Analysis of the Environmental Management in the Planning Phase for the Construction of an Electrical Railway - The Case for the Electrification of the Trønder and Meråker Lines by Jernbaneverket
The purpose of the study is to analyse the environmental management in the planning phase of the case project Electrification of the Trønder and Meråker lines by Jernbaneverket. This includes identification of experiences and challenges, and potential measures for improving environmental performance. The case is an environmental pilot project in Jernbaneverket, which can provide learning both in Jernbaneverket and in the construction industry. The project is a part of the modernization of the railway net. Environmental aspects related to Norwegian greenhouse gas reduction targets are emphasized in the study. The analyses were performed through interviews with employees in the project, and Gap analyses for compliance to internal and external environmental demands. Additional roles in Jernbaneverket were further interviewed for providing insights to main experiences and challenges in Jernbaneverket. There are in general strong structures for environmental management in Jernbaneverket. The results provided indicates that the case project has higher environmental ambitions than projects usually have in Jernbaneverket. A comprehensive environmental budget provides extended information regarding impacts from the project, and this enables setting more specific environmental demands in procurements than the norm. Still, the use of an environmental budget and inventory is considered quite new in Jernbaneverket. The results indicate that a bottleneck for securing environmental performance through the project phases is lacking knowledge and experience for some matters. This concerns how to best use the information an environmental budget provides, and how to set, integrate, and follow up different types of demands in tenders and contracts. Further, increasing environmental knowledge has been found to possibly promote fewer delays and cost increases in the project.