Studies of bimetallic particle formation in reforming catalysts
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Gjervan, Torbjørn; Rønning, M.; Prestvik, R.; Tøtdal, B.; Lyman, C.E.; Holmen, A.. Bimetallic nano-particle formation in the Pt-Re reformingcatalysts revealed by STEM/EDX, XANES/EXAFS and chemical characterization techniques : effects of water and chlorine. Studies in surface science and catalysis. A.Corma, F.V.Melo. S.Mendioroz, J.L.G. Fierro (Eds), Proceedings of the 12th ICC, Granada, Spain, July 9-14 2000. 130 D: 3189-3194, 2000.Rønning, M.; Gjervan, Torbjørn; Prestvik, R.; Nicholsen, David G.; Holmen, A.. Influence of Pretreatment Temperature on the Bimetallic Interactions in Pt-Re/Al2O3 Reforming Catalysts Studied by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy. Journal of Catalysis. 204(2): 292-304, 2001.
Gjervan, Torbjørn; Prestvik, R.; Tøtdal, B.; Lyman, C.E.; Holmen, A.. The influence of the chlorine content on the bimetallic particle formation in Pt–Re/Al2O3 studied by STEM/EDX, TPR, H2 chemisorption and model reaction studies. Catalysis Today. 65(2-4): 163-169, 2001.
Gjervan, Torbjørn; Prestvik, R.; Holmen, A.. Catalytic reforming. Basic principles in applied catalysis (Springer series in chemical physics ; 75), 2003.