Hydrodynamic Interaction Among the Pontoons of a Floating Bridge: Effect of Global Responses
Master thesis
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- Institutt for marin teknikk [3579]
The National Public Road Administration has made a plan to establish a ferry-free roadconnection between Kristiansand and Trondheim. Bjørnafjorden is one of these fjords thathave to be crossed, and several solutions are proposed for crossing. The design is developed in a cooperation between COWI, Aas Jakobsen, Johs Holte As and Global Maritimeas a part of The Norwegian Public Roads Administrations (NPRA).
The purpose of this master thesis is to examine the effects of hydrodynamic interaction onthe dynamic response in regular and irregular waves. The results shows that large oscillations for multibody configuration begins for frequency between 1-2 rad/s. The designchosen in this thesis is a curved floating bridge, with a cable-stayed section in the southend that allows ship traffic to pass under the bridge. It is free floating without mooringlines, and the shear forces are carried through membrane stresses with the curved design.The bridge girder has a total distance from south to north of 5435 meters. In the southend, a navigation channel is placed with a span length of 525 meters. The low bridge hasa span length of 100 meters, and the main girder is 16.2 meters above sea-level.
First part of this project was a literature study regarding floating bridge concepts for Bjørnafjorden, dynamic loads on floating bridges and hydrodynamic interactions between rigidbodies. The pontoon model was created in GeniE with a reasonable mesh. The second partwas to do a first order potential flow analysis of the different pontoon size in HydroD andWadam. The curved bridge model was created in SIMA where hydrodynamic interactionbetween the pontoons was studied. Static analysis and eigenmode analysis was also carried out to verify the model is modeled correctly. The static analysis mainly focuses onbending moment, shear stress and static displacement of the bridge girder and comparedto the reference model by The Norwegian Public Roads Administrations.
An eigenvalue analysis was conducted, and large period deflection modes were observedfor horizontal bending of the bridge girder. The maximum eigenvalue was found to be65.4 seconds. The results of the eigenvalue analysis were compared with the referenceanalysis and were found to correspond well. This gave confidence for the model beingable to represent the structural response of the bridge reasonably well.
A simplified floating bridge was established to do further analysis of the effect of hydrodynamic interaction in three different wave directions. The wave heading from the north-west is most critical regarding moments and displacements. That may be because of distribution of all six load components, while waves from the west only have three componentsIn a RIFLEX model the hydrodynamic couplings matrix for radiation data is not included.The interaction problem is therefore based on first order wave force transfer function andradiation data in the diagonal matrix.
In an early stage, I realized how complicated a floating bridge concept is and cover all theaspects are impossible. The complete floating cable-stayed bridge with a total length ofmore than 5 kilometers turned out to be too large to analysis the hydrodynamic interactioneffects. The primary focus was put on studying the response of simple bridge caused bywave loads from different headings.