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dc.contributor.advisorFiskvik, Anne Margrethe
dc.contributor.authorJønsson, Ingeborg Beate Dahlstrøm
dc.description.abstractThis paper looks at the possibility for a connection between dance, culture/education and the Folk College in Norway. I have observed students who attended Sunnfjord Folk College for one year, and had dance as a major subject. I have interviewed six of the students, who attended the school between year 2008 and 2013. The age ranges from 17 to 26. My thesis is based on Åse Løvset Glad’s theory of learning, in, about, and through dance. I have looked at different dimensions that dance can be categorized in: - Learning about dance - Dance and its social aspect - Aesthetic perspective - Emotional and kinaesthetic perspective - Creative dancers - Cognitive learning through dance - Dance as a utility function In this paper I have illustrated that dance has several educational venues. The development of self-efficacy, personal growth, cognitive processes, social benefits, and dance knowledge are some of the perspectives dance has given the students at the Folk College. Trans-effect between dance, the Folk College and education was made clear through observations and informants' own reflections and responses. The clearest connection between dance, the Folk College and education, was their increased self-esteem and developing respect and understanding for other people in the society. The students have reflected about their own developments and identity. Dance and the Folk College share a lot of their same values: Human in center. The result of this thesis was that there are trans-effects between dance, education and folk college. Meanwhile, dance has a lot to offer when it comes to education, both in and outside the folk college world.nb_NO
dc.titleDans og danning - en arena i folkehøgskolen?nb_NO
dc.typeMaster thesisnb_NO
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Humaniora: 000nb_NO
dc.description.localcodeDenne masteroppgaven vil etter forfatterens ønske ikke bli tilgjengelig.nb_NO

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