Browsing NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet (uspesifisert) by Title
Now showing items 96-115 of 122
Rike løvskoger på Ofotfjordens nordside
(NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Rapport Botanisk Serie, 0802-2992; 1984:2, Research report, 1984) -
Samkatalog for museumslitteratur
(Det Kgl. Norske Videnskabers Selskab, Museet, Miscellanea / senere endret navn til Gunneria; 24, Research report, 1976) -
Scandlynx: a vision for coordinated lynx research in Scandinavia
(NINA rapport;, Research report, 2005)This document presents a vision for research needs on Eurasian lynx in Scandinavia. The focus is on applied research to provide managers with the knowledge they need to ensure lynx management is sustainable in the future, ... -
Selecting habitat to survive: The impact of road density on survival in a large carnivore
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Habitat selection studies generally assume that animals select habitat and food resources at multiple scales to maximise their fitness. However, animals sometimes prefer habitats of apparently low quality, especially when ... -
Squeaky Clean Cellulose: Comparing Pretreatment Effectiveness on Single Tree Rings and Wooden Laths
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Obtaining accurate radiocarbon (14C) results from wood samples requires the extraction of cellulose. In the past, this has been done using different combinations of methods including acidified bleaching, acid-base-acid, ... -
Status Report of the Trondheim Radiocarbon Laboratory
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The Trondheim radiocarbon (14C) laboratory has evolved from a traditional radiocarbon decay counting laboratory to an accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) facility primarily measuring 14C. This evolution required adjustments ... -
Strandbergvegetasjon. En plantesosiologisk undersøkelse på Frøya, Sør-Trøndelag
(Gunneria, 0332-8554; 96, Research report, 1984) -
Streptokokker (Gruppe A og B). Strategimøte nr 15, 2001
(Eksterne kvalitetsvurderinger i bakteriologi, mykologi og parasitt, Research report, 2003) -
Supplement 1 to "A bibliography of the Chironomidae"
(Gunneria, 0332-8554; 37, Research report, 1981) -
Teacher time outs in rehearsals: in‑service teachers learning ambitious mathematics teaching practices
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The article focuses on rehearsals as part of a practice-based approach to professional development. Fourteen Norwegian elementary in-service teachers (ISTs) collaborate in learning cycles of enactment and investigation, ... -
Terrestrisk naturovervåking i 2013: Markvegetasjon, epifytter, smågnagere og fugl. Sammenfatning av resultater.
(NINA rapport;1036, Research report, 2014)Overvåkingen i TOV omfatter viktige biologiske komponenter i vanlige boreale og lavalpine økosystemer. Det er forventet at overvåkingsvariablene vil respondere på ulike naturlige og menneskeskapte endringer. Her gis en ... -
The 1953-1965 rise in atmospheric bomb 14C in central Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Sub-annual measurements, eight increments per year, of cellulose in a Scots pine tree growing in central Norway are presented as a proxy for tropospheric 14CO2 at biweekly to monthly resolution. The results are validated ... -
The Ascidian fauna on level bottom areas in the Borgenfjord, 1967-1973
(Det Kgl. Norske Videnskabers Selskab, Museet, Miscellanea / senere endret navn til Gunneria; 21, Research report, 1974) -
The collection of botanical letters to Mikael H. Foslie in the Gunnerus Library: a catalogue
(Gunneria, 0332-8554; 78, Research report, 2005)The catalogue includes records of letters in the Gunnerus Library received by the renowned expert on coralline algae, Mikael H. Foslie, during 1884-1909. Nearly 2000letters have been analysed and the information categorized ... -
The next generation fungal diversity researcher
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Fungi are more important to our lives than is assumed by the general public. They can comprise both devastating pathogens and plant-associated mutualists in nature, and several species have also become important workhorses ... -
The roles of statoliths, auxin transport, and auxin metabolism in root geotropism
(Det Kgl. Norske Videnskabers Selskab, Museet, Miscellanea / senere endret navn til Gunneria; 15, Research report, 1974) -
Tree-ring growth shows that the significant population decline in Norway began before the Black Death
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The Black Death (1349–1350 in Norway) is often cited as the cause of a severe population decline and building hiatus in the middle of the 14th century. This paper analyses this hypothesis by matching the Black Death with ... -
Type Collections of Corallines (Rhodophyta) in the Foslie Herbarium (TRH)
(Gunneria, 0332-8554; 67, Research report, 1993) -
Undersøkelser av fuglefaunaen og småviltbestanden i de områdene som blir berørt av planene om kraftutbygging i Garbergelva, Rotla og Torsbjørka
(NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Rapport Zoologisk Serie, 0802-0833; 1982:3, Research report, 1982) -
Undersøkelser omkring forholdet ørn - sau i Sanddøladalen, 1975
(NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Rapport Zoologisk Serie, 0802-0833; 1975:17, Research report, 1975)