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dc.contributor.authorNogueira, Leticia Antunes
dc.description.abstractThis viewpoint article explores the Scopus AI — Elsevier’s innovative add on to the Scopus database, which allows users to engage with the Scopus database in natural language rather than via Boolean operators. Scopus AI’ strength lies in combining the communication properties of a language model with the information integrity of peer-reviewed sources. It does not substitute the need to review the literature, but can be helpful in search, especially if stakes are low and a systematic approach is unnecessary. Because of increased sophistication of tools and information systems, the degree of competencies required from users also increases. Reasonable understanding of how AI works, as well as search expertise, source criticism and scientific skepticism remain essential. With these in place, and with a clear understanding of the purpose of various information tasks, users can be better positioned to decide how best to employ various tools to get the job done.en_US
dc.publisherAmerican Library Associationen_US
dc.titleChatbots and scholarly databases: Impressions from trying out Scopus AIen_US
dc.typePeer revieweden_US
dc.typeJournal articleen_US
dc.source.journalInformation Technology and Librariesen_US

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