Freedom Between The Walls - Rehabilitation center for drug and alcohol addicts In Sri Lanka
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Sri Lanka har i flere år møtt på motgang fra alle kanter, og rusmisbruken gjør det ikke lettere. I dag har Sri Lanka et stort behov for et rehabiliteringssenter. Oppgaven går ut på å prosjektere et rehabiliteringssenter for rusmisbrukere og alkohol avhengige på Sri Lanka. Ettersom rehabiliteringssenteret skal bygges i virkeligheten ønsker jeg å vende fokuset på program, detaljering, materialbruk, og den rommlige følelse. Tanken er å utforme et rehab som kan hjelpe rusavhengige i de ulike fasene av behandlingstiden og motivere dem til å leve et rusfritt liv. Sri Lanka is a country that has faced many challenges and struggles, especially with drug and alcohol addiction. A rehabilitation center is the need of the hour to help those who want to recover from their substance abuse problems. My project is to design a rehabilitation center that can accommodate the different stages of the recovery process and inspire the patients to lead a healthy and drug free life. In this thesis the main focus will be on the program and landscape and how the architecture play an important role as a rehabilitator and help reinsert humans back in to society as positive and independent beings, who choose to stay away from drugs and alcohol. Spatial feeling and the experience of the place are also mainly focused. I want to design a rehab that is functional, comforting, and supportive for both the patients and the staff.