Browsing Institutt for IKT og realfag by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 614
3D-skanner for bruk i stabilisering av håndleddsbrudd
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Denne rapporten tar for seg målet å forbedre dagens gipsingsprosess for underarmsbrudd. Dagens prosess krever store mengder kunnskap hos de som legger gipsen, samt tid og trening for å få et resultat som støtter slik det ... -
3D-tilpasset støtteskinne ved håndleddsbrudd
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)Denne rapporten omhandler bacheloroppgaven: “3D-tilpasset støtteskinne ved håndleddsbrudd”. Oppgaven tar for seg dagens behandlingsmetode, problematikken rundt denne og hvordan den kan forbedres. Hensikten er å bevise at ... -
3DOF Motion Platform For Educational Applications With Model Predictive Control
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)En Bevegelsesplattform er et utmerket verktøy som studenter kan bruke til å simulere virkelige scenarioer i et kontrollert miljø til testing og eksperimentering. Model Predictive Control betraktes som et mer gjennomførbart ... -
53BP1 and BRCA1 control pathway choice for stalled replication restart
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The cellular pathways that restart stalled replication forks are essential for genome stability and tumor prevention. However, how many of these pathways exist in cells and how these pathways are selectively activated ... -
5Minuti Website
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)I de siste tiår har nettsider spilt en stor rolle i vårt samfunn. nettsider har mange ulike roller. Nettsider kan tiltrekke og informere lesere om forskjellige ting. Dette er også tilfellet for vårt prosjekt. Våre klienters ... -
A Blockchain-Based Risk and Information System Control Framework
(Chapter, 2018)Risk and Information System Control Framework in business includes the methods and processes to manage risks and seize opportunities which involve identifying particular risk events relevant to the objectives, assessing ... -
A Clinical Decision Support Framework for Heterogeneous Data Sources
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)To keep pace with the developments in medical informatics, health medical data is being collected continually. But, owing to the diversity of its categories and sources, medical data has become so complicated in many ... -
A co-verification interface design for high-assurance CPS
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) tightly integrate cyber and physical components and transcend traditional control systems and embedded system. Such systems are often mission-critical; therefore, they must be high-assurance. ... -
A Comparative study of model performance on multiple systems for real-time object detection.
(Master thesis, 2023)Med utviklingen av smarte byer, har forskere undersøkt hvordan bruken av data kan gjøre by forvaltningen mer effektiv og forbedre livskvaliteten for innbyggerne i byen. I smarte byer må datainnsamlingen foregå i sanntid ... -
A comparison between optimization algorithms applied to offshore crane design using an online crane prototyping tool
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Offshore crane design requires the configuration of a large set of design parameters in a manner that meets customers’ demands and operational requirements, which makes it a very tedious, time-consuming and expensive process ... -
A Comprehensive Approach from 360◦ Scanning to 3D Reconstruction, and Safer Marine Operations With the Help of Robotic Simulation
(Master thesis, 2024)I jakten på å fremme marine operasjoner, beskriver denne masteroppgaven en omfattende rørledning som inkluderer 360° skanning for 3D-rekonstruksjon og robot simulering for å fremme tryggere og mer effektive maritime ... -
A computer-automated design tool for intelligent virtual prototyping of offshore cranes
(Chapter, 2015)In close collaboration with the maritime industry, virtual prototyping with maritime application has been an important research topic for Aalesund University College for some years. In this paper, we describe the development ... -
A Feature Preprocessing Framework of Remote Sensing Image for Marine Targets Recognition
(Chapter, 2018)The effective extraction of continuous features of marine remote sensing image is the key to the processing of marine target recognition. Since many of the existing data mining algorithms can only deal with discrete ... -
A Flipped Classroom Approach for Teaching a Master’s Course on Artificial Intelligence
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In this paper, I present a flipped classroom approach for teaching a master’s course on artificial intelligence. Traditional lectures from the classroom are outsourced to an open online course that contains high quality ... -
A framework for graphical and networked applications, an online 3D game, and tools
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)I dette prosjektet utviklet vi et rammeverk for grafikk- og nettverksapplikasjoner i C++. Rammeverket ble utviklet med kryssplattformstøtte i tankene. Det betyr at plattformspesifikke APIer ble innkapslet. Noen av funksjonene ... -
A GA-Based Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Controller for Greenhouse Climate Control System
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In this research paper, a new application of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) to the control of greenhouse climate system is introduced. To cope with the large amount of uncertainties present in such systems ... -
A Game-based Learning Framework for Controlling Brain-Actuated Wheelchairs
(Chapter, 2016)Paraplegia is a disability caused by impairment in motor or sensory functions of the lower limbs. Most paraplegic subjects use mechanical wheelchairs for their movement, however, patients with reduced upper limb functionality ... -
A Generic Pipeline for Creating Immersive Experiences Towards Cultural Heritage Preservation, Dissemination, and Promotion
(Master thesis, 2022)Nye teknologier som 3D rekonstruksjon og utvidet virkelighet blir ofte brukt til å lage virtuelle opplevelser innen kulturarv. En literatur studie gjort i denne master oppgaven på disse teknologiene indikerer at de blir ... -
A Language and Platform Independent Co-Simulation Framework Based on the Functional Mock-Up Interface
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The main goal of the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) standard is to allow the sharing of simulation models across tools. To accomplish this, FMI relies on a combination of XML-files and compiled C-code packaged in a zip ... -
A Low Cost USV for Aqua Farm Inspection
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2016)This paper describes the rapid prototyping of a low cost remotely controlled unmanned surface vessel (USV) intended for inspection of aqua farms. There is an increased focus on inspection of ocean-based aqua farms due to ...