kunne beskytte ansiktsgjenkjennings-systemer fra alvorlige potensielle sikkerhetsbrudd. I dag eksisterer et flerfoldig antall stabile, ...
    • Template-Driven Knowledge Distillation for Compact and Accurate Periocular Biometrics Deep-Learning Models 

      Boutros, Fadi; Damer, Naser; Raja, Kiran; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This work addresses the challenge of building an accurate and generalizable periocular recognition model with a small number of learnable parameters. Deeper (larger) models are typically more capable of learning complex ...
    • Text-to-speech Synthesis Conditioned on Speaker Characteristic and Emotional Profile 

      Ness, Håkon (Master thesis, 2022)
      Innenfor tale generasjon har det vært en økende interesse av Deep Learning- og Machine Learning algoritmer for å prøve å generere syntetisk menneskelig tale som konkurrerer med naturlig tale. Etter den beryktede ...
    • Towards better and unlinkable protected biometric templates using label-assisted discrete hashing 

      Raja, Kiran; Mudgalgundurao, Raghavendra; Busch, Christoph (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The growth of biometrics-based authentication in various services raises the need to protect biometric data at the storage level. Specifically, biometric templates need to be protected after features are extracted to avoid ...
    • Towards generalized morphing attack detection by learning residuals 

      Raja, Kiran; Gupta, Gourav; Venkatesh, Sushma; Ramachandra, Raghavendra; Busch, Christoph (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Face recognition systems (FRS) are vulnerable to different kinds of attacks. Morphing attack combines multiple face images to obtain a single face image that can verify equally against all contributing subjects. Various ...
    • Understanding Cognition and Competence of Human Observers in Detecting Manipulated Faces 

      Shrestha, Bhanu (Master thesis, 2024)
      Face Recognition Systems (FRS) have a crucial role in various critical systems in modern society, making them targets for a range of attacks. This thesis explores the impact of a form of facial image manipulation called ...
    • Unsupervised Denoising for Super-Resolution (UDSR) of Real-World Images 

      Prajapati, Kalpesh; Chudasama, Vishal; Patel, Heena; Sarvaiya, Anjali; Upla, Kishor; Raja, Kiran; Ramachandra, Raghavendra; Busch, Christoph (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Single Image Super-Resolution (SISR) using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for many applications in supervised manner has resulted in significant improvement in state-of-the-art performance. Such supervised models ...