Mechanical Properties of Poly(Alkyl Cyanoacrylate) Nanoparticles Measured by Atomic Force Microscopy
With the use of Poly(Alkyl Cyanoacrylate) nanoparticles as drug carriers in ultrasound mediated cancer therapy, it is desirable to know the mechanical properties(Young's Modulus) of the particles to be able to predict their behaviour when exposed to acoustic radiation. This can be done with nanoindentation on Atomic Force Microscopes. By developing a new method of calibration and analysis for the BioScope Catalyst and a brief introduction to the Asylum Cypher, ((n-butyl-, 2-ethyl-butyl- and octyl cyanoacrylate)PBCA, PEBCA, and POCA, respec-tively) particles produced by SINTEF was examined. The PEBCA particles was found in multiple different measurements to have an expected mean value of 2000-2500 MPa. PBCA and POCA measurements were inconclusive.