Cross-platform development - evaluation of available solutions
HTML5 and cross platform mobile development are challenging conventional native development. Various cross platform frameworks have emerged to aid developers reaching more platforms. The different tools have different approaches to cross platform development, but solve the same problem of maintaining one code base which is built to several platforms. Frameworks utilizing web technology has spawned numerous different JavaScript user interface (UI) libraries. The UI libraries handles all logic and layout in the application, while the frameworks bridges the gap between native and web technology. Libraries can be considered as toolkits supplementing the frameworks in cross platform app development. The number of available UI libraries that have appeared in recent times indicates the popularity of the method.The four libraries Intel App Framework, jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch and Zepto are evaluated. The libraries are chosen based on their perceived popularity among other developers. For each library a test application is developed forming the basis of evaluation. A qualitative and quantitative evaluation is proposed to distinguish the libraries. The qualitative evaluation is rooted in a set of criteria. The quantitative evaluation is implemented by benchmarks consisting of core Document Object Model (DOM) manipulations run in different iterations on both the Android and iOS platform. Intel App Framework is qualitatively the best option for Dogu because of its low technical barrier, long-term feasibility, completeness and testability. It is found that jQuery Mobile and Sencha Touch also are viable options for Dogu based on the qualitatively evaluation. Intel App Framework has marginally better performance on the benchmarks than Sencha Touch. The Intel App Framework with the Apache Cordova framework is chosen to implement the SalesScreen application and proves that the library can be used to develop well-structured high performing apps.