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dc.contributor.advisorAamodt, Agnar
dc.contributor.advisorHugaas, Mari
dc.contributor.authorBjerke, Martin
dc.description.abstractI denne masteroppgaven har to forskjellige Gated Recurrent Neural Network-arkitekturer blitt testet på det multivariable tidsserie klassifikasjonsproblemet, lekkasjedeteksjon i vannfordelingsnettverk. Tre ulike maskininnlæringsmetoder ble vurdert, Convolutional Nerual Networks, Case-Based Reasoning og Recurent Neural Networks. Et system er implementert og testet basert på Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) og Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) med forskjellige hyperparametere og har vist seg å kunne oppdage lekkasjer innenfor to forskjellige vannett, Net1 og Hanoi. Systemet klarte en true positiv rate på 86%, en false positiv hastighet på mindre enn 0, 1%, en nøyaktighet på over 99% og en deteksjonstid på mindre enn 1 time på Net1. Så vidt vi vet, er dette første gang Gated RNN har blitt brukt for lekkasjedeteksjon i vannett.
dc.description.abstractIn this master thesis two different Gated Recurrent Neural Network architectures have been tested on the multivariate time series classification problem of leak detection in water distribution networks (WDN). Three different machine learning approaches were considered, Convolutional Nerual Networks, Case-Based Reasoning and Reccurent Neural Networks. A leak detection system has been implemented and tested which incorporates a Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) with different hyper parameters and have been shown to be able to detect leaks within two different WDNs, Net1 and Hanoi. The leak detection system managed a true positive rate of 86%, a false positive rate of less than 0.1%, an accuracy of greater than 99% and a detection time of less than 1 hour on the Net1. To our knowledge, this is the first time Gated RNNs have been applied for leak detection in water networks
dc.titleLeak Detection in Water Distribution Networks using Gated Recurrent Neural Networks
dc.typeMaster thesis

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