Technological solutions for production of protein and lipid rich fractions from whitefish RRM - Deliverable 3.1
Slizyte, Rasa; Tveit, Guro Møen; Remme, Jannicke; Meidell, Line S.; Bondø, Morten Steen; Carvajal, Ana Karina; Toldnes, Bendik; Durand, Rachel; Mozuraityte, Revilija; Standal, Inger Beate
The work executed in the frame of WP3 of the SUPREME project indicated that a number of high-quality marine ingredients and products can be produced from white fish rest raw materials (RRM) by choosing the right preservation and processing technologies. Silaging of RRM from whitefish was proven to be a technological solution that can be used for preservation and short-term storage of raw material. Simple and inexpensive preservation technologies can be used for storage and transportation of whitefish skins, which then can be used for production of high-quality marine gelatine. Both collagen and gelatine can be extracted from collagen-rich whitefish RRM like bones and skins. Optimisation of gelatine extraction technologies indicated that thermally pre-treated backbones yield slightly higher amount of gelatine. There was no significant difference in quality or chemical and sensory characteristics of hydrolysates produced from cod head captured by trawl or longline: frozen cod heads from The Norwegian sea-going fleet can be an excellent source of high-quality proteins and this was proved by upscaled hydrolysis. Muscle removed form cod backbones can be used for production of taste neutral proteins, which are comparable with protein from other sources like whey and pea proteins. Technological solutions for production of protein and lipid rich fractions from whitefish RRM - Deliverable 3.1