Browsing NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet (uspesifisert) by Title
Now showing items 22-41 of 122
A dated volcano-tectonic deformation event in Jan Mayen causing landlocking of Arctic charr
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We provide the first documentation of tectonic deformation resulting from a volcanic eruption on the island of Jan Mayen. Vertical displacement of about 14 m southwest of the stratovolcano Beerenberg is associated with an ... -
Dendrochronological analysis of 19 Norwegian grain chests
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Nineteen Norwegian grain chests made of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) were analyzed by measuring tree-ring widths on photographs and scanned pictures. Seventeen of the chests were successfully dated by dendrochronology. ... -
Earthworms, Darwin and prehistoric agriculture-Chernozem genesis reconsidered
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Chernozems are among the most fertile agricultural soils on Earth and are important terrestrial carbon reservoirs. Since the Miocene-advent of grassland-ecosystems, they develop on fine-grained calcareous parent materials, ... -
Ecological studies in Hopavågen, a landlocked bay at Agdenes, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway
(Gunneria, 0332-8554; 71, Research report, 1996)The results of a study on the physical and biological conditions in Hopavågen and Straumen are presented. The data were collected during the period 1983-1994. The hydrographic data show that the deep water of Hopavågen ... -
Ecology Of Echinoderms In Borgenfjorden, North-Trøndelag, Norway
(Det Kgl. Norske Videnskabers Selskab, Museet, Miscellanea / senere endret navn til Gunneria; 8, Research report, 1973) -
EDB-basert framstilling av botaniske utbredelseskart
(NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Rapport Botanisk Serie, 0802-2992; 1989:1, Research report, 1989) -
Elgens genetiske struktur i Norge
(NINA Rapport;467, Research report, 2009)Elgen er en viktig naturressurs i Norge med stor økonomisk og rekreasjonsmessig betydning. Til tross for dette vet vi lite om elgens genetiske variasjon, og således evnen den norske elgen har til å takle forandringer i ... -
En høvdings gård - en høvdings grav. En vikingtids båtgrav på Egge i Steinkjer, Nord-Trøndelag
(Gunneria, 0332-8554; 72, Research report, 1997) -
En plantesosiologisk undersøkelse av vann- og sumpvegetasjon i Møre og Romsdal
(Det Kgl. Norske Videnskabers Selskab, Museet, Miscellanea / senere endret navn til Gunneria; 22, Research report, 1975) -
The extinct Sicilian wolf shows a complex history of isolation and admixture with ancient dogs
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The Sicilian wolf remained isolated in Sicily from the end of the Pleistocene until its extermination in the 1930s–1960s. Given its long-term isolation on the island and distinctive morphology, the genetic origin of the ... -
Fagmøte i vegetasjonsøkologi på Kongsvoll 18.-20.3.1984
(NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Rapport Botanisk Serie, 0802-2992; 1984:7, Research report, 1984) -
Fagmøte i vegetasjonsøkologi på Kongsvoll 1995
(NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Rapport Botanisk Serie, 0802-2992; 1995:3, Research report, 1995) -
Fagmøte i vegetasjonsøkologi på Kongsvoll 1998
(NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Rapport Botanisk Serie, 0802-2992; 1998:4, Research report, 1998) -
Ferskvannsbiologiske undersøkelser i Samsjøen, Holtsjøen, Samaelva og Søavassdraget, Sør-Trøndelag, i 2017
(NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet naturhistorisk rapport;, Research report, 2018) -
Findings from an in-Depth Annual Tree-Ring Radiocarbon Intercomparison
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The radiocarbon (14C) calibration curve so far contains annually resolved data only for a short period of time. With accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) matching the precision of decay counting, it is now possible to ... -
First 10Be measurements at Trondheim 1 MV AMS
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The performance of the Trondheim 1 MV AMS system for 10Be measurements has been investigated. While the initial acceptance tests were done using the 1 + 1+ charge state, we concluded that the 2 + 2+ charge state offers ... -
Fiskeribiologiske undersøkelser i Huddingsvatn, Røyrvik, 1974-1977
(NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Rapport Zoologisk Serie, 0802-0833; 1978:8, Research report, 1978) -
Fiskeribiologiske undersøkelser i Huddingsvatn, Røyrvik, i 1974, etter to års gruvedrift ved vatnet
(NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Rapport Zoologisk Serie, 0802-0833; 1975:3, Research report, 1975) -
Forest Vegetation in Hemne, Sør-Trøndelag, Western Central Norway
(Det Kgl. Norske Videnskabers Selskab, Museet, Miscellanea / senere endret navn til Gunneria; 12, Research report, 1973)