Browsing NTNU Handelshøyskolen by Title
Now showing items 195-214 of 1759
Can Bitcoin be a diversifier, hedge or safe haven tool?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper investigates whether Bitcoin acts as a diversifier, hedge or safe haven tool for investors in major developed and developing markets, as well as for commodities. This paper employs the GARCH Dynamic Conditional ... -
Can board gender diversity promote corporate social performance?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Purpose This paper examines if gender diversity on corporate boards promotes corporate social performance across industries and across countries. Design/methodology/approach Fixed-effect panel models are estimated using ... -
Can commodities dominate stock and bond portfolios?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In this article we discuss whether commodities should be included as an asset class when establishing portfolios. By investigating second order stochastic dominance relations, we find that the stock and bond indices tend ... -
Can international elite sport success trickle down to mass sport participation? Evidence from Danish team handball
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Many scholars do not find evidence of a trickle-down effect from elite sport success to mass sport participation. Contrary to what is assumed by the trickle-down effect “theorem”, successful elite sportspeople do not seem ... -
Can LSTM-networks predict electricity prices in Trondheim?
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)I denne bacheloroppgaven i økonomi og administrasjon skal vi undersøke hvor vidt long-short-term-memory neurale nettverk kan brukes til å forutsi moregndagens strømpris i Trondheim. Dette basert på prisen på naturgass, ... -
Can Multiple-Choice Questions Replace Constructed Response Test as an Exam Form in Business Courses? Evidence from a Business School
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The discussion of whether multiple-choice questions can replace the traditional exam with essays and constructed questions in introductory courses has just started in Norway. There is not an easy answer. The findings depend ... -
Can Norwegian medium-sized firms make a business case of corporate social responsibility?
(Master thesis, 2022)De fleste akademikere og bedriftsledere er enige om at implementering av bærekraft i forretningspraksis er nødvendig. Til tross for inkonsitente resultater, finner et stort antall studier bevis for at bedrifter kan forbedre ... -
Can the inclusion of green initiatives variables help us explain the electricity price more accurately?
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Med økt bruk av fornybare energikilder og grønne initiativer vil det de kommende årene være en stor ending i strømmarkedet. Denne bacheloroppgaven undersøker rollen grønne initiativer kan ha å forklare endinger i ... -
Can we identify the students who have success in macroeconomics depending on exam format by comparing multiple-choice test and constructed response test?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The selection of assessment format in business schools and higher education has been a topic of consideration for many years. Currently, in Norway, there is a debate about replacing constructed response (CR) questions with ... -
Capital Structure and Machine Learning Techniques in Scandinavia
(Master thesis, 2021)Sammensetningen av egenkapital og gjeld har vært en omdiskutert debatt i bedriftsfinans litteraturen de siste tiårene. Til tross for stor diskusjon, er det ikke oppnådd enighet om en pålitelig modell for å beregne gjeldsmålet ... -
Capital structure decisions, speed of adjustment and firm performance of listed shipping companies: New empirical evidence - Kapitalstruktur beslutninger, justeringshastighet og finansielt resultat av børsnoterte shipping selskaper: Ny empirisk bevis
(Master thesis, 2018)This paper examines the factors that influence capital structure decisions, the relationship between capital structure and firm performance, and the speed of adjustment for the shipping industry. Shipping companies tend ... -
Capital structure in the Norwegian non-manufacturing and manufacturing industry
(Master thesis, 2024)Hovedmålet for de fleste firmaer er å maksimere bedriftens verdi og aksjonærformuen. For å oppnå dette målet mener teorier at firmaet bør bruke en optimal kombinasjon av egenkapital og gjeld for å redusere sin vektede ... -
Carbon emissions, corporate governance, and hostile takeover threats
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Exploiting a unique measure of takeover vulnerability principally based on state legislations, we investigate how corporate carbon reduction efforts are influenced by the takeover market, which is widely regarded as a ... -
Career preferences of business students in Norway and Poland: Factors explaining the choice between public and private sector
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)There is competition between the public and private sectors to attract a highly qualified workforce in business and management. This study contributes to understanding the factors that influence students' choices, which ... -
Case Regionalt Kompetanseforum Hordaland - Hvordan fyller Hordaland fylkeskommune samfunnsutviklerrollen?
(Master thesis, 2021)Kompetansepolitikken har det siste tiåret kommet høyt på den politiske agendaen og både nasjonale, regionale og lokale myndigheter forsøker å finne frem til løsninger og aktiviteter som kan gi noen svar om fremtidens ... -
Casestudie: Endringsledelse i TINE SA
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Målet med denne oppgaven har vært å besvare problemstillingen “hvordan kan ledelsen i store bedrifter utføre omstillingsprosesser i møte med endringskrav?” For å besvare denne problemstillingen har vi benyttet oss av teori ... -
Casestudie: Forholdet mellom lederens og ansattes oppfattelse av ledelse i TietoEvry per K1 2022 - En studie av oppfattet og forventet lederstil i en bedrift i endring
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)I løpet av semesteret har gruppen bearbeidet data med målet om å svare på problemstillingen “Hvordan oppfatter leder og ansatte i TietoEvry lederens lederstil, sammenlignet med de ansattes forventninger til lederen i ... -
Cash Flow and the Consistency Principle in Working Capital Management Calculations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The consistency principle when estimating cash flows states that the net present value of the discounted cash flow should be the same, even when using different estimation methods and techniques. However, the estimation ... -
Catch-and-release and angler utility: evidence from an Atlantic salmon recreational fishery
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Catch‐and‐release (C&R) is often regarded as a win–win management tool in recreational fisheries. As long as release mortality is low, C&R may ensure both sustainable fish stocks and a large recreational fishing sector. ... -
Caught in the middle: The importance of interprofessional communication between healthcare middle managers in hospitals
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Over the last few decades, new public management reforms have dominated the hospital sectors in a number of European countries. Financial and nonfinancial performance targets have been introduced into most areas of the ...