Team Management in Software Development - is agile the best way to go?
The thesis is written with the following report structure:
Chapter 2 - Software developmentIn this chapter I will present the theory behind Software Development. I start with explaining the different software eras and methodologies that were a part of them, before describing the agile methods which this thesis has as a main component.
Chapter 3 - Project ManagementIn this chapter I will present the theory behind project management, with the focus on PRINCE2. Further I will look deeper into PRINCE2 and what techniques and components this method uses and the theory behind it. This is the other main component in this thesis.
Chapter 4 - Team ManagementWith the basic theory of Scrum and PRINCE2 from the previous chapters, will I in this chapter present the theory and studies done on team management on the two methods. Further I will look at the similarities and differences in team management compared to each other.
Chapter 5 - Discussion and ConclusionIn this chapter I will look at other studies and discuss the research questions, and than come to a conclusion.
The main findings in this thesis was that it is no definitive answer to which method is best to use in a specific case, but it has been shown that PRINCE2 is efficient in large development groups, while Scrum has not been studied in this setting as much as it should have been. It has also been shown that the Scrum methodology and its techniques gives the developers an efficient workspace when in smaller groups, and still gives the customers what they want.
Keywords: software development,agile software development, project management, Scrum, Prince 2, team management,