Now showing items 442-461 of 612

    • Point Cloud Acquisition and Analysis for Guard Rail Measurements 

      Steinnes, Ole-Martin Hagen (Master thesis, 2021)
      Veirekkverk er et viktig sikkerhetstiltak på våre veier. I 2020 publiserte Statens vegvesen en studie om norske veier. Den viste at feil, mangler og avvik i rekkverk var en medvirkende faktor i 11% av dødsulykkene i 2019. ...
    • Posisjons- og avstandsmåling med ett enkelt kamera for maritime løfteoperasjoner 

      Gjelseth, Ørjan; Flatval, Ivan (Bachelor thesis, 2015)
      Denne rapporten beskriver den avsluttende bacheloroppgaven i studiet automatiseringsteknikk ved Høgskolen i Ålesund. Oppgaven er gitt av Rolls Royce Marine (RRM) ved Norsk Maritimt Kompetansesenter (NMK) i Ålesund. Rolls ...
    • Post Occupancy Evaluation of the Built Environment: A Case Study of Mosque Facilities 

      M. Ibrahim, Ahmed; Hassanain, Mohammad A.; Kajak, Mohammed; Hamida, Mohammad B.; Ibrahim, Ahmed M. (Journal article, 2021)
      Mosques are religious and cultural facilities that are used as a place of worship, social gatherings, and religious events by Islamic communities. The built environment in these facilities should meet certain technical, ...
    • Prediciting Filter Lifetime for Hydraulic Systems 

      Skjong, Erlend Synnes (Bachelor thesis, 2018)
      Fokuset på denne oppgaven var å utvikle en mer pålitelig og generell metode for å forutsi tilstanden til filtrene som er installert i hydrauliske systemer. Med bedre overvåkning og predikasjoner på levetid for disse ...
    • Predicting annual illuminance and operative temperature in residential buildings using artificial neural networks 

      Kristiansen, Tobias; Jamil, Faisal; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Hamdy, Mohamed (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Simulation-based multi-objective optimizations is proving to be an effective approach for supporting the building design and finding a balance between daylight availability, thermal comfort and energy performance. This ...
    • Prediction of Bearing Remaining Useful Life With Deep Convolution Neural Network 

      Ren, Lei; Sun, Yaqiang; Wang, Hao; Zhang, Lin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Cyber-physical-social system (CPSS) has drawn tremendous attention in industrial applications such as industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). As the fundamental component of IIoT, bearings play an increasingly important role ...
    • Predictive digital twin for offshore wind farms 

      Haghshenas, Amirashkan; Hasan, Agus Ismail; Osen, Ottar Laurits; Mikalsen, Egil Tennfjord (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      As wind turbines continue to grow in size, they are increasingly being deployed offshore. This causes operation and maintenance of wind turbines becoming more challenging. Digitalization is a key enabling technology to ...
    • Predictive Digital Twin of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle 

      Bhagavathi, Ravitej (Master thesis, 2022)
      Systems of the present day are getting increasingly complex with a higher degree of autonomy in performing safety-critical tasks. Digital twins, that are capable of representing these systems digitally throughout their ...
    • Predictive Digital Twin of Wind Farm 

      Haghshenas, Amirashkan (Master thesis, 2022)
      Det nåværende prosjektet er industri 4.0 digital tvilling for havvindpark som er et forsøk på å forske på de nyeste teknologiene, presentere og utvikle en digital infrastruktur for vindparker. Det vil tillate brukere å ...
    • Predictive Maintenance of Norwegian Road Network Using Deep Learning Models 

      Hassan, Muhammad Umair; Steinnes, Ole-Martin Hagen; Gustafsson, Eirik Gribbestad; Løken, Sivert; Hameed, Ibrahim A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
    • Prediktivt vedlikehold 

      Drønnen, Rasmus.; Natland, Stian.; Rekdal, Andreas. (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      I denne rapporten beskrives mulighetene for å bruke PdM (Predictive maintenance) som system for å oppdage feil på transportører produsert av Optimar AS. Formålet har vært både å finne feil før noe går galt samt avklare ...
    • Preventing environmental disasters from grounding accidents : a case study of tugboat positioning along the Norwegian coast 

      Assimizele, Brice; Royset, Johannes; Bye, Robin Trulssen; Oppen, Johan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      An important task of operators in Norwegian vessel traffic services (VTS) centres is to cleverly position tugboats before potential vessel distress calls. Here, we formulate a non-linear binary-integer program, integrated ...
    • PRIMASS visits Hilda and Cybele groups 

      De Prá, Mario N.; Pinilla-Alonso, Noemi; Carvano, Jorge M.; Licandro, Javier; Campins, Humberto; Mothe-Diniz, Thais; de Leon, Julia; Alí-Lagoa, V. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)
      The Cybele and Hilda dynamical groups delimit the outer edge of the asteroid belt. Their compositional distribution is a key element to constrain evolutionary models of the Solar System. In this paper, we present a ...
    • Principled Interpolation in Normalizing Flows 

      Fadel, Samuel G.; Mair, Sebastian; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva; Brefeld, Ulf (Chapter, 2021)
      Generative models based on normalizing flows are very successful in modeling complex data distributions using simpler ones. However, straightforward linear interpolations show unexpected side effects, as interpolation paths ...
    • Prognostics and Health Management for Air Compressors Based on Deep Learning Techniques 

      Gribbestad, Magnus (Master thesis, 2019)
      Typiske vedlikeholdsstrategier på luftkompressorer i dag er avhengig av planlagte vedlikeholdstiltak basert på levetidsstatistikk, eller å reparere noe etter det har feilet. Målet med denne oppgaven er å utforske prediktivt ...
    • Programming in Mathematics Education: An Intermediary between the Real-World and the Mathematical Model 

      Brandsæter, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      In realistic mathematics education students expand their common sense through guided reinvention, aiming to prevent the dichotomy between what the students experience as real and the associated mathematical model. The ...
    • Promoting activity in long-term care facilities with the social robot Pepper: a pilot study 

      Blindheim, Kari; Solberg, Mads; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Alnes, Rigmor Einang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      About 40 000 individuals depend on assisted living in long-term care facilities in Norway. Around 80% of these have a cognitive impairment or suffer from dementia. This actualizes the need for activities that are tailored ...
    • A Proposed Framework for Early Prediction of Schistosomiasis 

      Ali, Zain; Hayat, Muhammad Faisal; Shaukat, Kamran; Alam, Talha Mahboob; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Luo, Suhuai; Basheer, Shakila; Ayadi, Manel; Ksibi, Amel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Schistosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease that continues to be a leading cause of illness and mortality around the globe. The causing parasites are affixed to the skin through defiled water and enter the human body. ...
    • Prosjektering av lavspenningsnett i hyttefelt Orrelia 

      Tynes, Thomas Martin (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Det skal prosjekteres et lavspenningsnett med transformatorstasjon til nytt hyttefelt i Orrelia på Orreneset i Sykkylven kommune. Effektbehovet til de 32 hytteboligene må beregnes i forhold til dagens forbruk, og for riktig ...
    • Prototyping av gripemodul og objektgjenkjenningssystem for automatisk sortering av gjenbrukskasser 

      Indrelid, Anders Holsæter; Dyb, Tom Erik Flaaen; Huse, Brage (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Denne oppgaven omhandler utviklingsløpet fra konseptidé til en ferdig prototype for automatisk sortering av gjenbrukskasser brukt i matindustrien, dette ved bruk av en gripemodul og objektgjennkjenning. Disse kassene blir ...