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dc.contributor.advisorLin, Jia-Chun
dc.contributor.authorAltamimi, Nora
dc.contributor.authorEngh, Emina
dc.contributor.authorLyngen, Katrine Brække
dc.contributor.authorMolland, Camilla Dagsgård
dc.description.abstractIkomm eies av syv kommuner hvor de fungerer som deres IT-avdeling. For tiden er de i prosessen av å skaffe seg en ekstern SOC-leverandør, for å levere SOC-tjenester til sine kommuner. Imidlertid, kan eksisterende beste praksis for homogene organisasjoner være uegnet for sammensatte organisasjoner som kommuner. Målet for denne oppgaven var å forbedre samarbeidet med en ekstern SOC og identifisere utfordringene dette medfører. For å få innsikt i disse utfordringene, gjennomførte vi undersøkelser, intervjuer og studerte rapporter. Basert på funnene har vi utviklet en rekke anbefalinger som fungerer som retningslinjer for å forbedre samarbeidet med en ekstern SOC. Dette inkluderer hvilke kompetanse IT-avdelingen trenger for å sikre innsikt og forståelse med en SOC, samt ansvarsfordeling.
dc.description.abstractIkomm is owned by seven municipalities, and serves as their IT department. They are currently in the process of acquiring an external SOC provider to deliver SOC services for their municipalities. However, existing best practices for homogeneous organizations may not be suitable for complex organizations like municipalities. The aim for this thesis was to enhance collaboration with an external SOC and identify challenges that may arise. To gain insight into these challenges, we conducted surveys, interviews and reviewed reports. Based on the findings, we have developed a set of recommendations that serve as a guideline for improving collaborations with an external SOC. This includes what competences the IT department needs to have to ensure insight and understanding with a SOC, as well as division of responsibilities.
dc.titleEnhancing Communication and Collaboration between a Security Operation Center (SOC) and a Municipality
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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