Browsing Institutt for IKT og realfag by Title
Now showing items 476-495 of 614
Relationship between maximal aerobic power with aerobic fitness as a function of signal-to-noise ratio
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Efforts to better understand cardiorespiratory health are relevant for the future development of optimized physical activity programs. We aimed to explore the impact of the signal quality on the expected associations between ... -
Relationship between tropical leaf phenology and ecosystem productivity using phenocameras
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Introduction: The interplay of water and light, regarded as the main driver of tropical plant dynamics, determines leaf phenology and ecosystem productivity. Leaf phenology has been discussed as a key variable to explain ... -
Relative Motion Tracking of Vessels using Multi-Camera Handover and Aruco Markers
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)Tauetanken hos NTNU, avdeling Ålesund, brukes i hovedsak av studenter i skipsdesign for å teste skrogmodeller, ROVer og andre vannfartøy. Ved undersøkelser av skipsdesign, brukes småskala testing med modeller for å ... -
Release Note System
(Bachelor thesis, 2020)I en bransje der det er høyt fokus på korte leveranser av programvare, er det å dokumentere disse leveransenefortsatt tungvindt manuelt-arbeid. Oppgaven gitt av Cordel beskriver et ønske om et ... -
Relevant Feedback Based Accurate and Intelligent Retrieval on Capturing User Intention for Personalized Websites
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)With the rapid growth of networking, cyber–physical–social systems (CPSSs) provide vast amounts of information. Aimed at the huge and complex data provided by networking, obtaining valuable information to meet precise ... -
Remaining Useful Life Prediction for Lithium-Ion Battery: A Deep Learning Approach
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Accurate prediction of remaining useful life (RUL) of lithium-ion battery plays an increasingly crucial role in the intelligent battery health management systems. The advances in deep learning introduce new data-driven ... -
Representing Scientific Literature Evolution via Temporal Knowledge Graphs
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Scientific publications register the current knowledge in a specific domain. As new researches are conducted, knowledge evolves, getting documented in dissertations, theses and articles. In this article, we introduce new ... -
Research and development in agricultural robotics: A perspective of digital farming
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Digital farming is the practice of modern technologies such as sensors, robotics, and data analysis for shifting from tedious operations to continuously automated processes. This paper reviews some of the latest achievements ... -
A Review of Content-Based and Context-Based Recommendation Systems
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In our work, we have presented two widely used recommendation systems. We have presented a context-aware recommender system to filter the items associated with user’s interests coupled with a context-based recommender ... -
A review of emerging technologies for rapid prototyping
(Chapter, 2023)This paper reviews the prototyping of objects. Rapid prototyping is becoming increasingly important in mechanical and industrial design engineering. This study looks at how commercial CAD programming products can be used ... -
A Review of Parking Slot Types and their Detection Techniques for Smart Cities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Smart parking system plays a critical role in the overall development of the cities. The capability to precisely detect an open parking space nearby is necessary for autonomous vehicle parking for smart cities. Finding ... -
A riemannian geometry theory of synergy selection for visually-guided movement
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Bringing together a Riemannian geometry account of visual space with a complementary account of human movement synergies we present a neurally-feasible computational formulation of visuomotor task performance. This cohesive ... -
The Riemannian Geometry Theory of Visually-Guided Movement Accounts for Afterimage Illusions and Size Constancy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This discussion paper supplements our two theoretical contributions previously published in this journal on the geometric nature of visual space. We first show here how our Riemannian formulation explains the recent ... -
Robotic assembly line for junction boxes
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Denne rapporten viser utviklingen og resultatene av en automatisert monteringslinje som monterer elektro bokser for Pipelife. Systemet inneholder forskjellige komponenter som roboter, transportband, lineær drivere, robot ... -
Robotic Harvesting of Fruiting Vegetables: A Simulation Approach in V-REP, ROS and MATLAB
(Chapter, 2018)In modern agriculture, there is a high demand to move from tedious manual harvesting to a continuously automated operation. This chapter reports on designing a simulation and control platform in V-REP, ROS, and MATLAB for ... -
Robotic Picking and Placing: An Automated Solution for Paint Bucket Handling
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Dette prosjektet er en bacheloroppgave ved NTNU Ålesund, der oppdragsgiver er Solwr. Hovedfokuset ved denne oppgaven var å undersøke måter å identifisere, plukke og stable maligsspann ved bruk av en robot og maskinsyn. ... -
Robotic Process Automation
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Dette prosjektet startet med at jeg hadde en god ide for å strukturere e-postene vi får om kunder som ‘går ned’- mister forbindelsen. Jeg har utviklet både en nettside og programmert en robot til å lese e-posten og plassere ... -
Robotised Grinding in Confined Space
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Denne bacheloroppgåva viser funna av dei føreslegne metodane og teknikkane. Observasjonane og dataene som er generert gjennom denne avhandlinga viser potensial for betydelege forbetringar i systemets yteevne og kapabilitetar. ... -
Robust H-Infinity Decentralized Control for Industrial Cooperative Robots.
(Chapter, 2019)In this paper, a robust H-infinity controller is proposed for industrial cooperative robots in which disturbances are taken into account for an appropriate controller design. Considering the disturbance affects the system ... -
Robust Sparse Representation and Multiclass Support Matrix Machines for the Classification of Motor Imagery EEG Signals
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background: EEG signals are extremely complex in comparison to other biomedical signals, thus require an efficient feature selection as well as classification approach. Traditional feature extraction and classification ...