Enzymatic re-esterification for the purpose of TAG production from high PUFA content ethyl esters: A mechanical investigation
There is little available information on the synthesis of triacylglycerol?s due to the industrial value of this field. There is also a shifting focus on enzymatic in favour of chemical processes due to more environmental friendly technology. This thesis aims to construct and understand the mechanics of an enzymatic process, utilising Novozym 435 for the production of triacylglycerol?s from high PUFA content ethyl esters. Lab-scale experiments were carried out with particular focus on factors such as temperature and pressure, but also reaction kinetics. Experimental results were analysed by TLC-FID and 13C/1H NMR to establish lipid class changes and enzymatic acyl- and positional preferences. Maximum TAG yield obtained was 81%. An Arrhenius plot showed concave curvature with an Ea ranging from 24 - 47.5 kJ/mol. The reaction rate showed a linear dependency on pressure and temperature with a 0.28- and 0.6 area%/h change pr. 1 mbar and 1C° respectively. Novozym 435 displayed 1,3-specificity, but no n-3 preference or discrimination.