• Nearly Tight Diffie-Hellman-Based Key Exchange – A theoretical analysis of practical protocols 

      Karlsen Thesen, Einar (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Formålet med denne oppgaven er å beskrive og analysere flere Diffie-Hellman- baserte nøkkelutvekslingsprotokoller, med vekt på skarpe sikkerhetsbevis. Sentralt i analysen er et enkelt og praktisk Diffie-Hellman-basert protokoll ...
    • Number Field Sieve 

      Spaans, Ruben Grønning (Master thesis, 2013)
      The Number Field Sieve (NFS) is the fastest known general method for factoring integers having more than 120 digits. In this thesis we will will study the algebraic number theory that lies behind the algorithm, describe ...
    • Offline Assisted Group Key Exchange 

      Boyd, Colin Alexander; Davies, Gareth Thomas; Gjøsteen, Kristian; Jiang, Yao (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      We design a group key exchange protocol with forward secrecy where most of the participants remain offline until they wish to compute the key. This is well suited to a cloud storage environment where users are often offline, ...
    • On Optimal Tightness for Key Exchange with Full Forward Secrecy via Key Confirmation 

      Gellert, Kai; Gjøsteen, Kristian; Jacobsen, Håkon; Jager, Tibor (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      A standard paradigm for building key exchange protocols with full forward secrecy (and explicit authentication) is to add key confirmation messages to an underlying protocol having only weak forward secrecy (and implicit ...
    • Paper-based electronic voting 

      Testaniere, Anna Solveig Julia (Master thesis, 2015)
      In this thesis, we present two paper-based electronic voting systems Prêt-à-Voter and Demos. We describe these in the same systematic way with new examples. Furthermore, we implement RSA cryptosystem in Prêt-à-Voter. Then, ...
    • Paper-based electronic voting 

      Vederhus, Anna (Master thesis, 2015)
      In this thesis, we present two paper-based electronic voting systems Prêt-à-Voter and Demos. We describe these in the same systematic way with new examples. Furthermore, we implement RSA cryptosystem in Prêt-à-Voter. Then, ...
    • Picnic with Friends: Constructing post quantum digital signature schemes 

      Millerjord, Lise (Master thesis, 2021)
      Det digitale signatursystemet, Picnic [5], er et post-kvantesystem som ble introdusert som en del av NIST-prosessen for å standardisere post-kvantekryptografi [15]. Vi ser på hvordan Picnic er konstruert, og sikkerhetsegenskapene ...
    • Point Multiplication 

      Nuri, Haidar (Master thesis, 2012)
      We have looked at some theory behind the Weierstrass curve, Hessian curve and Edwards curve. Also the cost of the Weierstrass curve and the Edwards curve have been measured for different wNAF representations.
    • Post-quantum cryptography 

      Hageli, Sander Støle (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      I denne bacheloroppgaven, ser vi på CRYSTALS Kyber, en CCA2 kvante-resistante Key Encapsulation Mechanism, hvordan den er konstruert og dens sikkerhet. Vi kommer også til å se på Module Learning With Error Problemet. Det ...
    • Practical and tightly-secure digital signatures and authenticated key exchange 

      Gjøsteen, Kristian; Jager, Tibor (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Tight security is increasingly gaining importance in real-world cryptography, as it allows to choose cryptographic parameters in a way that is supported by a security proof, without the need to sacrifice efficiency by ...
    • Practical Isogeny-Based Key-Exchange with Optimal Tightness 

      de Kock, Bor; Gjøsteen, Kristian; Veroni, Mattia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      We exploit the Diffie-Hellman-like structure of CSIDH to build a quantum-resistant authenticated key-exchange algorithm. Our security proof has optimal tightness, which means that the protocol is efficient even when ...
    • PriBank: Confidential Blockchain Scaling Using Short Commit-and-Proof NIZK Argument 

      Gjøsteen, Kristian; Raikwar, Mayank; Wu, Shuang (Chapter, 2022)
    • Privacy Preserving Computation with Fully Homomorphic Encryption 

      Sjødin, Jacob (Master thesis, 2021)
      Målet med denne oppgaven er å vise hvordan personvernbevarende beregninger kan oppnås gjennom homomorf kryptering. Oppgaven utforsker BGV-kryptosystemet og hvordan det kan brukes til å beregne vilkårlige polynomer på data. ...
    • Privacy Preserving Encryption and Machine Learning 

      Bredland, Ulrik (Master thesis, 2023)
      Målet med denne oppgaven er å undersøke hvordan vi kan bruke homomorf kryptering med maskinlæring. Vi utforsker det homomorfe krypteringssystemet CKKS som fungerer for aritmetikk med omtrentlige tall. Deretter diskuterer ...
    • Privacy-Preserving Cryptography from Zero-Knowledge Proofs 

      Silde, Tjerand Aga (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:235, Doctoral thesis, 2022)
    • Refining the Internet Voting Protocol 

      Lund, Anders Smedstuen (Master thesis, 2011)
      We make two improvements to the Internet voting protocol written by Gjøsteen. The first improvement improves the performance of the protocol, by changing the encryption of the votes. The second improvement improves the ...
    • Return Codes from Lattice Assumptions 

      Høgåsen, Audhild (Master thesis, 2022)
      Vi presenterer en fremgangsmåte for å lage returkoder for et gitter-basert elektronisk valgsystem. For et valgsystem med fire kontrollkomponenter og kommunikasjon i to runder oppnår protokollen vår en total kommunikasjonsstørrelse ...
    • Revisiting Practical and Usable Coercion-Resistant Remote E-Voting 

      Estaji, Ehsan; Haines, Thomas Edmund; Gjøsteen, Kristian; Ryan, Peter Y. A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      In this paper we revisit the seminal coercion-resistant e-voting protocol by Juels, Catalano and Jakobsson (JCJ) and in particular the attempts to make it usable and practical. In JCJ the user needs to handle cryptographic ...
    • Secure and Verifiable Electronic Elections at NTNU 

      Onshus, Bent Kristoffer Rosvold (Master thesis, 2006)
      This thesis describes an electronic voting system based on Damg\aa rd, Jurik and Nielsen's generalization of Paillier's probabilistic public key system. A threshold variant of this homomorphic cryptosystem is used to provide ...
    • Secure and Verifiable Electronic Elections at NTNU 

      Onshus, Bent Kristoffer Rosvold (Master thesis, 2006)
      This thesis describes an electronic voting system based on Damgaa rd, Jurik and Nielsen's generalization of Paillier's probabilistic public key system. A threshold variant of this homomorphic cryptosystem is used to provide ...